Quick quote bridge in Title/Summary

Quick Quote
With Quick Quote you can have access to delayed stock quotes in an easy to use, lightweight application. The program is designed for those that need to keep abreast of the market at all times. It's simple to use and above all else it is lightweight. This means it's perfect to use in situations where user discretion may need to be observed.
- Publisher: Anfield Capital Pty Ltd
- Home page: www.stator-afm.com
- Last updated: February 11th, 2010

Quick Bridge for Windows
Sharpen your skills at the Bridge table with this simple, fun and easy-to-use game of Contract Bridge. You play for the South and North hands (WE) while the computer plays for East and West (THEY). Change the contract. Replay/Redeal the last hand.
- Publisher: Wesley Steiner
- Home page: www.wesleysteiner.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Quick Bridge
Quick Bridge lets you learn the program easily. It uses the standard American bidding system with Stayman and Blackwood conventions. You can replay the last hand or reveal the current hand. It also includes a pop-up score sheet that keeps score for you.
- Publisher: Wesley Steiner
- Home page: www.wesleysteiner.com
- Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Quick quote bridge in Description

MBT Navigator
The MBT Desktop is an advanced, yet easy-to-use direct access trading system for US and Canadian equities, options, and futures. The Level II Montage gives you an in-depth, real-time, look at the market of any stock. View the number of shares being bid & offered, prices, and the name of the ECN or Market Maker.
- Publisher: MBT Institutional.
- Home page: www.mbtinstitutional.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2010

- World stocks ticker with diagrams and lists for NYSE, NASDAQ etc and possibility to open a lot of quotes and lists together. - Friendly and simple user interface.
- Publisher: Valeri Vlassov
- Last updated: October 26th, 2011

Baidu Antivirus
Baidu Antivirus features all-in-one protection against viruses, malware and all other pesky and dangerous files that may damage your PC. It also boasts an integrated Firewall and much more. You will be amazed at the options this exquisite program provides. Moreover, this software is completely free, giving you the same, if not even better, protection then its heavy-weight rivals
- Publisher: Baidu,Inc.
- Last updated: November 20th, 2024

QuoteWerks QuoteValet link
QuoteValet is the online quote delivery and acceptance vehicle for QuoteWerks. QuoteValet is a more robust way to deliver quotes to your customers and prospects. Rather than attaching a PDF file to the quote and emailing it to your customer, QuoteValet will create a personalized web page to present the quote on quotevalet.com
- Publisher: Aspire Technologies, Inc.
- Home page: www.quotewerks.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Speed-Quote Toys R Us
Speed-Quote Toys "R" Us Edition allows vendors to create quote forms for Toys "R" Us divisions as well as sample tag forms. Speed-Quote Toys "R" Us Edition includes the same easy-to-use interface and basic features of the industry leading Speed-Quote Enterprise Edition, but only includes quote forms specific to Toys "R" Us.
- Publisher: Apptastic Software Inc.
- Home page: www.apptastic.com
- Last updated: October 11th, 2011
Additional Quick quote bridge selection

Quick Quote allows you to store quotes and easily find them by searching for things like names, dates, events or anything else you tag when entering your quote. Great for history students, or people who often use quotes from people, such as historical, political figures, or actors, inventors, anyone who has said something worth remembering, and would like easy access to them.
- Publisher: Eric Goodwin
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

It produce quotes, comprised of labor or parts, with one keystroke. For businesses that need a simple and quick way to produce customer quotes. Quick Quote displays the costs (labor or parts/products) from a selected job record in a job file. Every job is comprised of different costs, either services or products/parts (or a combination). Simple one-screen system. User Manual included.
- Publisher: B+B Systems, LLC
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

HP Quick Launch Buttons
HP Quick Launch Buttons is an application that allows the use of multimedia buttons on they keyboard. Most computer keyboards and most recently laptops come with multimedia buttons and what are called quick launch buttons. HP Quick Launch Buttons is Hewlett Packard's software solution to enable and control the functions of the buttons included in their laptops and desktops.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
- Last updated: September 16th, 2010

Quick Heal Total Security
Quick Heal Total Security is a comprehensive Antivirus protection, parental control, data and privacy protection program. It assures a complete security for your PC with a deep system scan feature. It securely deletes sensitive data files to prevent unauthorized recovery.
- Publisher: Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.
- Home page: www.quickheal.co.in
- Last updated: February 5th, 2024
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
- Last updated: November 27th, 2024

Canon Quick Menu
this program gives you access to the main functions of your Canon printer in an easy way. shows shortcuts to different functions in two arms forming an L-shape. It also has an expanded view with all your printer's functions sorted by categories. If you have a Canon printer, this program will be useful for you.
- Publisher: Canon Inc.
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2020

Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro
Stay ahead of cyber threats with the award-winning technology Quick Heal Antivirus Pro. Detects all kinds of malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware that try to infect your pc and removes them instantly. Get complete protection against critical ransomware attacks with behavior detection technology.
- Publisher: Quick Heal Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.quickheal.co.in
- Last updated: January 9th, 2024

AMD Quick Stream
At the same time it boosts the overall Internet performance by shaping both the inbound and outbound traffic to eliminate or reduce the chances of traffic congestion. AMD Quick Stream Technology offers the end users smoother and enhanced Internet experiences.
- Publisher: AppEx Networks
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

Acer Quick Access
Acer Quick Access makes it fast and easy to adjust the settings you use most often. You can quickly toggle individual wireless devices on or off, change power-off USB charge settings, modify network sharing options, and much more. The options are turned on and off using sliders.
- Publisher: Acer Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2022

Quick Heal Internet Security
Secure your Wi-Fi and PC from threats when you browse, bank, chat, and email. Tune up and revive your PC performance with Quick Heal's breakthrough technology. Detects all kinds of malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware that try to infect your pc and removes them instantly.
- Publisher: Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.
- Home page: www.quickheal.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024