Quran viewer plugin in Title/Summary

Quran Viewer
The Holy Quran is Islam's sacred text. This free program allows you to read and study the Quran in an easy manner. Its beautiful interface lets you navigate fast and easily between the 114 chapters or Suras of the book. The program is free to download and use, and you can obtain additional modules for it at the developer's site.
- Publisher: Islamic Library
- Home page: islaamiclibrary.wordpress.com
- Last updated: March 10th, 2016

Flatcast Viewer Plugin
Flatcast Viewer is a Plugin for Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera. Flatcast is a portal for multimedia streaming. You can listen to a radio program, while chatting, take part in eLearning lessons and a lot more. No matter if you want to take part in existing streams, or create your own stream, no further software is required. All you need will be loaded and installed automatically.
- Publisher: 1 mal 1 Software GmbH
- Home page: www.flatcast.com
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2011

Adobe Image Viewer Plugin
You will need this plug-in for the full version of Adobe Acrobat 5.0 and later or Acrobat Reader 5.0 and later to view Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) slide shows and eCards created by Adobe Photoshop Album with audio, video, and transitions. Double-click on the installation file. Follow the installation instructions.
- Publisher: Adobe
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012
Quran viewer plugin in Description

eQuran provides the whole Quran and a collection of several books of el Hadeeth in one compact package. eQuran provides two identities: the Quran Viewer and the Hadeeth Viewer. The Quran Viewer allows you to browse, navigate and search verses of the Quran.
- Publisher: Cairo Cubicles, LLC
- Last updated: August 18th, 2008

The VVS Theme Viewer plugin exists to assist in the creation of custom themes. Using the plugin, you can: List all preinitialized themes (builtin ones as well as XML themes in the VVS install directory that were loaded at game start. Export any preinitialized theme to XML format.
- Publisher: Virindi Plugins
- Home page: www.virindi.net
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

ImageJ ND Viewer Plug-in
ImageJ ND Viewer Plugin is a free program based on Joachim Walter's Image5D plugin that opens Nikon ND2 files, views them in six dimensions and exports the data to TIFFs or creates an AVI of any dimension. The plug-in will only function if stored to the same folder location as the ImageJ program.
- Publisher: Shigeo Kiriyama, Nikon Instruments Inc.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2013

Papyrus AFP Viewer
The Papyrus AFP Viewer plugin lets you view AFP documents from a web browser. Main features: - View any AFP file with .afp file extension or any AFP file on the Web with the 'application/afp' MIME type. - Print AFP files to any Windows printer. - Display and filter indexed documents - Full text and regular expression search.
- Publisher: ISIS Papyrus Software AG
- Home page: www.isis-papyrus.com
- Last updated: January 27th, 2016
- Publisher: all-quran.com
- Home page: all-quran.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2010
Additional Quran viewer plugin selection

AVIX RTOS Viewer Plugin version for KEIL MDK Version (and later)
AVIX is a modern preemptive Real Time Operating System, offering features, in combination, not found in any competing product. AVIX is based on the segmented architecture which is one of the most advanced architectures available. The most prominent advantage AVIX offers is that it never disables interrupts, meanwhile offering full integration between Interrupt Service Routines and threads.
- Publisher: AVIX-RT

Quran Explorer
Quran Explorer allows you to read Quran The Final Testament. Main features: - Single box allows search of and navigation to verses. - Word suggestions and auto-complete. - Index and cross-references include linked verse preview. - Right-click to copy: all text or selected text (with & without formatting).
- Publisher: Rashad Khalifa / Islamic Productions.
- Home page: www.submission.info
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2015

ShaPlus QuranViewer
QuranViewer is a program to display Quran in the Uthmani script. The program doesn't include any translations. Features for changing the text size and adding bookmarks are present. The program can be used along with QuranReciter which will recite the pages from QuranViewer.
- Publisher: ShaPlus Software
- Home page: www.shaplus.com
- Last updated: September 5th, 2013

Polygon Cruncher
Polygon Cruncher is an addon for 3DS Max, Maya, Lightware, and 3DBrowser that optimizes/simplifies the meshes. In Maya, you can keep the object properties (textures, vertex painting, animation) and adjust the optimization level in real-time to suit your needs.
- Publisher: Mootools
- Home page: www.mootools.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

eDrawings for SketchUp
eDrawings for Google SketchUp provides an innovative way to share your designs. You can publish your SketchUp models to eDrawings files that can be packed into a self-executable (.exe). The self-executable file contains the viewer as well as the design data. This ensures that the recipients of such a files do not need to purchase or install any viewer to see the model.
- Publisher: Geometric Ltd.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

DjVu Browser Plugin
The DjVu Browser Plug-in is the primary means of viewing DjVu documents. It runs inside most modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari.Scan your documents in color with no need for presorting and rescanning later. With OCR support for over 100 languages, the text in your scanned documents is now searchable by keyword enabling you to retrieve just the documents you need.
- Publisher: Caminova, Inc.
- Last updated: September 20th, 2010

VRweb Viewer
VRweb Viewer is a Windows application written by Gerbert Orasche and Michael Picler that allows the user to view and rotate VRML 1.0 objects. This program is capable of running as a stand-alone application rather than as a plug-in for a web browser. The VRweb window is divided vertically into four areas: menu bar, tool bar, display area and status bar.
- Publisher: Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2011

TopSolid/Viewer by Missler Software
With TopSolid'Viewer you can forward documents to external partners who do not use TopSolid without needing to convert the files into a neutral format such as IGES or STEP via an interface. TopSolid'Viewer also supports the new .TopViw format with which you can only store the graphical representation of a document (to do so, use Save as in .TopViw format in TopSolid).
- Publisher: Missler Software
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

H3DViewer is a browser in which X3D scenes can be loaded and modified at run time through the tree view. It is also possible for H3DViewer to load plugins which contains custom made H3D nodes. With this distribution a couple of plugins are included to handle graphics and haptics volume rendering, haptic user interface and rigid body physics simulations.
- Publisher: SenseGraphics AB
- Last updated: March 18th, 2015

Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is designed for opening a wide range of file formats. It supports major graphic formats including JPG, BMP, ICO, and GIF. You can also open videos, Internet files, and file types supported by Total Commander Lister plugins. No additional software or codec is required for opening files.
- Publisher: UVViewSoft
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021