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Qt eclipse integration exe in Title/Summary

Qt Eclipse Integration

Qt Eclipse Integration

Nokia offers a seamless integration of Qt development tools for the Eclipse platform. The integration allows developers to use this standard development environment without needing to take care of any Qt-related build steps or tools. The main features of the integration are: - Fully integrated form editor (Qt Designer) - Wizards for creating new Qt projects and classes

  • Publisher: Nokia Corporation
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2010
MDG Integration for Eclipse

MDG Integration for Eclipse

MDG Integration brings many of the benefits and rich modeling power of Enterprise Architect and UML to Eclipse. MDG Integration allows you to reverse engineer and generate code from UML elements using EA's template driven Code Engineering Framework. MDG Integration provides the functionality required of a fully fledged modeling platform right inside Eclipse.

  • Publisher: Sparx Systems
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2009
Micro Focus Visual COBOL for Eclipse

Micro Focus Visual COBOL for Eclipse

Visual COBOL provides COBOL development and integration tools for Eclipse that offers programmers an unrivaled development experience. The program features: COBOL editor and integrated COBOL debug experience, mixed-language support, native code generator for the leading Enterprise platforms, RDBMS support, and more.

Qt eclipse integration exe in Description

Zend Studio for Eclipse

Zend Studio for Eclipse

Zend Studio for Eclipse is one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments(IDE) for PHP Web Application developers. It stands out in the crowd of other IDEs and PHP editors as it has the most powerful and useful plugins and developers tools which are always helpful in developing present day web applications rapidly and effectively.

  • Publisher: Zend Technologies
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2008
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is a set of tools for Java developers designed to help them create Java EE and Web applications. This package includes: - Data Tools Platform. - Eclipse Git Team Provider. - Eclipse Java Development Tools. - Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools. - JavaScript Development Tools. - Maven Integration for Eclipse and more.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: eclipse.org
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2015
Web Enabler for ClearPath MCP

Web Enabler for ClearPath MCP

ClearPath MCP IDE for Eclipse is an open platform for tool integration built by an open community of tool providers. Operating under an open-source paradigm, with an Eclipse Public License (EPL) that provides royalty-free source code and worldwide redistribution rights, the Eclipse platform provides tool developers with ultimate flexibility and control over their software technology.

  • Publisher: Unisys Corporation
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2012


JProbe is an enterprise-class Java profiler providing intelligent diagnostics on memory usage, performance and test coverage, allowing developers to quickly pinpoint and repair the root cause of application code performance and stability problems that obstruct component and integration integrity.

  • Publisher: Quest Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.quest.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2010


ShellEd is a superb shell script editor for Eclipse. The benefits of this plugin are the integration of man page information for content assist/hover help and the ability to run your project's shell scripts without leaving Eclipse. Check it out right now!

  • Publisher: Alexander Kurtakov, Eclipse Foundation
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Additional Qt eclipse integration exe selection

Altova MissionKit Professional Edition

Altova MissionKit Professional Edition

Altova MissionKit 2015 Professional Edition is an award-winning software development suite of XML, SQL, and UML tools, featuring XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, and more, for today?s information architects and application developers.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Home page: www.altova.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE

Apache NetBeans IDE lets you create applications in Java, PHP and many other languages. Its editor interface provides various tools to simplify coding; it highlights source code syntactically and semantically, and lets you easily refactor code. Programs created in NetBeans can be run on all operating systems that support Java, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD.

  • Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
  • Home page: www.netbeans.org
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2024
Eclipse - Pydev

Eclipse - Pydev

PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development. Features editor, code completion, code analysis, refactoring, outline view, debugger, mark occurrences and other goodies. It comes with many goodies such as: -Django integration -Code completion -Code completion with auto import

  • Publisher: Fabio Zadrozny
  • Home page: pydev.org
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012
Bat To Exe Converter

Bat To Exe Converter

Bat To EXE Converter can help you create executable files from batch files, which are composed of a series of DOS instructions. The tool is extremely straightforward and consequently appropriate for any kind of user. However, it is important that you know the syntax of the source code, except probably when you intend to import already existing BAT files.

  • Publisher: Fatih Kodak
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Advanced BAT to EXE Converter

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter

Convert BATch files to .EXE format with encryption. Mouse Input. Select EXE Icon. Run Invisible. Embed dependency files. Select EXE version properties, print centered color text, gather user input, do math. Option to Password Protect EXE.

Lupas Rename 2000

Lupas Rename 2000

Lupas Rename is a wonderful tool to rename files and folders at one go. Lupas Rename has various features like, renaming folders and files, Rename files in recursive subdirectories, Shell Integration (right click on a folder in the explorer to start Lupas Rename on these folder) , Instant Preview (Optional) , Undo the last rename operation,

Titanium Studio

Titanium Studio

Titanium Studio is an Eclipse-based IDE built on the patent-pending development technology acquired from Aptana™. Use Titanium Studio to rapidly build, test and deploy mobile, desktop and web applications. Take advantage of new functionality like code completion, Git integration and a full-featured editor.

  • Publisher: Appcelerator, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2013
IBM WebSphere Eclipse Platform

IBM WebSphere Eclipse Platform

Insert the WebSphere MQ for Windows® Server CD into the CD-ROM drive.rnIf autorun is enabled, the installation process starts.rnrnOtherwise, double-click the Setup icon in the root folder of the CD to start the installation process.rnrnThe WebSphere MQ Installation Launchpad window is displayed.

  • Publisher: IBM
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2008


clipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle.Today, the Eclipse community consists of individuals and organizations from a cross section of the software industry.

  • Publisher: The Eclipse Foundation
  • Home page: www.eclipse.org
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2016