Quick shutdown button skype in Title/Summary

Quick ShutDown
Quick ShutDown is a power management application that allows you to shutdown, restart, log-off, stand by, hibernate, lock your computer, plus eject any drive. The program can perform any of these tasks by clicking on the system tray icon or by using combination of hot keys. You can also operate the program from the command line interface.
- Publisher: Shatran Software
- Home page: www.winutility.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Super Quick Shutdown
Super Quick Shutdown Free is an easy to use tool that can quickly turn off your computer. With simple settings, it can make shutdowns both quicker and safer. It allows you set hotkeys for each task (shutdown, reboot and logoff), you can also set the desktop shortcut for each task (shutdown, reboot and logoff).
- Publisher: EasyPCTool
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2013

Easy Button Manager
Easy Button Manager is a program that let you configure the Quick Launch Button with a series of Key, Mouse, or Program Functions. Easy Button Manager has three primary functions: Key Combination Function, Mouse Function and the Program Link Function.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Last updated: April 9th, 2012
Quick shutdown button skype in Description

Force Shutdown
Force Shutdown is a little application that can save time at the last minute. I usually run Windows XP on a virtual machine on my Mac for several reasons. I try applications in there and I know that no matter what, I will always be able reinstall Windows if something happens. However, Windows is Windows. And, no matter where you install it, it is bound to crash several times in your lifetime.
- Publisher: Ergoworx
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

ThesesAssistDrawer, is a powerful MS Word addin that can help you configure the layout of papers, theses or science articles. This program is compatible with 2007 or newer version of Microsoft Word, and with 2016 or newer version of Kingsoft WPS.
- Publisher: TujiaStudio
- Home page: www.tujiastudio.com
- Last updated: February 7th, 2022

Hidden Windows 7 Features
Many useful features in Windows 7 are hidden. These features can be enabled by editing Windows registry. Manual editing of Windows registry is long and not so easy process. With Hidden Windows 7 Features are hidden features available with one click.
- Publisher: Theropods Ltd
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

PC Sentinel's AutoKeys! is a desktop typing aid that eliminates repetitive and redious typing tasks. Use PCSentinel's Autokeys to eliminate tedious and repetitive typing tasks, answer hundreds of emails a day, complete forms with the touch of a button, save and retrieve sensitive information like passwords and account numbers!
- Publisher: PC Sentinel Software
- Last updated: December 7th, 2009

Pretty Good Solitaire
Pretty Good Solitaire is a collection of over 1000 Solitaire games. You get to play classic games like Klondike, FreeCell, and Spider, and original games found nowhere else. Pretty Good Solitaire is easy to play, giving you the choice of the standard drag and drop or its unique quick right button mouse clicks to move the cards.
- Publisher: Goodsol Development Inc.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Quick shutdown button skype selection

This program is an IP changer, which can bypass virtually any form of censorship or Internet traffic blocking imposed on you by your ISP, your company, or third parties. Your Internet traffic is routed through remote servers. On your ISP's log file, only the IPs of the remote servers will be shown, not the sites you have visited.
- Publisher: Easy-Hide-IP / Edelino Commerce Inc.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2012

Open Subtitle Editor
Open Subtitle Editor is a program that allows you to create, edit and synchronize subtitles for video files. During creation, you can add subtitles at a specific time and specify a certain duration - this is done either by typing in numbers in corresponding fields or by simply pressing the "Quick Add" button when a video is playing. The program also offers a tool for editing subtitles.
- Publisher: Discovery Open-Source Development Group
- Home page: opensubtitleed.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: January 15th, 2009

What are next to software safety in computer field may be hardware parts, which can face errors due to abnormal power failures. Sudden power failures can do a lot of harm to computer system, components, external tools and most important your data. PowerPanel™ from Cyber Power System is a powerful tool which allows to control and monitoring of your UPS to provide protection.
- Publisher: CyberPower Systems
- Home page: www.cyberpowersystems.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser
AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet and computer activities. The tool is integrated with IE and it can erase the browser cache, history, cookies, typed URLs, autocomplete list and so on. You can also set the tool to automatically erase those tracks when you quit IE or quit Windows.
- Publisher: SysShield Consulting, Inc.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

PlayIt Recorder
PlayIt Recorder is a program that allows you to schedule audio recordings. You can clean up recordings after a specified number of days or when disk space is running low. The program enables you to save recordings as WAVE or MP3 and you can start recordings manually using the Quick Record button.
- Publisher: PlayIt Software
- Home page: www.playitsoftware.com
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Auto ShutDown XP Professional
The most advanced Auto ShutDown application on the market.Functions include Schedules, Conditional shutdown, Security, Prevent PC Restarts, Quick Shutdown, Remote systems shutdown, user guide and lots more.
- Publisher: Gill Information Technology
- Last updated: June 13th, 2008

Shutdown Restart Icons
A useful utility which helps the ever so busy user to shutdown, restart, stand by, hibernate, and log off the PC. Be careful where you put your icons on your desktop, because within just one click, you're done for and you can't go back! Especially if you've accidentally hit the shutdown button!
- Publisher: MY PC OK
- Last updated: May 13th, 2009

Dragonspeak Constructor
Dragonspeak Constructor is an editing program which displays the text being edited on the screen as it is being edited. It has numerous functions among which auto-completion/line search, quick-close button on line find bar, sort button in the variable list window, syntax highlighter now recognizes variables inside { } strings, syntax highlighter now displays trigger pairs differently.
- Publisher: Mercenary Enclave Productions
- Home page: mercenary-enclave.com
- Last updated: January 25th, 2019

DreamPath Storyteller
DreamPath Storyteller is a virtual library that allows you to read and compose books. The books can block the saving of a game for only specific saving points. A quick save button is added on the top right corner of the screen in order to help you. The items from the library have description and the ability to be used.
- Publisher: Ido Flaishon, Drakevision
- Last updated: December 21st, 2009

Static Duplicated EMail Finder
Static Duplicated EMail Finder is a email removal tooll which can find and remove duplicated messages from Outlook Express (Windows XP) and Windows Mail (Windows Vista).
- Publisher: StaticBackup Inc.
- Last updated: October 6th, 2009