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Program made surfing slow in Title/Summary

Amazing Slow Downer

Amazing Slow Downer

Learning how to play certain music pieces by ear can be difficult, especially if those pieces are at high speed. This program helps you overcome this inconvenience by slowing down the original speed of the song you want to learn. It also allows you to change its pitch to transpose it. A very useful choice for musicians.

  • Publisher: Roni Music
  • Home page: www.ronimusic.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Anonymous Web Surfing

Anonymous Web Surfing

Anonymous Web Surfing will secure your Internet connection while browsing in Internet. It will protect your connection with 128 Bit SSL encryption and make it impossible to decode. Therefore, your web activity will be completely untraceable even for your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

  • Publisher: AVSoftware
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Slow Motion

Slow Motion

SlowMotion is deceptively simple, yet incredibly intriguing when you start using it. The function is familiar – Slow Motion. Take a video and play it back slowly. But the surface simplicity of SlowMotion hides an incredible technology working behind the scenes.

Program made surfing slow in Description

SoftDigi Smart USB

SoftDigi Smart USB

SoftDigi Smart USB is a powerful device manager and USB vaccine tool for your USB devices. It provides USB malware protection and error checking to ensure that any malicious software on your USB drives does not make it onto the computer.

  • Publisher: SoftDigi
  • Home page: softdigi.com
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2014


Cacheman can fix slow downs, lag, and stuttering not only in desktop applications, but also in computer games including World of Warcraft (WoW), Call of Duty (CoD), and Star Wars – The old Republic (SWTOR). Cacheman will give more CPU power and make more memory (RAM) available to the game.

Speed Gear

Speed Gear

Speed Gear is a fantastic speed hack software to change game speed. It can hack the speed of all kinds of games. Speed Gear is easy-to-use, you can press an easily accessible hotkey to speed up game, slow down game or adjust game to the speed you feel most comfortable with.

  • Publisher: softcows
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2011
NASA World Wind

NASA World Wind

With this SDK, developers can embed World Wind technology in their own applications. The API documentation will be made available later. Requirements: a 3D video card with updated drivers is necessary. World Wind has been tested on Nvidia, ATI/AMD, and Intel platforms using Windows, MacOS 10.4, and Fedora Core 6.

  • Publisher: NASA
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Mp3 Tempo Changer

Mp3 Tempo Changer

MP3 Tempo Changer is a program that allows you to change the speed of any audio file in MP3. The program lets you slow down or speed up an audio track without modifying the pitch. It also work as an audio converter, with the ability to transform a variety of files types into MP3.

  • Publisher: MyPcSoft.com
  • Home page: www.mypcsoft.com
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2010

Additional Program made surfing slow selection

Total Commander PowerPack

Total Commander PowerPack

TC PowerPack 1.7 is a file manager for Windows. This program is, in fact, an extended version of Total Commander, a program made by Christian Ghisler. Total Commander 6.54a is included in TC PowerPack 1.7. During the installation you can choose to install three different skins, Smooth, Futurist or WinCmd.

  • Publisher: Adam Bukowiński [BuKoX]
  • Home page: totalcmd.net
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2011
Photoshop SpeedUp

Photoshop SpeedUp

Adobe Photoshop is one of those monster professional graphical editors that usually take ages to load, a situation that seems to worsen with every new version. Libraries, plug-ins, and a plethora of preferences and panels are initialized every time, and in some cases the whole process may take up to 2 or 3 minutes. Photoshop SpeedUp can turn this endless wait into a 5-second process for free.

  • Publisher: AcroPDF Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: www.acropdf.com
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2018
Digital Physiognomy

Digital Physiognomy

The goal of physiognomy is to allow its practitioners to accurately assess other people’s character and personality based on their facial features. Digital Physiognomy is designed to help those uninitiated in physiognomy correctly evaluate themselves and the people around them.

  • Publisher: UNIPHIZ Lab
  • Home page: www.uniphiz.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Online Bandwidth Monitor

Online Bandwidth Monitor

Online Bandwidth Monitor is a simple Windows program made to allow you to monitor usage of your network adapters from your desktop or online.

iBackup Viewer

iBackup Viewer

iBackup Viewer is a simple Windows utility that enables you to extract data from iOS backup files. This program might come in handy if you want to easily extract the data within an old iOS backup file and transfer it to your new iPhone or iPad device.

Diskeeper Pro Premier

Diskeeper Pro Premier

Diskeeper is a disk defragmentation tool; it’s pretty spiced up though, with great extra features in comparison with regular defragmentation utilities. Some of them are: Terabyte Volume Engine, Unlimited Single Volume Size, InvisiTasking, Intelligent File Access Acceleration Technology, and Frag Shield among others.

  • Publisher: Diskeeper Corporation
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2012
Paltalk Bot

Paltalk Bot

Paltalk Bot is a program made for Paltalk that have many tools to be use in paltalk rooms. You will be able to do many things in the room without actually being there. This bot can be use by regularusers as well as rooms admins. In other to use this bot you will have to install .net 4 in your computer, but if you have windows 7 it should already be install in your computer.

  • Publisher: imFiles
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2015
Moo0 VoiceRecorder

Moo0 VoiceRecorder

Whether you're into karaoke or you just learn easier by listening than reading, having a dependable voice recorder can be really beneficial. Tools like Moo0 VoiceRecorder offer a viable solution for your voice and sound recording needs. Once you finish recording the audio content, you can save your high-quality results to MP3 and WAV formats.

  • Publisher: Moo0
  • Home page: www.moo0.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021


GameCheater is an application written for the Windows 95/98/2000 environment. You don't need to have any experience in coding or advanced debugging like many other attempts at making a game trainer. This is an easy to use, realistic program made for the common gamer who doesn't want to spend time learning to hack but wants to have a little more fun in their games.

  • Publisher: Boosted Soft Inc
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008
Prism HUD

Prism HUD

Prism HUD is software tool that allows you to monitor several loads on your computer, which include CPU, processes and memory loads, among others. The program features a series of very stylish, transparent bars that show any changes at all times. It is useful, customizable, and highly recommendable.

  • Publisher: Util's Haven
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2009