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Program play conquer in Title/Summary

Command & Conquer: Zero Hour Reborn: The Last Stand

Command & Conquer: Zero Hour Reborn: The Last Stand

Command & Conquer: Zero Hour Reborn: The Last Stand is a free modification for the Command & Conquer strategy game that adds new content such as generals, units and upgrades. It also enables you to explore new maps and to prepare your army for difficult missions.

  • Publisher: NLS - No Life Studios
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2008
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

It's an expansion to the critically acclaimed Command and Conquer 3 game.This story will be told through a new set of high-definition, live action video sequences starring a celebrity cast including Joe Kucan, playing the megalomaniac leader of the Brotherhood of Nod, alongside new talent Natasha Henstridge and Carl Lumbly.

DJ OldGames Package: Command and Conquer Gold

DJ OldGames Package: Command and Conquer Gold

The Covert Operations can also be installed with C&C Gold. The Windows 95 version was re-released in 2006 by Electronic Arts as part of the The First Decade compilation pack, with a patch for Windows XP compatibility, and bundled with the expansion pack.

  • Publisher: DJ
  • Home page: www.oldgames.sk
  • Last updated: December 18th, 2009

Program play conquer in Description



WoLoSoft Raduga is a program for automating broadcasts. It's primarily targeted to be useful on radio, but it can also be used in any place where users have to play a list of songs, such as a shop, a private party or a club. Through the Raduga's simple interface, you can build a list of themes to play just by dragging any kind of audio file from any drive and folder and dropping it into the list.

  • Publisher: WoLoSoft International
  • Home page: www.wolosoft.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2010


In MemoryGame you will have to reveal two identical cards in order to remove them from the board. The program will show you fifty four cards laying with its face down on the board. You can flip two cards at a time, so you will have to remember where is a given card when you turn its companion face up. If you fail to match a pair, both card will flip back over again.

  • Publisher: WellCraftedSoftware.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2011
Doug's Word Search

Doug's Word Search

Create and play your own customized word search puzzles or download puzzles (by the author and other users) from the web directly into the program. Play it "On-Screen" or "On-Paper". Play your puzzle on-screen by dragging circles around the hidden words or print it out and play it on paper. Uses a unique "Best-Fit" algorithm to create tight professional quality puzzles.

  • Publisher: Command Line Software
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Pop Bingo Buddy - Pogo

Pop Bingo Buddy - Pogo

Pop Bingo Buddy - Pogo can automatically play Pogo Poppit! Bingo game for you. It can earn you Bingo badges, ranks, and tokens while you are working or sleeping. This application can also be used to get hints while you are playing manually. In automatic mode, you can watch this program play the game in realtime.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy
  • Home page: www.playbuddy.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2017
MP4 Cloner

MP4 Cloner

Offered as a free tool for customers who buy any ClonerAlliance’s video-capturing hardware tool, MP4 Cloner is actually a free tool for everyone wishing to make the most of their MP4 video files. With this attractive and easy-to-use utility you can trim, merge, convert, and burn to DVD or BD your best home movies and any other MP4 file as long as it’s been encoded using the H.264 codec.

  • Publisher: cloneralliance Inc.
  • Last updated: May 3rd, 2018

Additional Program play conquer selection

Play AVStation

Play AVStation

Play AVStation consists of the following three integrated programs: 1. Movie Station - an integrated multimedia program that lets you enjoy movies. 2. Music Station - play audio CD's and music files saved on your PC. 3. Photo Station - view image files saved on your PC and captured from the Movie Station.



Design Science MathPlayer™ is a universal math reader that now enables math to be spoken in assistive technology products. MathPlayer continues to have the most advanced support for MathML of any renderer available, including support for MathML 3 features such as line-breaking, indentation and elementary math, and supports both visual rendering and speech in Internet Explorer.

  • Publisher: Design Science, Inc.
  • Home page: www.dessci.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2016
D-Fend Reloaded

D-Fend Reloaded

This program uses the DOSBox emulator capabilities to make those games playable again, so you don't need a huge programming knowledge to enjoy those games. So dust off your old CD-ROMs or download those pixelled classics and enjoy them again as in the good ol' days using this free program.

ICC Dasher

ICC Dasher

ICC Dasher is the recommended Windows program for connecting and playing on the Internet Chess Club. Designed as the replacement for ICC's classic Windows software, BlitzIn, Dasher offers much the same functionality in a more intuitive graphical user interface especially designed to allow new members to quickly find their way around ICC.

  • Publisher: Internet Chess Club
  • Home page: www.chessclub.com
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2011


BabasChess 4.0.12274.0 is an Internet Chess Client for Windows. BabasChess is free and supports ten different languages: Croatian, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. When you install the program, it will run a Configuration Wizard that will guide you through the task of setting up the utility.

  • Publisher: RRaf
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2017
3D Virtual Cube

3D Virtual Cube

This free program is an animated 3D version of Rubik's cube. You can turn the cube and spin the cube's slices using the mouse. Also, you can customize the program by changing the colors of the cube's faces. Also, it includes three variations of traditional Rubik's cube, namely OddzOn, Arxon and Bicolor. A must for Rubik's cube fans.

  • Publisher: NIERSOFT
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2008


PlayConquer is a bug-free Conquer Online private server to implement all features, quests and events from official servers. Enjoy a fair and fun MMORPG experience with cool CP/EXP drop system and new events. All classes, items, and spells are fully implemented, tested and work exactly the same as official Conquer.

  • Publisher: EzGame
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2016
Shredder Classic

Shredder Classic

Professional chess program by the twelve times world computer chess champion Stefan Meyer-Kahlen with many features and extremely powerful play.

  • Publisher: Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018


A continuously matching background ensures good mood and is changing for each daytime. Thanks to a modern overview of genres and favorites you will keep an overview of all channels and playfully explore new radio stations you could be interested in. BeatStar finds and plays Internet radio via mouse click.

  • Publisher: Abelssoft
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2018
ShowEditor MK2

ShowEditor MK2

The software is used to program the DMXPlayBack MK2 only, have a feel of how easy it is to create great shows using ShowEditor Mk2 You can use the software without the hardware in Offline mode. If you have ever used a real lighting console before you will really feel at home with ShowEditor. Once on your computer, run the file, the installer will create a link in your Start Menu to Show Editor.

  • Publisher: ENTTEC
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2010