Pump selection calculation xls in Title/Summary

Discflo Pump Selection
Discflo's PumpSelect is a free stand-alone program that allows you to select the optimum Discflo pump for your application and generate pump curves based on input conditions. It runs on Windows (Windows 98 or above), and requires 233+ Hz Pentium II (or equivalent) to operate. Once file is downloaded, Unzip the file, open the PumpSelect folder and double click on "Setup.exe " to install.
- Publisher: Discflo Corporation Inc.
- Last updated: April 6th, 2011

Robbco Pump Selector is a powerful pump sizing/selection program. Using Robbco Pump Selector, users can quickly search across Robbco Pumps centrifugal pump catalog to identify the "best pump" for the required application. Selections are based on a number of user inputs such as system design point, fluid properties, motor sizing, and NPSH calculations.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015

CLCF Selection Software
CLCF Selection Software is a program that provides the flexibility of unit configuration and performance calculation, both critical aspects in selecting the right unit for the application. The program can be used to design and visualize an air handling unit.
- Publisher: Trane
- Home page: engineer.trane.com
- Last updated: October 21st, 2014
Pump selection calculation xls in Description

PumpBase™ finds the best pumps for your fluid conveyance application. You can refine your selection by specifying up to 40 selection criteria.PumpBase's database contains thousands of curves from dozens of participating pump manufacturers. Detailed reports are created that can be submitted to pump manufacturers and sales representative for further application verification and price quotes.
- Publisher: Tahoe Design Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

For an underground heat pump piping calculation program, versatility is crucial. You need to handle vertical, horizontal or slinky configurations; you need built-in heat pump performance data files, built-in data for several pipe types, and built-in soil type data. Our Earth Coupled Analysis program has got it all. Plus, you can expand on all of the built-in data and enter your own.
- Publisher: Elite Software
- Last updated: December 24th, 2011

MITCalc-Roler Bearings FAG
MITCalc-Roller Bearings FAG is a module that can be used for the selection, calculation and check of rolling bearings. Features: - Selection and check of a suitable bearing: the module includes a database of approx. 5,000 different rolling bearings FAG in all basic types and design. - Calculation of basic bearing parameters (life, static safety, etc.).
- Publisher: MITCalc
- Home page: www.mitcalc.com
- Last updated: August 24th, 2008

WITT Select
WITT Select is a pump selection tool that allows you to choose the type of pump for your needs. You can change the unit system in which the program calculates and displays data between SI, English and American. You can change whenever you want as you will not lose any data. Displayed and already entered data will be converted between the systems.
- Publisher: WITT, Lycares IT
- Home page: www.th-witt.de
- Last updated: November 28th, 2017

Hydronics Design Studio
Released in 2003, this expandable windows-based software package combines sophisticated engineering algorithms with a simple graphics interface. It expedites routine design tasks such as pipe sizing, pump selection, expansion tank sizing, heat load estimating and more.
- Publisher: Appropriate Designs
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
Additional Pump selection calculation xls selection

PIPENET Vision is a program for rapid flow analysis of pipe and duct networks. It performs pipe sizing and pump selection calculations in the steady state. Complying with the NFPA13, NFPA15 and NFPA16 rules, PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler Module can be used for a wide range of designs.
- Publisher: PIPENET
- Last updated: November 20th, 2017

KomfortAir has been developed to provide a highly effective response to a key need encountered by the customers. Design requirements: To provide a fast, modern and reliable tool to select air diffusion products. KomfortAir helps the engineer in the selection, calculation and sizing of supply air terminal devices (grilles and diffusers).
- Publisher: Koolair, S.A.
- Home page: www.koolair.com
- Last updated: April 1st, 2009

Spaix Classic
Spaix is an application for the selection and configuration of centrifugal pumps. Selection methods available are: hydraulic selection by duty point, product selection browser by series description, and product search by description or item number. It also has the ability to calculate operating and life cycle costs: it takes into consideration of different load profiles.
- Publisher: VSX - VOGEL SOFTWARE GmbH
- Home page: www.spaix.net
- Last updated: November 16th, 2015

ePrism is an easy to use software application that allows registered users to have access to the following modules: pump selection, proposal generation and order placement, parts availability, proposal generation and order placement and also order status.
- Publisher: IP - ITT Corporation
- Last updated: August 5th, 2013

Layne/Verti-Line offer the latest in pump selection software, H2 Optimize Version 9.0. This major upgrade will make it even easier to select and configure pumps, view dynamic curves, with links to our catalog in PDF format, and to our CSI Typical Specifications in MS Word format.
- Publisher: Layne/Verti-Line Pump
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2011

ClimaSize is a complete water source heat pump selection program. ClimaSize helps in making critical design decisions with customized heat pump schedules. The front end is a visual basic graphical user interface (GUI) interacting with the user through a combination of menu driven event-handling sub-functions.
- Publisher: ClimateMaster Inc
- Last updated: June 11th, 2010

iQpump1000 Application Simulator
iQpump1000 Application Simulator can simulate pump applications using the iQpump1000 or iQpump Micro drive. It lets you select from six commonly used pumping applications ranging from simplex to triplex. This program automatically presets parameters depending on the selected application.
- Publisher: Yaskawa America, Inc.
- Last updated: February 20th, 2018

GT MASTER Simulates expected performance of a given plant at different operating conditions, such as different ambients and loads. The roughly 2500 inputs which define plant hardware and main control set-points can all be initialized for a plant by simply reading its GT PRO design file. Once a GT MASTER plant model has been fine-tuned, it can be run from within MS Excel.
- Publisher: Thermoflow
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

Spaix Quick & Easy DEMO
Spaix Quick&Easy is a powerful software at a reasonable price within the product family for pump selection. The product was especially developed for small and medium-sized companies looking for a solution to manage their performance curves and the pump selection without having to implement a complete pump configuration and quotation system.
- Publisher: VSX - VOGEL SOFTWARE GmbH
- Last updated: March 1st, 2010

Frascold Selection Software
The new easier and accurate selection software supports the operator with necessary data for: - selection of compressor and condensing unit - data table of performance for selected product - performance calculation with design operational conditions.
- Publisher: Frascold S.p.A.
- Last updated: September 17th, 2014