Quick send widget in Title/Summary

Jacquie Lawson Quick Send Widget
Send our latest and most popular e-cards and note cards directly from your desktop. The widget automatically refreshes with our latest releases and most popular cards, so you're never out of touch. It'll automatically synchronise with your computer's clock, and optionally you can have it chime every hour (or even every quarter, just like the real thing)!
- Publisher: Jacquie Lawson
- Home page: www.jacquielawson.com
- Last updated: April 19th, 2015

4Team Tasks Widget
This Widget provides the quick and easy way to manage your day-to-day tasks. Create new tasks in just a few clicks, and customize your view. The list of tasks can be also synchronized with Microsoft Outlook even when Outlook is not running. The widget will not take much space on your screen, and all the day tasks are displayed on the main window.
- Publisher: 4Team Corporation
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

TWiT Army Widget
Geek all you can Geek in Opera! Use this widget, based off of Opera's Twitter widget, to send 'mu's to the TWiT Army. It can do almost everything Twitter can. Note that their are some bugs, but that is of course expected. Do not drag it to make it bigger, it will look ugly.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
Quick send widget in Description

.NET CF Mail Component for CS VB.NET
The Ultimate Mail is a part of the Mail Component which offers a comprehensive interface for downloading e-mail messages from a server and managing your mailbox remotely, all from within your application.
- Publisher: ComponentPro
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

Bill4Time Widget
With the Bill4Time Widget, it's even easier to track time. Just open the widget, select your client and project, and hit play. Entering expenses is also just a click away. Even if you're offline, the widget gives you quick access to your active clients, open projects, and current activities.
- Publisher: Pogopixels Ltd.
- Home page: www.bill4time.com
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2011

Drives Monitor
Drives Monitor is a widget for your Windows desktop. Its interface displays useful information about the usage of your hard drive disks, as well as an activity graph for each. It is a gadget that helps you to check the status of your hard drives with a quick glance. Yet, its complicated interface might need you to take some time to configure it to your liking.
- Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
- Last updated: November 15th, 2016

Kingsoft Clip
Kingsoft Clip is a small widget that allows you to share clipboard between PC and Android wireless. This means you can send or receive text, links or phone numbers between PC and Android via wi-fi when there is no USB cables.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: March 18th, 2013

Colourful Glowing Clock
After the installation has finished, you can open the widget at any time by clicking the widget icon located either on your desktop or in your applications menu. Starting with Opera 10.50, Opera Widgets have the same status as regular desktop applications. They run apart from Opera, and appear in the applications menu. They continue running even if the Opera browser is closed.
- Publisher: Opera widgets
- Home page: widgets.opera.com
- Last updated: March 12th, 2010
Additional Quick send widget selection

SMS QuickSend
Short Message Service (SMS) is the text communication service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems, using standardized communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages between fixed line or mobile phone devices.
- Publisher: Yusuf Arief Rahmanto
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011

Quick Heal Internet Security
Secure your Wi-Fi and PC from threats when you browse, bank, chat, and email. Tune up and revive your PC performance with Quick Heal's breakthrough technology. Detects all kinds of malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and spyware that try to infect your pc and removes them instantly.
- Publisher: Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.
- Home page: www.quickheal.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Send Anywhere
In order to share large amounts of data with friends, family, and fellow workers we need specific tools capable of packing and sending securely files that usually exceed the size of standard e-mailboxes. Send Anywhere has been devised as a simple and free solution to send and receive bulky files and archives instantly and without compressing or transforming your data in any way.
- Publisher: Estmob Inc.
- Home page: send-anywhere.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

Send To Toys
Send To Toys is an enhancement application of the Send To system menu. Main features: - Send To Toys Control Panel Applet allows you to manage the Send To system menu content, and configure the various Send To Toys settings. - "Add to Send To menu" and "Remove from Send To menu" allows you to personalize the Send To system menu for drives, folders, and programs.
- Publisher: Gabriele Ponti
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Panasonic Quick Image Navigator
Quick Image Navigator is powerful software that allows to simplify handling and management of scanned files by searching and classifying them. There is a possibility of simultaneous management of various formats files, for example, getting by means of Panaboard or scanner, that improves work efficiency. The Quick Image Navigator software has faster and more intuitive image handling capabilities.
- Publisher: Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: June 10th, 2017

Any Send
Any Send is a utility that provides you with a quick and simple solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi connection. The application gives you access to a quick tutorial, features easy-to-configure settings, and immediately completes any given task, without slowing down your PC in the process.
- Publisher: Adylitica, Inc.
- Home page: getanysend.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Local Area Network File Send
Lan.FS is a very quick, small and compact freeware network tool (for non-commercial use only) for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista & Windows 7. Some features are: Messenger with animated emoticons Filetransfer service with statusdisplay Remote Desktop functions to telecommand other computers in your network
- Publisher: Michael Schnedler
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Send to OmniFocus
Send to OmniFocus is a browser extension that allows you to send the current page to the OmniFocus inbox. This extension adds a toolbar button that opens up the OmniFocus Quick Entry window for the current tab. It captures both the page's URL and any text you might have selected.
- Publisher: Leonid Shevtsov
- Home page: github.com
- Last updated: February 18th, 2015

HP Quick Launch Buttons
HP Quick Launch Buttons is an application that allows the use of multimedia buttons on they keyboard. Most computer keyboards and most recently laptops come with multimedia buttons and what are called quick launch buttons. HP Quick Launch Buttons is Hewlett Packard's software solution to enable and control the functions of the buttons included in their laptops and desktops.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
- Last updated: September 16th, 2010

Quick Heal Total Security
Quick Heal Total Security is a comprehensive Antivirus protection, parental control, data and privacy protection program. It assures a complete security for your PC with a deep system scan feature. It securely deletes sensitive data files to prevent unauthorized recovery.
- Publisher: Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.
- Home page: www.quickheal.co.in
- Last updated: February 5th, 2024