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Printer page counter in Title/Summary

Dokmee Page Counter

Dokmee Page Counter

Dokmee Page Counter is an easy to use TIFF, PDF and JPEG page counter application. It supports all versions of single page and multi-page TIFF and PDF files as well as single page JPEG files. It allows you to verify the amount of work produced by employees in a production imaging department.

  • Publisher: Office Gemini
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017
PDF Page Counter

PDF Page Counter

It combines the power of the DLL with the ease of a simple to use interface. Whether you need to generate a page count on the fly, or generate a page count on a scheduled basis, this is the software product that places the power into your hands. The application is easy to install and easy to use.

  • Publisher: Sherrod Computers
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2009
TIFF Page Counter

TIFF Page Counter

TIFF Page Count DLL, is a windows complaint DLL that will parse through a TIFF file and return the number of pages the TIFF file contains. The program is capable of quickly extracting this needed information from thousands of files in seconds. Quick help files to get you up and running with no snags and much more.

  • Publisher: Sherrod Computers
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Printer page counter in Description



Total Thunderbird Converter converts emails from Mozilla's Thunbderbird e-mail client to PDF, DOC (WORD), HTML, TXT, TIFF, and PST in a batch. Users can selectively include specific fields into the final document: sender, date, body, etc. The app can add a page counter, a date or an image to your output files.

  • Publisher: CoolUtils Development
  • Home page: www.CoolUtils.com
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2016


Over 500 printable targets! Hundreds of pistol and rifle targets designed for printing from your computer. These are hi-quality vector drawn targets, not bitmap images. So you get clean crisp looking prints from every target. TargetExpress is great for archery too! Most targets are designed for 8.5" x 11" paper.

  • Publisher: MCW Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2010
PathoGOLD CellConnect

PathoGOLD CellConnect

Features: -Capture complete Hemogram and Histograms data from cell counter. -Modify captured data as per your requirement, change reference ranges. -Fetch reference ranges according to age and sex. -Add/Edit/Delete values from captured data. -Print Hemogram and Histogram Side by Side in a neat beautiful format.

  • Publisher: Birlamedisoft
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011
OKI Printer Resetter

OKI Printer Resetter

OKI Printer Resetter is a tool that allows you to significantly reduce your costs in printing. With this program you can reset the counters of the following components: toner counters, drum counters, fuser counter, and belt counter. You will be no longer limited by formal restrictions on the components of your printer which was dictated by OKI.

GreenCloud Printer - green pdf creator

GreenCloud Printer - green pdf creator

Eco-friendly printer driver to save money on your daily print jobs. Save 33% in average of paper, ink and toner without any compromise on quality. Create Pdf files. Use the same preview printing dialog whatever the software you are using.

Additional Printer page counter selection

Advanced PDF Tools

Advanced PDF Tools

Advanced PDF Tools is a fast and easy way to edit or add information into an existing PDF document. It is a standalone software and doesn’t require any other software to be installed on your system. It is a very useful tool to optimize PDF documents for fast viewing in the system, as well as for web viewing. It also helps in reducing the size of PDF file and improving its reliability.

  • Publisher: VeryPDF.com Inc
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer Pro

VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer Pro

PDFCamp Printer Pro is a very light, easy-to-install and -use software tool designed for helping you to create standard PDF files from almost any document, supporting a wide range of document types from a wide variety of applications. This program installs a virtual printer on your Windows system, so that you can create a PDF file from any program allowing you to send printouts.

  • Publisher: verypdf.com, Inc.
  • Home page: www.verypdf.com
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2008
TIFF PDF Counter

TIFF PDF Counter

TIFF PDF Counter is a handy and practical tool that allows you to know the exact number of pages of your PDF and/or TIFF documents. Besides the number of pages, you can also see the size of the files in KB and the created, accessed, and modified dates. You can query and retrieve all that information for many PDF or TIFF documents in a single operation.

  • Publisher: Winsome Technologies
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2012
PractiCount Toolbar Standard for MS Office

PractiCount Toolbar Standard for MS Office

With its help you can get a detailed text count report for the document you are working on with just a click. PractiCount Toolbar consists of three word counting toolbars: for MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint. It provides the broadest range of textcount options counting words, characters with and without spaces, nominal lines and lines per set number of characters with or without spaces.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012
Real PDF Server

Real PDF Server

With this application you can create full-featured Adobe PDF files by printing from within any Windows application on the client side to the shared PDF printer on the server side. With this program you can intercept document extremely fast on their way to the printer, creating a version in Adobe's PDF format instead of spitting out a physical piece of paper.

  • Publisher: Real Software Solutions Inc.
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2010
TIFF Counter

TIFF Counter

Tiff counter is an easy to use Tiff page count application. It supports all versions of single and multi-page tiff files. Tiff counter also support tiff files which is compressed. Tiff counter is fastest tiff page counting application.

PractiCount Toolbar Professional for MS Office

PractiCount Toolbar Professional for MS Office

PractiCount Toolbar for MS Office - the Fastest Way to Count Text in a Document - Just Click on the Button and Wordcount is Done! With its help you can get a detailed text count report for the document you are working on with just a click. PractiCount Toolbar consists of three word counting toolbars: for MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2012
Horizon Investment Analyst

Horizon Investment Analyst

Horizon Investment Analyst calculates profit, periodic, cumulative, & average annual total return, internal rate of return (IRR), capital gain, buy/sell prices, basis worksheets. Many charts. Very useful for investments w/multiple cash flows.

  • Publisher: Horizon Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020


The software is designed for printing houses, photocopy offices and other businesses that print documents with variable data, such as tickets, coupons, stickers, letters, checks, etc. The software main features:- Printing of documents with consecutive numbering according to counter definitions (ascending or descending, flat or deep).

  • Publisher: Smart Printing Solutions LTD.
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2010
e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer

e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer

e-PDF Converter and Creator 2.1 is an application that allows you to convert your doc files into pdf formats. This program supports PDF, EPS, PS, PCX, TIFF, JPEG, BMP and many different formats. You will be able to use this program to creat high quality and searchable PDF files from any application on your computer.

  • Publisher: e-PDFConverter Inc
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008