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Program to design single footing in Title/Summary

Spread Footing Design

Spread Footing Design

Footings are designed to resist uplift and sliding forces as well as biaxial column moments and compressive forces. The all new “Vista-style” user-interface is more convenient and intuitive than ever! Footings are designed or checked using the latest ACI 318-2008 code.

  • Publisher: Digital Canal Corporation
  • Last updated: October 12th, 2011
LRFD Box Culvert Program

LRFD Box Culvert Program

LRFD Box Culvert is a Mathcad 15 program that allows you to design concrete box culverts, wingwalls, headwalls, and cutoff walls in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specification. Mathcad enables engineers to easily perform, document and share calculation and design results.

  • Publisher: Florida Department of Transportation
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2017
Box-Port Design

Box-Port Design

Clean & Simple. Box-Port Design uses a single interface to generate both optimal and predicted profiles for your driver/enclosure. You need only basic T/S parameters to start designing!Multi-Design. Supports sealed, vented and single-bandpass projects.Precise. Freely change any of the units of measurement without introducing rounding error and without altering the original data.

  • Publisher: SDeCNet.com
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2010

Program to design single footing in Description



Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.

  • Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2009


WinFAD is a computer program developed to assist the bridge engineer in designing or checking spread and pile concrete footings subjected to eccentrically applied axial loads that produce biaxial bending moments. Acceptable spread footing sizes and pile patterns are quickly and efficiently determined using WinFAD.

  • Publisher: IAI Software
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011


All-in-one software for design single skin paragliders like Ozone XXLite. Allow modifying wing shape, profile, settings. Allow printing sew templates with scale 1:1 in A4 or other small printer's formats. Export sew templates to DXF. The main code is written in Javascript, GUI is written in Visual C# 2010 Express.

Visual File Downloader

Visual File Downloader

Visual File Downloader is an easy-to-use download manager program that enables you to download images, files and sites from the Internet. It has thumbnail picture preview mode. The program displays progress during transfer for each file. Supported protocols: FTP and HTTP. Downloaded image or ASCII text files can be viewed in built-in preview window.

  • Publisher: NOVOSIB Software Co.
  • Last updated: November 13th, 2009
Win4D Advance

Win4D Advance

Win4D Advance is a new generation advance 4-D analysis program. Design with the future in mind. A tool you must have to play smart and win better. This is the Windows version program with latest technology C++ laugange.Win4D Advance search engine allow you to search any combination of digits.

Additional Program to design single footing selection

ASDIP Foundation

ASDIP Foundation

ASDIP Foundation is a structural engineering tool for the design of concrete foundations as per the latest ACI 318 provisions. It can compute soil bearing pressures induced by a square or rectangular spread concrete footing subject to vertical load and biaxial moment.

  • Publisher: ASDIP Structural Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Free Tshirt Maker

Free Tshirt Maker

Free Tshirt Maker is a Windows tool created to help you design your own T-shirt models. Once you finish creating your T-shirt draft, the utility will provide you with a URL that will take you to a website from which you can order the custom clothing piece.

Hyne Design

Hyne Design

Hyne Design is a program that incorporates the complete new range of Hyne structural product range and an extensive range of generic timber products. The program provides design solutions for a vast range of domestic construction applications. It brings product information, detailed design information, important fixing and connection guidelines.

  • Publisher: Hyne
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2014


SPACE GASS is a multi-purpose 3D analysis and design program for structural engineers. Its extensive range of features makes it suitable for anything from beams, trusses and frames to buildings, towers, tanks, cable structures and bridges. It provides a wide range of structural modelling tools, analysis options and design modules.

  • Publisher: Integrated Technical Software
  • Home page: www.spacegass.com
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2015
DirectSOFT32 - Programming

DirectSOFT32 - Programming

DirectSOFT32 is full-featured PLC programming package that supports all of the DirectLOGIC families of PLCs, including all DL05, DL06, DL105, DL205, DL305, DL405, and all of their Koyo cousins from GE, TI and Siemens.DirectSOFT32 includes Support for new DL06 and D2-260 CPUs and ASCII in/out and MODBUS instructions for DL06 and D2-260 CPUs

  • Publisher: Host Engineering, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2008
DRPU Barcode Label Maker - Corporate Edition

DRPU Barcode Label Maker - Corporate Edition

Barcode Label Maker Software – Corporate Edition generates barcode images in linear and 2D barcode font standards. The corporate barcode maker program provides batch processing series feature to create bulk numbers of barcode labels with different barcode and text value.

ID-Spec Large

ID-Spec Large

ID-Spec Large is dedicated to designer of electrical distribution in industrial and tertiary buildings. The application allows you to design single line and specify electrical distribution equipment. Benefits: - Power Summary including load implementation directly in the architect layout drawing in DWG format.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2012


SuperCollider is a programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. The program features: single inheritance object-oriented and functional language, constant time message lookup and real time garbage collection, high quality accurate and efficient audio engine, Qt based cross platform Integrated Development Environment, and more.

Website Realizer

Website Realizer

Website realizer allows you to design websites for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. This program is quite easy to use, just like MS Word. Simply drag and drop images to the pages and add text, and all HTML code is generated automatically. It creates pages that runs perfectly well on desktops and mobile devices.



Repute provides a rich set of tools for designing/analysing onshore piles, including various types of single pile, using current and historical design standards (such as Eurocode 7 & BS 8004) and pile groups under generalized 3-dimensional loading (using linear or non-linear soil models)