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Protocol clan roster in Title/Summary

Clan Short Roster Database

Clan Short Roster Database

Clan Short Roster Database is designed to make searching and keeping track of all the characters in the Clan Short Universe.The CSRD had the ability to use several different program that work with the CSRD to provide more information for you, the reader.

Clan Short Note Keeper

Clan Short Note Keeper

Ever wished that you could keep your own notes on the clan. Notes that don't get over written when you do an update and work WITH the CSRD. Introducing the Clan Short Note Keeper, the first offical Add-On to the CSRD. It keeps an updated list of the characters, adding new characters as they are added to the CSRD and allows you to keep your own notes on all of them. As you type its saving it!

Clan Short Reader

Clan Short Reader

Presenting a new way to collect and read your favorite, finished, CSU stories! The CSReader allows you to download story packs and read them in a large html format designed just for the CSReader! More of the finished stories will be added as we format them.

Protocol clan roster in Description

Football Roster Organizer

Football Roster Organizer

Coaches of kid?s football teams can use this software in planning rosters and tracking playing time. Football Roster Assistant is free to use and includes features such as printing rosters, setting line-ups per quarter, and help.

  • Publisher: Ducksters
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2011
Baseball Roster Organizer

Baseball Roster Organizer

This great utility is designed to help coaches keep track of their baseball team throughout the season. Arrange and plan your rosters from game to game with baseball software tool. Know who played which position for the entire season.

  • Publisher: Ducksters
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
FungWan Online

FungWan Online

FungWan Online is an online roleplaying game with a Chinese theme. Players can play by joining any of the five clans namely Supreme Sword Clan, King Of Heroes, Matchless Clan, Sword Worship Clan, and Swift Meaning Clan. You can play this game only in multiplayer mode.

  • Publisher: Fungwan Online
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2016
Versus Mod

Versus Mod

This mod is made to improve functionality of a clan, show statistics and online time of clan members. Versus gathers info about every battle on Global Map, shows activity of members in prime time. Mod will be very useful for those, who want to keep an eye on improvements of his society.

  • Publisher: Versus Co
  • Home page: eu.wotvs.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2016
Baseball Roster Assistant

Baseball Roster Assistant

The Date of the game, opponent, and win vs. loss record is also tracked so coaches can determine which roster and line up is having the most game day success. This also allows baseball coaches to keep a record of how many innings a player is getting each game and to insure each baseball player gets the play time they deserve.

  • Publisher: Duck Software
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2011

Additional Protocol clan roster selection

Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol is the world's best spy RPG from Obsidian. It tells the non-linear story of Michael Thorton engaged in solving a global conspiracy involving a great cast of characters, lots of cool gadgets, a ton of roleplaying choices and an overall unique experience that you can make your own.

  • Publisher: Obsidian Entertainment
  • Home page: www.obsidian.net
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2011
SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer

SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer

SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer is a free professional tool for analysing, debugging, maintaining and monitoring local networks and Internet connections. It captures the data passing through the dial-up connection or Ethernet network card, analyses this data and then represents it in a readable form.

  • Publisher: SoftPerfect Research
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2012
ABC Roster

ABC Roster

ABC Roster is a free software application specially designed to assist in the complex task of organizing employee shift schedules (also known as rosters) for small organizations. It was originally targeting food and beverages departments, but it is now used in a wider range of businesses and organizations (such as various charities, hospitals, museums...).

Protocol Test Harness

Protocol Test Harness

The 61850 Test Harness is a Windows application that edits Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files and simulates typical Client or Server devices. The 61850 Test Harness has the ability to create an arbitrary IEC 61850 Object Model, load the Object Model into a compliant IEC 61850 Server, and then connect to the Server using the built in IEC 61850 Client.

Ethereum - Geth - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol

Ethereum - Geth - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol

Ethereum - Geth provides the official go programming language implementation of the Ethereum protocol. Building geth requires both a Go and a C compiler; once the dependencies are installed, simply run "make geth" command or build the full suite of utilities using "make all" command.

  • Publisher: Ethereum
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2017
USB Protocol Suite

USB Protocol Suite

USB Protocol Suite integrates 2 LeCroy applications: CrossSync and USB Compliance Suite. It features: accurate time measurement, CrossSync control panel, comprehensive error detection and analysis, real-time event triggering and capture filtering, and more.

  • Publisher: LeCroy Corporation
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Excel Team Roster Template Software

Excel Team Roster Template Software

This software offers a solution for coaches who need to create accurate rosters for their teams. This template saves you time each season by automatically formatting the list in a concise, print-ready fashion. Relevant data such as team name and season are part of the title, while your name and contact info are part of a sub-title. Use as a parent communication list or an attendance roster.

ComProbe Protocol Analysis System

ComProbe Protocol Analysis System

ComProbe Protocol Analysis System is an easy to use and powerful protocol analysis platform. Whether you are sniffing the air or connecting directly to the chip, Frontline analyzers use the same powerful ComProbe app to help you test, troubleshoot, and debug communications faster.

  • Publisher: Frontline Test Equipment, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2015
Broke Protocol

Broke Protocol

Broke Protocol is an open-world multiplayer role-playing game for Windows platform. Battle it out with everything from household items to black market firearms. Dozens of vehicles ranging from supercars to trucks and everything in-between, each with unique handling and physics.



A list of people and the times when they are required to work. Roster is designed to simplify the process to prepare and maintain staff duty rosters. Duty roster software can save you up to 90% in scheduling time.

  • Publisher: Binary House Software
  • Home page: www.binaryhouse.com
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2008