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Proxyinspector for tmg in Title/Summary

ProxyInspector Enterprise edition

ProxyInspector Enterprise edition

ProxyInspector Enterprise edition retrieves information from log files of such popular proxy servers like Qbik WinGate, Ositis WinProxy, Kerio WinRoute Firewall, Kerio Control 7, Squid, EServ, Microsoft Threat Management Gateway 2010 or Microsoft ISA Server 2000/2004/2006 and gives a comprehensive report on Internet usage.

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
TMG Utility

TMG Utility

TMG Utility is a powerful database modification tool for TMG projects. The program makes modifications to The Master GenealogistTM (TMG) databases and it supports multiple names per person. If you convert a large database to TMG from another program that does not support multiple names, you can use this program to add the names automatically.

Microsoft TMG Client

Microsoft TMG Client

Forefront TMG Client can be installed on client computers protected by Forefront TMG 2010. Forefront TMG Client provides HTTPS inspection notifications, automatic discovery, enhanced security, application support, and access control for client computers.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2011

Proxyinspector for tmg in Description

Microsoft Forefront TMG Best Practices Analyzer

Microsoft Forefront TMG Best Practices Analyzer

The Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) Best Practices Analyzer (BPA) Tool is designed for administrators who want to determine the overall health of their Forefront TMG computers and to diagnose current problems. The tool scans the configuration settings of the local Forefront TMG computer and reports issues that do not conform to the recommended best practices.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2010
ProxyInspector for ISA Server

ProxyInspector for ISA Server

Use this software to generate visually-rich self explanatory reports on virtually every aspect of corporate Internet usage. Reports can be viewed using built-in browser, sent via e-mail, printed out or exported to Excel. Download FREE trial now!

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2008
On This Day

On This Day

On This Day (OTD) reads a TMG database and displays a list of anniversaries: BMDB events that occurred on the same month and day as the current date. Use it to remind yourself or members of your family of important dates in your family history. The output from On This Day can be displayed on screen, sent to an HTML page, or stored in MS Outlook as appointments.

  • Publisher: JohnCardinal
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2008
Forefront TMG Client

Forefront TMG Client

Forefront TMG Client provides HTTPS inspection notifications, automatic discovery, enhanced security, application support, and access control for client computers. It provides authentication for Winsock applications that use TCP and UDP, supports complex secondary protocols, and supplies user and application information to Forefront TMG 2010 logs.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2011
Bandwidth Splitter for Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010

Bandwidth Splitter for Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010

Bandwidth Splitter is a program extension for Forefront TMG and ISA Server that supplements it with new features to allow more rational sharing of the existing Internet connection bandwidth and distributing it among all users and servers according to preset rules.

  • Publisher: BNTC Software
  • Home page: www.bsplitter.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Additional Proxyinspector for tmg selection



ProxyInspector is an application that provides Internet usage analysis and reporting. It is an efficient program that ensures effective monitoring, so your corporate network will never be a distraction for your employees, but a tool for productivity enhancement.

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2015
Fastvue TMG Reporter

Fastvue TMG Reporter

Fastvue TMG Reporter is a program that offers you a way to report on Microsoft Threat Management Gateway. You can generate overview reports or detailed activity reports on users, sites, apps, categories or any traffic that flows through your Forefront TMG Server.

  • Publisher: Fastvue Inc.
  • Home page: www.fastvue.co
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2014
ProxyInspector for WinRoute

ProxyInspector for WinRoute

Analyze log files of your WinRoute HTTP proxy & mail servers and produce comprehensive report on the corporate Internet connection usage. Reports include bandwidth consumed by each user, sites visited, incoming & outcoming mail etc.

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2008
ProxyInspector for WinGate

ProxyInspector for WinGate

Analyze log files of your WinGate proxy server and produce comprehensive report on the corporate Internet connection usage. Reports include bandwidth consumed by each user, sites visited, hourly and weekly usage, attempts to access blocked sites etc.

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2010


GENViewer is an easy-to-use program that allows you to read and analyze genealogy files. The main advantage of GENViewer is its capacity of quickly manipulate big genealogy files with different file formats, including GEDCOM, PAF, TMG, Legacy, RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker.

  • Publisher: MudCreek Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020


Everything you need to add powerful printing features to your application, PrintForm.NET integrates with the .NET printing architecture to print any Windows Form.

  • Publisher: TMG Development Ltd
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2013


GENMatcher quickly compares two genealogy files for matches, or one genealogy file for duplicates. GENMatcher is a Windows-based application that is used to find matches and duplicates in GEDCOM, PAF 3-5, TMG, Legacy 3-7, RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker genealogy files.

  • Publisher: MudCreek Software Inc.
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008
Second Site

Second Site

Second Site can create web pages from genealogy database. It generates either narrative or grid style person pages, a master index, a surname index, and source pages. You can review the site on your own PC before you share it with anyone. You can publish it on the web, or distribute it via a DVD or flash drive.



InetBlocker application has been developed for an easy ISA/TMG server control by inexperienced users (common teachers, not network administrators). It allows blocking or unblocking internet connection for defined groups of computers without direct work with ISA/TMG server in an easy and quick way. Authorized persons can control classroom internet connection in a simple application environment.

  • Publisher: CodePlex
ISA Server Toolkit

ISA Server Toolkit

ISA Server (Forefront TMG) Toolkit is a set of free tools making the work of a Microsoft ISA Server (Forefront TMG) administrator easier. Components Config Viewer Tool designed for the offline analysis of the Microsoft ISA Server (Forefront TMG) configuration.