Q-dir commandline in Title/Summary

MiniCap is a minimal screenshot capture app, with good commandline support, including the ability to launch (and then terminate) apps, capture windows by handle, processid, process name, or interactively. MiniCap has a convenient interactive capture mode (based on Screenshot Captor's Redbox Capture mode).
- Publisher: DonationCoder
- Home page: www.donationcoder.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Git Extensions
Git Extensions is a toolkit aimed at making working with Git under Windows more intuitive. The shell extension integrates into Windows Explorer and presents a context menu on files and directories. The program offers the necessary tools to work with Git, but it's intended for experienced users.
- Publisher: Henk Westhuis
- Home page: gitextensions.github.io
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

MC TV Converter
MC-TVConverter is a FREE (GPL) GUI (Graphical User Interface) for various commandline video converters. It's mainly targeted to convert recordings from Microsoft Windows MediaCenter, which introduced the new WTV format in Windows7 and Vista with TV-Pack.
- Publisher: Christian Koban
Q-dir commandline in Description

RunAs Professional
RunAs Professional is a substitute for Microsoft's command runas.RunAs Professional solves the problem that normal runas does not support the commandline parameter password. RunAs Professional has a lot of more features too.
- Publisher: Emco Software Ltd.
- Home page: www.mast-computer.com
- Last updated: December 27th, 2009

Rotorcontlacmd will send a beamheading to the RotorEZ controlboard from the commandline. Send Rotorcntlcmd 090 from either a shortcut or from the DOS commandline. When run for the first time, the program willl prompt you for your comport number. You need to enter a one digit number. If you ever need to changed the comport, either delete RotorCntl.ini file or use notepad to change the number.
- Publisher: Joe K0BX
- Home page: www.qsl.net
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

Compress it
Compress it is an archive utility for Jar (by R.Jung and Java Archive), Ace, Rar, Zip, Rkive, Cab, Gzip, UUE, Lha and Rar, Arj, Bzip2, Tar, HKI, MD5, SFV.Main features: - Supports many compression formats - Full shell integration (right click in Explorer) - Support multi-archive extraction
- Publisher: RG-Software
- Home page: www.rg-software.de
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Real powerful registry edit management tool,with powerful search function,replace,copy and paste key, key content view and edit directly, 10 known and any uknown data type support, magic easy setting with KRML...
- Publisher: KugleSoft
- Last updated: November 8th, 2008

Two sets of macros (one for the thumbnailpages and one for the imagepages) help you implementing your own navigation elements if you want to. For sizechanges of images you have the choice between several professional algorithms. If you want have huge amounts of images to turn into galleries you may make use of the commandline params for ThumbaWumba.
- Publisher: Matthias Peters
- Home page: www.matthiaspeters.de
- Last updated: April 5th, 2008
Additional Q-dir commandline selection

The Quad-Directory-Explorer (Q-Dir) gives you four directory browsers in a single interface, which makes it easy to copy and move files between folders. It gives you different folder view types, drag-and-drop, and all other standard functions of Windows Explorer and other file managers.
- Publisher: Nenad Hrg
- Home page: www.softwareok.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

MyDefrag is a disk defragmenter and optimizer (a maintenance utility to make your harddisk faster) for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, Win7, and for X64. It is freeware, no time limit, fully functional, no advertisements. Fast, low overhead, with many optimization strategies, can handle floppies, USB disks, memory sticks, and anything else that looks like a disk to Windows.
- Publisher: J.C. Kessels
- Home page: www.mydefrag.com
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2010

D-Fend Reloaded
This program uses the DOSBox emulator capabilities to make those games playable again, so you don't need a huge programming knowledge to enjoy those games. So dust off your old CD-ROMs or download those pixelled classics and enjoy them again as in the good ol' days using this free program.
- Publisher: Alexander Herzog
- Home page: dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: September 8th, 2015

mpck is a commandline version of the Checkmate MP3 Checker. It is a free program that checks MP3 files for errors. It scans MP3 files to see if the frames are where they are supposed to be, whether the frame headers are correct and whether the frame headers are consistent throughout the file.
- Publisher: checkmate.gissen.nl
- Home page: checkmate.gissen.nl
- Last updated: June 8th, 2016

WinZip Command Line
WinZip Command Line is a program that allows you to control and configure WinZip directly from the command prompt. It lets you use WinZip directly from the command prompt and from batch (BAT) files and script languages, making it ideal for automating repetitive tasks.
- Publisher: WinZip International
- Home page: www.winzip.com
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2017

ImageBadger Image Converter
Save time when working with a batch of images. Convert and process images from the Windows Explorer right-click menu. Easily resize and rotate images, enhance your images with more than 40 image filters, turn any image into an icon, make thumbnail images, create pencil drawings of photos, copy images to clipboard from Windows Explorer and much more! ImageBadger is a cutting-edge batch processing and image conversion software which supports over 150+ image formats such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, ICON, PSD and PSP. All features are available through commandline calls.
- Publisher: Kristanix Software
- Home page: www.kristanixsoftware.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Windows Azure Command Line Tools
The Windows Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface (xplat-cli) provides a set of open source, cross-platform commands for working with the Windows Azure Platform. The xplat-cli provides much of the same functionality found in the Windows Azure Management Portal, such as the ability to manage web sites, virtual machines, mobile services, SQL Database and other services.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: June 13th, 2014

IZArc Command Line Add-On
The IZArc Command Line Add-On is set of advanced command line tools for Windows. They can be called from batch (.bat) files, embeded in scripting languages or executed from other applications. WHAT'S NEW IZARCC: fixed: create archives on USB drive added an option ($) to set custom temp directory bug fixes, minor updates IZARCE: added an option ($) to set custom temp directory bug fixes, minor updates
- Publisher: Ivan Zahariev
- Last updated: March 4th, 2008

Password Generator Professional
Password Generator Professional is a Windows program that helps its users to generate passwords, serial numbers, coupons and random numbers in a secure and professional way. The program facilitates their creation when in need of thousands or even millions. Plus, each and every generated number and password is unique and won’t be repeated or guessed easily.
- Publisher: Kristanix Software
- Home page: www.kristanixsoftware.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AWS Command Line Interface
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. The AWS CLI introduces a new set of simple file commands for efficient file transfers to and from Amazon S3.
- Publisher: Amazon Web Services, Inc.
- Home page: aws.amazon.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2015