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Printable ruler for a3 paper in Title/Summary

On-screen Ruler

On-screen Ruler

This lightweight, free, semi-transparent ruler began as a simple project to teach a child about computers, usability and the software development process. However, once John released a version with shortcuts, it quickly evolved into a tool used by thousands of people worldwide, and has been translated into several languages by an enthusiastic user community.

  • Publisher: John Kummailil
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2010
WonderWebWare Screen Ruler

WonderWebWare Screen Ruler

Measure anything on your screen with this free Screen Ruler tool. Measure the distance between two points on your screen, get the exact location and size of an element on a web page that and so much more with this free tool just for you to download and try.

  • Publisher: wonderwebware
  • Home page: wonderwebware.com
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2010


The ruler can be resized using the mouse and is highly configurable. You can change the ruler units using a mouse wheel instead of the menu. The last settings you used are saved in the same directory as the executable. You can check the dimensions of any expression by dragging and dropping units onto the work area. You can also check the dimensions of just the numerator or just the denominator.

  • Publisher: Dr. John Kummailil
  • Last updated: July 14th, 2011

Printable ruler for a3 paper in Description



Scale-Ruler simply requires you to enter a dimension length on the drawing and the actual length of the dimension line. Then Scale-Ruler will calculate the precise scale of the drawing and create a Scale-Ruler for you at that exact scale. Simply print the Scale-Ruler, fold back the paper, and start taking measurements.

Fashion Statements for Women

Fashion Statements for Women

Fashion Statements for Women is designed to deliver the latest in high quality fashion and political/artistic apparel.

  • Publisher: L.H. Grant
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2010
Window Ruler

Window Ruler

Ideal for developers! Window Ruler allows you to measure windows and make screen captures in a simple and fast way. Adjust the measure units (inches, points, centimeters, milimeters and pixels) and the size of the captures. Nothing is easier to run than Window Ruler.

  • Publisher: Lorenzi Davide
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2010
PDF reDirect

PDF reDirect

PDF reDirect installs on your system as a virtual printer and lets you create PDF documents from any printable file. As long as you will be able to print a file, you will also be able to convert it to a PDF document, only by using this application. The average users that only want to quickly convert certain files to PDF documents will surely appreciate its simplicity.

A Ruler for Windows

A Ruler for Windows

Measuring the pixels of objects on your screen is not an easy task. If you need to find out the exact dimensions in pixels of any object on your screen or website, A Ruler for Windows offers you a free and attractive alternative. The program displays an image of a traditional ruler for you to take accurate pixel measurements of anything on your screen, magnifying your desktop up to 4x if needed.

  • Publisher: Rob Latour
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022

Additional Printable ruler for a3 paper selection

PDFill PDF Editor

PDFill PDF Editor

PDF Editor to replace Adobe Acrobat: Create, Fill, Save, Delete, Submit, Reset PDF Form. Insert Text, Image, URL, Whiteout and Highlight, Drawing, Comment, Stamp and Ink into PDF. Scan paper forms into PDF. PDF Writer and PDF Tools.

  • Publisher: PlotSoft
  • Home page: www.pdfill.com
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2016
Disketch Disc Label Software

Disketch Disc Label Software

You can design your own disc and case labels from scratch, or you can use Disketch Disc Label Software to produce high-quality disc labels and covers that fit with the most widely used label templates and stationery brands. With a WYSIWYG approach, this intuitive tool is suitable for anyone in need of creating and printing disc and case labels for their CD, DVD, and Blu-ray collection.

Screen Tracing Paper

Screen Tracing Paper

Screen Tracing Paper overlays a transparent digital sheet over your PC desktop so that you may trace diagrams and designs, giving you measurement capability in any situation. Position, area and circumference can be calculated, with accuracy.

  • Publisher: Iconico
  • Home page: www.iconico.com
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2008
Pepakura Designer

Pepakura Designer

Pepakura Designer allows you to create cutout paper crafts from 3D files in a very easy manner. You only need to open a 3D file and click on the Unfold option. An unfolded cutout model will be generated automatically. The program doesn't have the capabilities for creating 3D models, so you will need another program to do it.

  • Publisher: Tama Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Autodesk DWF Writer

Autodesk DWF Writer

Autodesk DWF Writer for 2D is a simple and handy utility that lets you convert printable documents and 2D drawings into easy to share, CAD-compatible DWF and DWFX files. Autodesk DWF Writer works as a virtual printer that lets you convert files to DWF and DWFX by using the “printing” function from the applications used to open and view those files.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2014


MB-Ruler helps you to measure distances and angles on the screen and distances on a map. Additionally it has a screen loupe function, a RGB value window and you can place temporary points, lines, rectangles, ellipses, polylines, texts and bitmaps as markers on the screen.

Paper Label Maker

Paper Label Maker

Paper-Label-maker is a professional software for printing paper labels, such as address labels, letterheads, flyers, file brochures, software and product labels. There are three projects in the software, every project is designed for different purpose. You can print variant borders, images and texts on labels.

  • Publisher: SyncEdit
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
Paper Stacks

Paper Stacks

Paper Stack is a free,light and easy blog software application. Paper Stack is using PHP 5+, HTML5 and MySQL in order to work correctly. It has no ping-backs, no giant media-somewhat just a simple blog with comments. The software is easy to install and very easy to use

  • Publisher: Ronald Bergmann, m02ph3u5
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012
A-PDF Scan Paper

A-PDF Scan Paper

A-PDF Scan Paper is a professional desktop utility program that lets you to scan and organize your paper in PDF format. It provides a powerful ability to scan and repair your paper documents. A-PDF Scan Paper uses clear thumbnails and metadata to allow you to easily organize, filter, secure, send and retrieval your scanned documents.

  • Publisher: A-PDF Solution
  • Home page: www.a-pdf.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Paper Jamz Pro

Paper Jamz Pro

With Paper Jamz Pro, you'll be able to use your own music to become an instant Rock star. Just download and sync your favorite songs with your Paper Jamz Pro instrument. This program is easy to install and easy to manipulate. It offers allot of great features.

  • Publisher: WowWee
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2011