Pvt simulation package xls in Title/Summary

PVT Pro is a professional application, user-friendly software for Windows to model the phase behavior and properties of reservoir fluids designed. The module of asphaltenes unique modeling of this software is a powerful tool for predicting the precipitation of asphaltenes.
- Publisher: MAPSA E&P
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Standard Capital Securities (Pvt.) Limited - Trade Cast
Standard Capital Securities (Pvt.) Limited - Trade Cast is a software application that allows you to trade equities, stocks, indices, currencies and much more. This application allows you to study stock patterns, make analysis and when you are convinced that a stock will go up or down you can buy or sell that instrument
- Publisher: CATALYST IT, Standard Capital Securities
- Home page: online.scssmartrader.biz
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2012

iRacing.com Race Simulation
iRacing service is aimed to the real-life racing drivers that need more training time, or at the raising star that wants to get as much driving hours under his belt. The graphics are beautiful, the physics are stunning and the competition is brutal. You cannot achieve more realism than this now.
- Publisher: iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations
- Home page: iracing.com
- Last updated: January 21st, 2013
Pvt simulation package xls in Description

PowerWorld Simulator Glover Sarma
The educational version of POWERWORLD is a complete implementation of the POWERWORLD Simulation package. However since this package is intended only for university educational use, the maximum power system size is limited to 40 buses (compared to 100,000 buses for the full version).
- Publisher: PowerWorld Corporation
- Home page: www.powerworld.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

USEPA Cape Open Class Library with WAR Add-In
Chemical Process Simulation has long been used as a design tool for choosing between various process options. The CAPE-OPEN project, funded by the European Union, has undertaken the task of defining a common application framework for computer-aided process engineering (CAPE). The project provides a middleware standard for chemical process simulation component models.
- Publisher: USEPA
- Last updated: June 7th, 2011

Bright Spark
Bright Spark is a fun circuit simulation package for exploring the world of electronics. Combining on-screen animation with realistic simulation, Bright Spark aids understanding by bringing circuits to life. It assumes no prior knowledge and comes with built-in courseware to help you learn the key principles behind electronics.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page: www.new-wave-concepts.com
- Last updated: June 24th, 2010

McCAD Schematics
McCAD Schematics is a sophisticated engineering database management system that allows the electronic designer to easily create and revise electronic circuit designs (digital or analog) directly on a MS Windows or Macintosh operating system. It can access thousands of standard or custom on-line libraries in seconds, retrieving the necessary information to support the current design task at hand.
- Publisher: McCAD
- Home page: www.mccad.com
- Last updated: September 7th, 2013

PowerWorld Simulator
PowerWorld Simulator is an interactive power system simulation package designed to simulate high voltage power system operation on a time frame ranging from several minutes to several days. The software contains a highly effective power flow analysis package capable of efficiently solving systems of up to 100,000 buses.
- Publisher: PowerWorld Corporation
- Home page: www.powerworld.com
- Last updated: April 13th, 2021
Additional Pvt simulation package xls selection

PVTsim is a versatile PVT simulation program developed for reservoir engineers, flow assurance specialists, PVT lab engineers and process engineers.The PVT simulation package PVTsim is being used by leading oil producing and operating companies throughout the world. PVTsim is petroleum phase behavior at the tip of your fingers.
- Publisher: Calsep Webmaster
- Home page: www.pvtsim.com
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a simulation package for engineering applications. It comes with SIMULINK, which is a graphical tool for designing electrical and mechanical control systems. You can also use it for programming Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Controllers.
- Publisher: MathWorks
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2015

PowerWorld Simulator GSO
This program was designed to make it easy to exchange power flow cases. You can view a solved power flow case graphically using animated one-lines. Some example one-lines are included in the download and additional examples are available at the FERC 715 Filings page.
- Publisher: PowerWorld Corporation
- Home page: www.powerworld.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

Fly The Airbus A380 v2 for FSX
Fly The Airbus A380 v2 for FSX 1.0 is a software flight simulator add-on program for the FSX program, providing users with 4 models of the A380 super jumbo two story passenger airbuses. The Fly The Airbus A380 v2 for FSX 1.0 simulation package includes models of the 700, 800, 800F and the 900,
- Publisher: Abacus Software
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008

Control Studio
Control Studio is a highly innovative simulation package for prototyping electronic systems. It provides a rapid method of developing circuit ideas, allowing you to consider different ‘what if?’ scenarios before arriving at a final design solution. Also, because Control Studio is compatible with Circuit Wizard, Livewire and PCB Wizard 3, it is easy to turn your ideas into a schematic or PCB.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page: www.new-wave-concepts.com
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

Douglas DC-4 for FSX
Douglas DC-4 for FSX includes 14 aircraft, dating from the 1942 until today. You can fly planes from Pan American, USAAF, Delta, SAS, South African Airways, Air France, Qantas, Avianca, Canadian Pacific, Loftleidir, Royal Danish Air Force, and Buffalo Airways.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Home page: www.calclassic.com
- Last updated: December 20th, 2010

Airbus Military A400M FSX P3D
This is a simulation package for the Airbus A400M, which is a military transport aircraft designed by Airbus. This model is created in Gmax with virtual cockpit and custom sounds. Three repaints are also included : Royal Air Force, French Air Force, and German Air Force.
- Publisher: Patrick Le Luyer, updated by Andreas Rotowski
- Home page: www.rikoooo.com
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

BLASTPLAN-PRO is a graphically based initiation design and simulation package for shotfirers, drill and blast engineers. You can create and edit drill patterns using templates and standard patterns, view and manipulate drill patterns and pit shells in three dimensions.
- Publisher: Blast Management International
- Last updated: February 27th, 2015

Active Sky Next for FSX SP3
Active Sky Next is a weather simulation package for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D. Its service pack 3 is available for both FSX and Prepar3D versions. This update provides numerous improvements and fixes, and is recommended for all ASN users.
- Publisher: HiFi Technologies, Inc.
- Home page: hifisimtech.com
- Last updated: March 24th, 2022

WIZ C Professional
WIZ-C Professional is a complete PICmicro® MCU development, compiler, assembler and simulation package for the C language, with the added optional ability to automatically generate applications with user selected library components linked in to the code. The compiler is fully inclusive of assembler and linker to directly produce Intel Hex format files.
- Publisher: Forest Electronic Developments
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011