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Quake 3 model editor in Title/Summary

Quake 4

Quake 4

Quake 4 keeps some of the most remarkable features of the previous version, but with a remarkable change in the development of the action: you are not going to fight the terrible Stroggs all by yourself, since you will have the support of elite squads made up of special marines who carry with them state-of-the-art technology, and with whom you will be able to interact.

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars

Quake Wars is a Quake game that is played very much like Battlefield. Now, the game includes elements from both series. The Quake series is fictional in nature. That is to say, there is an alien species and technology is much more advanced that the tech present in Battlefield games. But the gameplay is kind of the same.

Quake Live

Quake Live

We are currently assessing your games in order to determine your QUAKE LIVE skill level. Just continue to play online matches, and when enough data is gathered, we will be able to match you with other players of your skill. Personalize your match as much or as little as you'd like, then hit the red START button at any point to launch your game and start fragging!

  • Publisher: Id Software LLC
  • Home page: www.quakelive.com
  • Last updated: July 23rd, 2014

Quake 3 model editor in Description

Silent 3ditor

Silent 3ditor

Silent 3ditor is a tool that allows modders to make changes to game content and game play. It's very easy interface, dozens of unique features, and support for a wide variety of files make S3D a must-have for every modder, and support DAT/SIM/ZON/VAL/CAM/DSD/ANM file.

  • Publisher: skwas
  • Last updated: September 20th, 2008
Oxygen Personal Edition

Oxygen Personal Edition

Oxygen 2 Personal Edition is a software model editor supporting internal model formats of Bohemia Interactive's game engines. Oxygen 2 Personal Edition is provided free of charge for any non-commercial use without any support from Bohemia Interactive.

Process Analysis Toolkit

Process Analysis Toolkit

PAT is a self-contained framework to support composing, simulating and reasoning of concurrent, real-time systems and other possible domains. It comes with user friendly interfaces, featured model editor and animated simulator. Most importantly, PAT implements various model checking techniques catering for different properties such as deadlock-freeness, divergence-freeness and other.

  • Publisher: Semantic Engineering
  • Home page: www.comp.nus.edu.sg
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2015
MCM Alchimia

MCM Alchimia

It is the only engine developed specifically to apply simulations to measurement assays to estimate uncertainties, offering unlimited number of iteration, unlimited lines in mathematical model of the sample, animated histogram to watch the simulation process, 32+ built in functions with a keyboard to input in the model editor, and deep information about result distribution.

  • Publisher: montecarlouncertainty
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012
BeerTools Pro

BeerTools Pro

BeerTools Pro is an advanced software package for formulating, brewing and managing recipes for making beer. Main features: - Recipe formulation. - Style comparison. - Included ingredient and style database. - Recipe management. - Online recipe storage (quotas apply). - Recipe sharing. - Inventory tracking and shopping lists. - Equipment profiles. - Mash scheduling.

  • Publisher: BeerTools LLC.
  • Home page: www.beertools.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2015

Additional Quake 3 model editor selection

Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast

Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast

Kyle Katarn comes back in a new adventure as he starts working for the new Republic with Jan Ors. Suddenly, he finds remnants of the Empire and a new Dark Jedi, Desann, so you must retake your training of the Force by joining the new Jedi Academy led by Luke Skywalker.

  • Publisher: Raven Software
  • Home page: www.ravensoft.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
Gamestudio A8

Gamestudio A8

Gamestudio A8 is a program that allows you to create 2D and 3D interactive applications with only a few lines of code in a C-like language. This open source version is for classical game development. The program includes level, model and terrain editors so you can place actors, enemies, objects and shadow throwing light sources.

  • Publisher: oP group Germany GmbH
  • Home page: www.conitec.net
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2016


3D Viewing in PRE-Flight is accomplished by merging 2 sterescopic views of the same image such that each eye "sees" the 2 images and the brain perceives it as a single 3D image. This technology allows an ordinary flat screen to have depth and enhances the realism of the simulation. Objects that are nearer or farther are percieved as being near or far.

Behemot Graphics Editor

Behemot Graphics Editor

Behemot Graphics Editor is a graphics program which allows to model and render 3D objects and scenes. It runs on Windows 3.1 (win Win32s Extension) Windows95/NT and Linux; it can create and modify graphically b-rep, blob, NURBS models; object can be logically intersected or subtracted; text can be converted into solid objects using True Type fonts.

  • Publisher: Sergio Perani
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2008


VEX-CMS is an editor that allows people with no expertise in 3D modeling to create 3D virtual museums, exhibitions and visits integrating objects and information into virtual environments. VEX-CMS is not meant for object modeling purposes, in the sense of creating or modifying 3D models.

  • Publisher: HCI Lab
  • Home page: hcilab.uniud.it
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2012


The object-based concept allows for a straight-forward development of object-related interactive or fully automated image analysis solutions. The presented software may, therefore, serve as a basis for various applications in the field of digital image analysis.

  • Publisher: swienert
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2018
Armband Master 08

Armband Master 08

ABM08 is the combination of a Patch that will install in your FIFA 08 three new model files, together with a kit editor with the classic CM08-like graphic user interface. The model files have been patched by Outsider 87, one of the most creative FIFA 08 editors.



Dynamic Plant Modelling and Simulation Main Features: - Windows and Mac version. - Easy to use. - Compilation free modelling. - Model editor with syntax highlighting, real-time model analysis and unit checking. - Supports dynamic models with algebraic and/or differential equations. - Built-in plant model library (including simulation examples for all models).

VideoPad Video Editor

VideoPad Video Editor

VideoPad Master's Edition for Windows allows you to create and edit videos from many different formats including avi, wmv, .3gp, wmv, divx and more. Easily create great looking videos or movies quickly with the intuitive user interface.

AVS Video Editor

AVS Video Editor

Powerful video editing software for Windows. Speed up HD video editing due to the integrated video cache technology and hardware acceleration for video decoding by means of video cards (GPU): Intel HD Graphics or NVIDIA® GeForce® .It is available for H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, AV1, VP9, VP8, VC-1 and MPEG-2 codecs.

  • Publisher: Online Media Technologies Ltd.
  • Home page: www.avs4you.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025