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Printable heart rate zones chart in Title/Summary

Polar ProTrainer

Polar ProTrainer

Polar ProTrainer is a dynamic, advanced piece of software that gives you a deeper understanding of your training based on heart rate zones, speed, distance, time and increasing/decreasing heart rate. The benefits of proper planning before you train are essential, that way you can estimate the intensity of your workout, set your goals and keep to them.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro Oy
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2013


PowerAgent helps you analyze peak power, time in heart rate or power zones, speed and distance averages. Main features: - Compatible with all PowerTap power measurement products. - Import ride history from previous versions of PowerAgent and other software (.tcx files) to watch your strength grow over time for better results.

  • Publisher: PowerTap
  • Home page: www.powertap.com
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2017
Seattle Heart Failure Model

Seattle Heart Failure Model

The Seattle Heart Failure Model (SHFM) is a calculator of projected survival at baseline and after interventions for patients with heart failure. SHFM is designed for use by health care providers knowledgeable in cardiac medicine. Patients should only use SHFM when their healthcare providers are present, such as at a doctor’s office.

  • Publisher: University of Washington
  • Home page: depts.washington.edu
  • Last updated: August 21st, 2010

Printable heart rate zones chart in Description

Machinehead Bicycle Software

Machinehead Bicycle Software

Machinehead Bicycle Software is a versatile and comprehensive suite of cycling-related utilities useful for the amateur and professional alike. It comes with tools that are good for your bicycle (a gear calculator, a spoke length calculator, a crank length calculator, and a chain length calculator) and good for you, such as a power calculator and a heart rate calculator.

SQL Check

SQL Check

Quickly and easily get up and running within minutes using the installation wizard to guide you through the install process. Quickly and easily get up and running within minutes using the installation wizard to guide you through the install process.

  • Publisher: Idera, Inc.
  • Home page: www.idera.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Machinehead LevelCalc (32 bit)

Machinehead LevelCalc (32 bit)

Here is a rather spartan Javascript version of the LevelCalc heart rate calculator. This one calculates heart rate values based entirely upon the BCF/Peter Keen guidelines. With the one important change to allow people who have no idea what there maximum heart rate (MHR) is can estimate from the equation MHR=220-age.

ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator

ECG Simulator Features are: - choose between 33 of the most common rhythms and arrhythmias in a variety of heart rates and with various ectopic activity. - Seamless Rhythm Transitions - Analyze Rhythms In-Depth - Quiz Yourself or Your Audience - Easy Slide-Show Integration - Control ECG Simulator from the Keyboard

  • Publisher: Pace Symposia, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
aHRV Analysis

aHRV Analysis

Nevrokard SA-aHRV is a program for the Heart Rate Analysis in small animals. It features frequency domain analysis of up to 5Hz and a resampling rate of 10Hz. This application intended for use in animals having a considerably higher heart rate than human subjects.

  • Publisher: Nevrokard
  • Home page: www.nevrokard.eu
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2016

Additional Printable heart rate zones chart selection

Garmin Training Center

Garmin Training Center

Track and analyze your fitness activities with Garmin Training Center. Use it to review activity history as well as create workouts and send them to your Garmin fitness device. Garmin Training Center is compatible with all Garmin fitness devices. It operates directly on your computer, not on the Internet.

  • Publisher: Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2011
Polar FlowSync

Polar FlowSync

Polar FlowSync is an application that helps you set up your Polar Loop device and keep your activity data synced. You can plan and analyze every detail of your performance. Polar FlowSync automatically syncs your activity data and settings with the Polar Flow web service.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro
  • Home page: www.polar.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2015
Polar WebSync

Polar WebSync

Polar manufactures heart rate monitoring products for your training/exercising. WebSync program helps you transfer data from certain Polar devices to polarpersonaltrainer.com and polargofit.com websites. The data can then be used for analysis using the website.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2016


SportTracks is a GPS-integrated workout logging software for Windows PCs. Enjoy tracking your fitness goals in an easy-to-use tool and monitor weekly time & distance totals to prevent over-training. Also, it shows GPS routes with street, topo & satellite maps.

TomTom Sports Connect

TomTom Sports Connect

When you log in to TomTom Sports Connect, the TomTom Sports website opens in your browser. Whether you're creating an account or signing in with an existing account, make sure your profile information (height, weight, age and gender) is filled in correctly. This information is needed for accurate tracking of your activity.

  • Publisher: TomTom International B.V.
  • Last updated: September 19th, 2018
Blood Pressure Tracker

Blood Pressure Tracker

Measuring your blood pressure can help you and your doctor prevent or control hypertension and its many complications. Blood pressure readings in the doctor's office may be higher than at other times. The use of home blood pressure monitors can more accurately measure one's overall, or average, blood pressure level.

My Blood Pressure

My Blood Pressure

This program is a very comprehensive application that allows you not only to record your daily blood pressure, but also to keep statistics about it and compare your current data with those of earlier days, weeks and months. Its cost is very affordable, so it can be a wise investment.

  • Publisher: My Health Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Suunto Training Manager Lite

Suunto Training Manager Lite

Suunto Training Manager Lite is an integral part of the Suunto t3c and t4c experience. It stores and organizes training sessions, allowing athletes to analyze their performance and create ideal training plans.With one-button activation, training sessions are quickly uploaded via wireless Suunto PC POD.

  • Publisher: Suunto Oy
  • Home page: www.suunto.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2008


EDFbrowser is an open source, multiplatform, universal viewer and toolbox intended for, but not limited to, timeseries storage files like EEG, EMG, ECG, BioImpedance, etc. Main features: - Supported fileformats: EDF, EDF+, BDF, BDF+. - Nihon Kohden (*.eeg) to EDF+ converter (including annotations). - Unisens to EDF+ converter. - Manscan Microamps (*.mbi/*.mb2) to EDF+ converter.

  • Publisher: Teunis van Beelen
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
VidaOne Diet & Fitness

VidaOne Diet & Fitness

VidaOne Diet & Fitness is the premier Windows application to track all aspects of your diet, fitness and health, in a contemporary and easy-to-user user interface. It includes hundreds of features, such as comprehensive data entry that allows you to create your own data fields if needed, etc.

  • Publisher: VidaOne
  • Last updated: January 2nd, 2013