Pure basic information in Title/Summary

Pure Sudoku Deluxe
Pure Sudoku Deluxe for your PC adds a range of features and enhancements to create a superior Sudoku game. You can load and save puzzles into any of the 10 slots. Great if you are stuck on a puzzle and want to play another one and even better if several people use Pure Sudoku.
- Publisher: Mochek Interactive
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009

Pure Energy Mod
Pure Energy Mod is a reference to PMM 2 and brings eight special powers to be used in different situations. When you start the game, you will have no powers yet, however, to use the powers you must activate it. When active, you'll see smoke on the CJ's head. Once active, you can't deactive it, unless you're arrested or killed.
- Publisher: Rapier
- Home page: www.gtaforums.com
- Last updated: December 6th, 2008

PURE Flow Server
Pure FlowServer is software that lives on your computer that shares the music you already have on your hard drive with your Pure connected radio. Pure uses UK-based design and engineering to produce the world’s most innovative range of digital and internet radios.
- Publisher: Imagination Technologies Ltd
- Last updated: March 12th, 2011
Pure basic information in Description

Tax Corresponder 2011
Tax Corresponder is a tool especially designed for tax-related professionals and companies that will help them to improve their relationship with their customers. It includes nearly 380 predefined letter templates, thus you can be sure your letters are well designed and error free. Furthermore, it manages customers' database, whose information can be automatically included into your documents.
- Publisher: CFS Tax Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.taxtools.com
- Last updated: June 12th, 2011

Koi Keeper Unleashed
Keep detailed records of your Koi and Ponds with the Koi Keeper Unleashed software application. Each Koi software application contains all you need to get you started with keeping detailed records of your Koi and Pond(s). Identify potential problems early by viewing historical data on your Pond's water quality.
- Publisher: CDH Software Ltd
- Last updated: September 27th, 2012

Kiwi Application Monitor
Kiwi Application Monitor is an automation tool that helps you monitor the behavior of selected programs or processes. It has a relatively easy-to-use interface; yet, to use it properly, you need to have some knowledge of computers. The application has a modular structure including such tools as Process Explorer, Service Explorer, System Info, and Windows Startup Programs.
- Publisher: Kozmos
- Home page: www.kiwimonitor.com
- Last updated: August 7th, 2012

AstrologyExplorer 3D creates an astrological chart and displays its 3D image. In the Astrology Workspace the user enters basic information like (birth) date, time and location. The entered information can be stored in a database for future use. The program processes the information and displays the (birth) chart in the Chart Explorer.
- Publisher: Capricorn Astrology Software
- Home page: www.capricorn-astrology-software.com
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

FoodGuide (for Windows PCs) by Skyscape
Within a few clicks or taps on the screen you’ll enter basic information about you, such as: age, gender and exercise level. Based on that information, Food Guide will provide the basic guidelines to help you balance your diet according to your body's needs. This little application provides versions compatible with desktop PCs and mobile devices.
- Publisher: Skyscape, Inc
- Home page: www.skyscape.com
- Last updated: July 5th, 2008
Additional Pure basic information selection

Baidu Antivirus
Baidu Antivirus features all-in-one protection against viruses, malware and all other pesky and dangerous files that may damage your PC. It also boasts an integrated Firewall and much more. You will be amazed at the options this exquisite program provides. Moreover, this software is completely free, giving you the same, if not even better, protection then its heavy-weight rivals
- Publisher: Baidu,Inc.
- Last updated: November 20th, 2024

Firefox Nightly
Firefox Nightly sends data about your Firefox browser version and language; device operating system and hardware configuration; memory, basic information about crashes and errors; outcome of automated processes like updates, safebrowsing, and activation.
- Publisher: Mozilla
- Last updated: February 26th, 2021

Aide PDF to DXF Converter
Aide PDF to DXF Converter is a simple and straightforward conversion tool that transforms you PDF documents into DXF AutoCAD files. Meant to be used mainly with images and illustrations saved as PDF files, the program offers specific output settings for this type of documents, thus producing high-quality graphics that can be then easily edited using AutoCAD.
- Publisher: Aide CAD Systems Incorporated.
- Home page: www.aidecad.com
- Last updated: September 24th, 2009

Smart Install Maker
Smart Install Maker is an installation wizard creation tool. It allows you to create those wizards that you go through when you want to install an application on your computer. It requires no knowledge of any scripting or programming language and it allows for the creation of installation wizards in a few clicks.
- Publisher: InstallBuilders Company
- Home page: www.sminstall.com
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool
TOSHIBA PC Diagnostic Tool is a utility that can display the basic information of a computer and diagnose its built-in devices. This product performs a diagnostic based on "Diagnostic Method for Main Components and Its Results." Therefore, hardware that is diagnosed as normal still may not actually be usable.
- Publisher: TOSHIBA Corporation
- Last updated: August 20th, 2010

BlueScreenView is a pretty simple tool that scans all the Minidump files generated during the BSOD crashes, analyzes them and shows the crash information that they contain. This neat and handy tool is also free and represents a great helping hand whenever you engage in the challenging quest of determining what caused your system to crash.
- Publisher: NirSoft
- Last updated: February 5th, 2015

Natural Color Pro
Sometimes, the colors we see on our monitors look a bit different from the ones reproduced by printers or scanners. Samsung came with a solution for this problem: Natural Color Pro. This software was created only for monitors from the Samsung company and gives you access to a wide variety of color settings for your screen.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Home page: www.samsung.com
- Last updated: May 12th, 2017

Minecraft GUI
Minecraft GUI is a plugin that allows you to communicate with the server without being in game. It allows you to get some basic information (Server OS, IP, Uptime, Game Port, Version, Online player (count), number of players in Whitelist, time (Day/Night)), and to chat (from GUI to game and from game to GUI).
- Publisher: Mika56
- Last updated: November 30th, 2011

Earth Explorer
Earth Explorer is a useful application very similar to Goggle Earth that allows you explore the whole world. It provides satellite, topographic, and blend views of any part of the world. You can easily know basic information about any country or city of the world by simply looking for it with its search tool. You can even import your own data to the map and place marks and paths.
- Publisher: Motherplanet, Inc.
- Last updated: September 26th, 2009

Colasoft Ping Tool
Colasoft Ping Tool supports ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously and lists the comparative responding times in a graphic chart, which makes it outstanding other ping tools. The Ping Summary window provides basic information such as IP address, locations, packets received/sent/lost, as well as response time of all required IP addresses or domain names.
- Publisher: Colasoft Co., Ltd.
- Home page: www.colasoft.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018