Program convert thai to lao in Title/Summary

Lao UNICODE Keyboard
Lao Unicode Keyboard is a Lao script Unicode keyboard based on the standard Thai Kedmanee layout with included On Screen Keyboard. It has an efficient input defined for less common symbols and currency symbols. Lao Unicode Keyboard works best with Lao Script for Windows Unicode fonts.
- Publisher: Anousak Souphavanh
- Last updated: January 28th, 2013

Excel Convert Files From English To Thai and Thai To English Software
Convert MS Excel files from English to Thai and vice versa.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2014

Lao Script for Windows
Lao Script allows Lao language text to be easily entered in text processors.Main Features:- Lao Unicode OpenType fonts optimized for screen and webpage use. - Non-Unicode Lao/English TrueType fonts. - Lao phonetic input keyboard mapping, using an easy-to-learn romanized method of writing Lao syllables. - Lao standard keyboard mapping, using the familiar Lao typewriter layout.
- Publisher: Dr. John M. Durdin.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Program convert thai to lao in Description

CLR Tabs To Spaces
Convert tab characters to space characters in text files and on the clipboard. The tab locations are equally spaced and can be customized.
- Publisher: Carl L. Roth
- Last updated: November 28th, 2009

Aplus Image to PDF Converter
Image to PDF converter is a conversion utility that convert images file formats into PDF file format. Tool supports simple GUI that why any one can be use simply. You can work with several image formats like BMP, PNG, JPG, WMF, EMF, GIF, JPEG and TIF
- Publisher: AplusPDF.Com
- Last updated: April 15th, 2015

Toolsoft Audio Converter
Toolsoft Audio Converter is an all-in-one audio converter, merger, splitter, ripper, burner, recorder, player tool to organize, play, convert, join and cut popular 40+ video & audio formats. The program convert AAC, M4R ringtone, M4A (MPEG-4 Audio) for iTunes / iPod / iPhone. (aac converter & m4a converter) and much more.
- Publisher: HongLiang Tang
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 17th, 2011

SoundGraffiti HomeDisco
It is a unique vigorous intelligent music light expose, after computer steer of HomeDisco illumination. The program convert input sound signal to result signal (from LPT haven to uninvolved circuit on base triacs after lamps - up to 12 channels).
- Publisher: SoundGraffiti
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Package: SpokenThai1.9
"Spoken Thai" is a Thai language learning software package that includes six main components and some other useful tools for the beginner and the advanced student.With a total of over 25,000 useful words and phrases most frequently used by a foreigner in Thailand, this is the best and biggest learning tool of its kind.
- Publisher: Granot
- Last updated: April 18th, 2012
Additional Program convert thai to lao selection

Free Video Flip and Rotate
Simple tools like Free Video Flip and Rotate prove that for an app to be powerful and useful is not always necessary to offer a long list of functions and features. This free tool allows to flip and rotate your video images in a one-click operation, in the most straightforward and effective way. As a bonus, the program saves the final video file in as many as four popular video formats.
- Publisher: DVDVideoSoft Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Convert XLS To Any
Convert XLS To Any is a powerful and handy tool that allows you to convert Excel files (*.xls) to any other format including *.txt, *.csv, *.mdb, *.htm, *.dbf, among others. The program is really fast and easy to use. You just have to select the files to convert, choose the destination folder and output format, then click START, and the program does the rest for you.
- Publisher: JKLNSoft
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

The LPSolve IDE (Integrated Development Interface) is a very user friendly Windows interface to the lpsolve API. All functionality of lpsolve can be accessed via a graphical and very user friendly application.You can see the results in grids and can control every possible lpsolve option (tolerances, presolve, scaling, …)
- Publisher: Progdigy
- Last updated: April 18th, 2017

DBF to XLS Converter
But MS Excel does not understand some types of dbf files, it does not understand memo fields, it does not understand long character fields. DBF to XLS (Excel) decides these problems. It allows you to transfer your dbf files to XLS or XLSX (Excel 2007) formats quickly and easily.
- Publisher: WhiteTown Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2018

Total MP3 Converter is the tool you will love to convert your files to mp3. Its user-friendly interface helps you not to get lost in all the settings. The conversion process is divided into several simple steps. Most work can be done automatically with a few mouse clicks. You can convert many files in batches regardless of their source formats and target formats.
- Publisher: Total MP3 Converter
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

Kindle PC Converter
The way Kindle PC Converter works is basically pretty simple: it will automatically detect the book that is being displayed by Kindle PC and help you convert it into a PDF file in just three steps. Although, in the trial version, this will only work for a single page, after you purchase it, you should have no troubles converting entire e-books.
- Publisher: eBook Converter
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 28th, 2011

Java to C# Converter
Java to C# Converter is a program that allows you to convert Java code into C Sharp code. The app allows custom replacement of strings in the final converted code offering excellent conversion of Java syntax. Also, it can convert Java anonymous inner classes to C#.
- Publisher: Tangible Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 1st, 2015

Convert Pdf to Document Pro
Convert Pdf to Document Pro is a desktop-based converting program. This PDF converter can easily convert PDF file into Word (DOC), Excel (XLS), TXT, HTML and RTF file formats at a high rate of speed. The tool has a very simple and straightforward user interface to facilitate quick and simple PDF to DOC conversion.
- Publisher: Convert Pdf to Word,Inc.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2013

Ultra PDF Printer
Print any documents into PDF documents. Convert ppt, word doc, excel xls, html to PDF Can be used to do batch converting documents to PDF in programs Support both 32 and 64 bit windows Support Windows Vista
- Publisher: Utralshareware Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

C++ to VB Converter
C++ to VB Converter allows you to converter folders from C++ to VB. Main features: - Accurate and comprehensive. - Extremely responsive, personalized customer support. - Produces helpful notes, warnings, and 'to do' comments. - Excellent learning tool for those new to VB from C++ backgrounds.
- Publisher: Tangible Software Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 28th, 2015