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Pyqt oscilloscope in Title/Summary



PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for The Qt Company's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt, including Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS and Android. PyQt does not include a copy of Qt. You must obtain a correctly licensed copy of Qt yourself.

Parallax USB Oscilloscope

Parallax USB Oscilloscope

All oscilloscope controls are managed through one of our two software interface platforms. Both platforms include classic scope features such as Auto and Normal trigger modes, variable trigger voltage, external triggering, and auto-measurements (Min, Max, Frequency, Period).

  • Publisher: Parallax, Inc.
  • Home page: www.parallax.com
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2022
Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope

Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope

Sound card based real time oscilloscope with sophisticated triggering method including pre-trigger and post-trigger which are generally missing from other sound card based instruments. It is a part of VIRTINS Multi-Instrument.

  • Publisher: Virtins Technology
  • Home page: www.virtins.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Pyqt oscilloscope in Description

EasyScope II for DS1M12

EasyScope II for DS1M12

Features: - Attractive, easy to use visual display - F.F.T. (Fast Fourier Transform) display - 2 oscilloscope channels - Advanced trigger settings including edge and pulse triggering - Delayed timebase function - Signal generator - External trigger - Integrated digital Volt meters - Auto Set function - Timebase from 2 ms/div to 50 ms/div - Input ranges from 0.01 V/div to 5 V/div

ETC M621

ETC M621

The Scope software, which is enclosed in the package, creates very friendly and easy-to-use environment, where you can control all oscilloscope function using the mouse. The oscilloscope screen has all standard capabilities (for example: horizontal and vertical cursors, reference cursors, adjustable trigger level mark). The M621 DSO offers all standard functions that you can find in any DSO.

  • Publisher: ETC
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2010


Scope Explorer is a free application for controlling your LeCroy oscilloscope from a Windows operating system. You can use this application to control the oscilloscope via remote control without the need for advanced programming. With this program you can connect to your scope via GPIB, ETHERNET (Plus RS232 for older scopes), save screen shots, save waveforms in a variety of formats, and more.

  • Publisher: LeCroy Corporation
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2009
DSO3000 Update Wizard

DSO3000 Update Wizard

This is the program you use to upgrade your oscilloscope's firmware via the oscilloscope's built-in USB connection.To perform the upgrade, use a USB A-to-B cable to connect the oscilloscope to your PC. The upgrade process itself is very simple; that is, run the upgrade utility, and the software does all the work.

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2012
Iris Waveware

Iris Waveware

Iris Waveware is a program developed for IRIS USB oscilloscope. USB oscilloscope allows to: - Add comments to each measurement (comments are saved to file with measurement results) - Save all the measurement results as a vector or a bitmapped drawing for the further import tо other applications or as a data file for the further analysis.

  • Publisher: VIT Company
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2010

Additional Pyqt oscilloscope selection

SoR Oscilloscope

SoR Oscilloscope

The SoR Scope is a software program designed to convert your microcontroller into a free oscilloscope. The SoR Scope sample speed, during ideal conditions, will max out around 1.5 kilosamples per second. This is much faster than you'll need for most every-day testing.

  • Publisher: Society of Robots
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Acute Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Acute Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Acute Digital Storage Oscilloscope allows you to view voltage waveforms on your PC. It features two channels with 1 GS/s sampling speed and 200 MHz bandwidth. This program has a simple interface that lest you change the trigger mode, channel, volts/division, time/division, etc. easily.

  • Publisher: Acute Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2016
Syscomp Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Syscomp Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Vertical Controls Each of the independently-sampled input channels features a full hardware preamp with seven input ranges from 50mV/division to 5V/division. Timebase Controls Examine a variety of different signals with a 21 step timebase from 50ns/division to 200ms/division.

  • Publisher: Syscomp Electronic Deisgn
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2011
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi VST

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi VST

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi VST is a powerful multiple tracks real time waveform renderer and comparator. The plugin offers stereo or mid-side channels waveform extraction as well as several synchronization modes. The zooming and precise measurement capabilities let you analyze the waveforms in details.

Agilent Infiniium 548xx Series Oscilloscope IntuiLink Waveform Editor Add-In

Agilent Infiniium 548xx Series Oscilloscope IntuiLink Waveform Editor Add-In

This software is an add-in accessory for the Agilent IntuiLink Waveform Editor and is designed to be used with the 33120A, 33220A, or 33250A function/arbitrary waveform generators. The Add-In allows waveforms to be captured with any of the oscilloscopes listed below and transferred into the Waveform Editor. Use the software in conjunction with Agilent IntuiLink Waveform Editor

  • Publisher: Agilent Technologies
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2011
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi DX Demo

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi DX Demo

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Multi is a unique multiple tracks real time waveform renderer and comparator: it lets you visualize the content of several audio tracks on the same screen and compare them thanks to its X-Y view. The additional histogram display complements the toolset to check the distribution of the values in the waveform and get an idea of the average peak level.

  • Publisher: Blue Cat Audio
Solve Elec

Solve Elec

Solve Elec 2.5 is a free educational program to draw and analyze electrical circuits. The program can be installed in English or French. The electrical circuits can be of direct or alternate current. Solve Elec features an oscilloscope and performs frequency response graphs.

  • Publisher: Physics Software
  • Home page: www.physicsbox.com
  • Last updated: September 16th, 2008
Tina - TI

Tina - TI

Tina-Ti is a utility meant to help electronic engineers and students in designing circuits with the possibility to test and troubleshoot them. The number or devices and nodes that can be included in a circuit is not limited. It has a user-friendly interface and a wide set of tools to work with.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Displays critical timing information on TDI engines in graphical format and allows graphing of Measuring Blocks (live data) in oscilloscope format via an open-source plug-in. Full support for new VW/Audi models requiring a direct CAN connection for diagnostics.

  • Publisher: Ross-Tech LLC.
  • Home page: www.ross-tech.com
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017
Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Beat M DX

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope Beat M DX

Blue Cat's Oscilloscope BeatM is a real time waveform analyzer exclusively available with Beat Magazine: it lets you visualize the content of an audio track and check its stereo phase on its XY view.The plugin offers stereo or mid-side channels waveform extraction as well as several synchronization modes. The zooming and precise measurement capabilities let you analyze the waveforms in details.