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Progress reports in Title/Summary

Diet Progress Monitor

Diet Progress Monitor

Diet Progress Monitor Software is a free , easy to use software which helps you track your progress and count calories on a daily basis. It comes with 1.000′s of foods, activities and their caloric values. You can easily import these calories and see how you do the short and the long run.

  • Publisher: Everyone can manage
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2011
Progress Bars of Life

Progress Bars of Life

Progress Bars of Life lets you create a set of custom progress bars that will graphically show the progress towards different events in your life. You can create as many progress bars as you like, and display them in various ways- docked to the edge of a screen and always visible, or invisible and shown on command.



Gradekeeper is a powerful, easy-to-use gradebook program for Windows users. The program can compute grades, create seating charts, print reports and send e-mail progress reports. Also, it allows you to generate random student IDs, as well as change and add students or assignments and scores.

Progress reports in Description



The modules cover Admission, Identity Card Printing, Fees Receipt, School Bus register, Timetable, Class and Class Teacher allotment, Question Bank & Question Maker, Examinations, Teachers / Employee Details, Receipt and Payment Voucher, Day Book, Progress Reports of each student, Subject wise entry and Grading Student, etc.

  • Publisher: DCS Infoway
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2022
Doctors desktop

Doctors desktop

Doctors Desktop is a free, flexible, and comprehensive medical practice solution suitable for both the clinical and the hospital environments. It allows practitioners to keep both Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records, thus providing them with flexible and updated access to online reference regarding patients, prescriptions, test results, lab results, progress reports, etc.

  • Publisher: Zeetech Soft Solutions
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2014
Math 2

Math 2

This Math 2-Pack contains two exceptional math titles, Deluxe Edition Math 1-2 and On-Track Math 1. with a wide variety of problems and formats designed to capture children's unique learning styles and keep them coming back for more. These programs “track” a child’s progress, color-coding correct/incorrect answers and giving first and second graders an at-a-glance review of their work.

  • Publisher: School Zone Interactive
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Mastersoft Mobile Solutions BrainSchool

Mastersoft Mobile Solutions BrainSchool

This is a brain trainer with a difference... 20 amazingly addictive and FUN puzzles, each at 5 increasing levels of difficulty. Not only fun, but it will train your brain across a wide range of differing aptitudes such as; Verbal, Spatial, Numerical, and Musical.

MusicGoals Rhythm

MusicGoals Rhythm

MusicGoals Rhythm offers drills to read rhythms, develop timing and coordination, and learn to write the rhythms that you hear. Better than a metronome, you see your mistakes and learn what to improve. Work at your pace from basic to advanced. Weaknesses become strenghths - progress reports show. Learn to read rhythm at sight. Sharpen timing while keeping a steady beat.

  • Publisher: Singing Electron LLC
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2010

Additional Progress reports selection

Team Task Manager

Team Task Manager

Team Task Manager is the right tool to help keep track of all projects and tasks, focus on what is most important, manage and control time, and dramatically increase group productivity!Team Task Manager is installed and configured in minutes. The friendly user interface gets you started right away and eliminates the need for costly trainings.

  • Publisher: Deskshare Inc.
  • Home page: www.deskshare.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


TestLog offers an integrated management environment in which you will create and manage, not just your test cases, but your entire test plan. It offers a structured approach to the testing process, yet remains versatile enough to fit into any existing methodology (including UML).

  • Publisher: Passmark Software
  • Home page: www.testlog.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2019
Maths Made Easy One

Maths Made Easy One

Maths Made Easy One contains 120 comprehensive lessons and activities covering 30 progressive units of work. Includes animated lessons and demonstrations.Includes extra times table activities, from numbers 2 to 13!Printable progress reports, lessons and certificates. Maths Made Easy is perfect for use in both the home and classroom.

  • Publisher: Edalive
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2011
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 - ENU

Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 - ENU

Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 is an integrated testing toolset that delivers a complete plan-test-track workflow to enable in-context collaboration between you and your developers, greatly increasing your visibility to the overall project.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2014
Coderanger.com BuildIT

Coderanger.com BuildIT

Do you have to run the same tasks over and over again, each and every day?Why not use BuildIT to automate those tasks, whether it is the final packaging of a product, an automated daily build, maybe sending out a mailing list, even backing-up files.

  • Publisher: Coderanger.com
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2009
The Invoice Client Manager

The Invoice Client Manager

Small Business use the Invoice Client Manager to organize and run the Client side of their businesses. All Client details, progress reports, attendance, appointment and payment details are stored in a database. Income and overdue accounts are revealed at the press of a button. Professional invoices are created and printed for your clients.

  • Publisher: Vision Software
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2013
Invoice Client manager

Invoice Client manager

Small Business use the Invoice Client Manager to organize and run the Client side of their businesses.

  • Publisher: Vision Software
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2012
Problem Solving 2000

Problem Solving 2000

A real-life problem is presented like A couple with three children want to have a quiet weekend together. What is the best way to ensure that? The user chooses between a list of four options that could theoretically all be solutions like: Tranquilize the children; Send the children outside to play; Tell the children to watch TV all weekend

  • Publisher: Parrot Software
Situational Reasoning

Situational Reasoning

These are creative lessons by Susan Howell Brubaker experienced speech-language pathologist and workbook author, 150 different situations, timed responses, large easy- to-read screens, cumulative progress reports, flexibility to adjust the number of incorrect responses before the correct answer is supplied.

  • Publisher: Parrot Software
Things in Common

Things in Common

Two different people, places, or things are presented like a director and producer and the user is asked what they have in common. Users choose from a list of four alternatives like: They make movies; They write commercials; They oversee construction; and They work in restaurants.

  • Publisher: Parrot Software