Qt usb nfc reader in Title/Summary

NFC Port Software
NFC Port Software installs drivers for RC-S380/S USB NFC reader on Windows PCs. RC-S380/S product is capable of communicating both with devices that conform to the NFC Forum specifications and with various contactless IC cards, including FeliCa and ISO/IEC 14443 Type A / Type B.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: www.sony.net
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2016

ACR122U NFC Reader SDK
The ACR122U NFC Reader is a PC-linked contactless smart card reader/writer developed based on the 13.56 MHz Contactless (RFID) Technology. Compliant with the ISO/IEC18092 standard for Near Field Communication (NFC), it supports not only Mifare® and ISO 14443 A and B cards but also all four types of NFC tags.
- Publisher: Advanced Card Systems Ltd.
- Home page: www.acs.com.hk
- Last updated: March 1st, 2012
- Publisher: REALTEK Semiconductor Corp.
- Home page: www.realtek.com
- Last updated: October 15th, 2024
Qt usb nfc reader in Description

GoToTags Windows Desktop App
This program allows you to read, create, and use NFC tags using a Windows PC and a compatible NFC reader. The GoToTags Windows App reads the UID, NFC chip type, memory details, etc. from the NFC chip while the NFC tag is on the NFC reader. When the NFC tag is removed from the NFC reader, the NFC chip information is removed. You can also create and edit NDEF records easily.
- Publisher: gototags
- Last updated: July 22nd, 2015

Kamstrup USB Meter Reader
The Kamstrup USB Meter Reader is used for quick and simple reading of Kamstrup electricity, heat, cooling and water meters fitted with a radio module with EU frequency. Residential electricity meters, water meters, heat meters and cooling meters equipped with a radio module can be read wirelessly and automatically with the small USB Meter Reader from Kamstrup.
- Publisher: KAMSTRUP
- Last updated: May 16th, 2012

SentriCard Utility
SentriCard Utility is an application designed as a tool for an USB Card reader driver. The program helps you keep easy activity logs for your Smart USB Card reader. The application also enables you to check and download new drivers so that they are keep them up to date.
- Publisher: Sentrilock, LLC.
- Home page: www.sentrilock.com
- Last updated: November 29th, 2013

VSI Wedge
VSI Wedge is an application that streams the data input from the Mini MICR USB Check Reader and sends it to the Keyboard output for use with CheckPro and LoanPro.Requirments:- Microsoft .NET v2.0 Framework - Automatically downloaded and installed during setup if needed.
- Publisher: V Systems Inc
- Last updated: January 29th, 2012

PIXO RESCUE allows you to recover corrupted or deleted digital image files from memory cards and save them to your computer. It is designed for PIXO MEDIA USB card reader but it also works with memory cards and digital cameras appearing as a drive letter on your computer. You have to select the drive where you want to find images, and all found images will be saved in the destination folder.
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008
Additional Qt usb nfc reader selection

Stamps.com USB Scale Reader
Stamps.com USB Scale Reader is an open source application that reads the weight information from your stamps.com scale, whether its the free scale or one that you purchased. The program auto detects hard coded scales on start up and all other stamps.com scales can be auto detected using settings.
- Publisher: Christopher Workman
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2014
- Publisher: Realtek
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

Do not let the program’s name fool you – SumatraPDF is not a simple PDF viewer or reader, it is a comprehensive e-book, comic, and of course PDF reading tool with support for EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), CBR, and even the not-so-common DjVu files. Its simplicity of use will let you open, read, and enjoy your favorite books and comics on your PC.
- Publisher: Krzysztof Kowalczyk
- Home page: blog.kowalczyk.info
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

USB SIM Card Reader
GSM sim card damaged SMS recovery tool rescue contact name numbers quickly and safely. Utility recovers format text SMS short message services from inbox, outbox sent items and draft of your sim card. Tool fetches sim provider name & IMSI number
- Publisher: Unerase Files
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Marine Updater
MarineUpdater is a Windows-based PC application which works in conjunction with a Garmin USB card reader, a Garmin data card, and an Internet connection to generate software update cards for your fixed-mount Garmin marine products. Products which support MarineUpdater will program a data card with information about your Garmin marine product .
- Publisher: Garmin Ltd.
- Last updated: March 12th, 2012

Hublot Authentication Application
The Hublotista Club is a private and secure community dedicated to its customers, offering privileges such as exclusive previews, information and invitations directly from the Hublot manufacture. Your retailer provided you with a Hublotista kit associated with your watch (includes an electronic warranty card and dedicated USB card-reader) upon the purchase of your Hublot timepiece.
- Publisher: HUBLOT SA
- Last updated: September 19th, 2010

USB Safely Remove
Removes unneeded devices from the menu, setup icons or names for the devices. Clean up your drive letter list by automatic hiding letters of unused card reader slots, fix drive letters to a specific device or even forbid some letters from assigning to external drives for backup purposes or thirdparty software.
- Publisher: Crystal Rich Ltd
- Home page: safelyremove.com
- Last updated: December 25th, 2023

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF reader that lets you open and print PDF documents. Using an online Adobe account, you can easily store, view, and share PDF files with others. Acrobat Reader also facilitates form-filling, adding signatures, highlighting, and addition of comments or text-boxes to documents.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Home page: get.adobe.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader lets you view, annotate, form fill, and sign PDF across desktop, mobile, and web – no matter if you’re at the office, home, or on the go. Experience the power of PDF through a full functioned PDF Reader. Reading and printing PDF couldn’t be easier. Leverage existing forms and workflows with standard PDF (Acroforms) and XFA (XML Form Architecture) form filling.
- Publisher: Foxit Software Incorporated
- Home page: www.foxitsoftware.com
- Last updated: August 1st, 2023

USB Disk Security
USB Disk Security is a nice piece of software to block threats that can damage your PC or compromise your personal information via USB storage. USB Disk Security uses advanced proactive detection techniques, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.
- Publisher: Zbshareware Lab.
- Home page: www.zbshareware.com
- Last updated: May 21st, 2021