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Rail simulator free package in Title/Summary

Rail Simulator

Rail Simulator

Rail Simulator is a train simulation game developed by Kuju Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. Rail Simulator is a fresh incursion into the railway simulation genre and an opportunity for lovers of trains and stations to meet their requirements for entering the cabin of one of these transport vehicles.

Just Trains: Rail Simulator Voyager

Just Trains: Rail Simulator Voyager

Rail Simulator Expansion: Voyager 1.0 is a software simulation program add-on for users of the Rail Simulator program providing them with the Voyager Class 220 and 221 model trains to add to their railway simulators. This expansion program includes seven journey scenarios for these two models.

  • Publisher: Just Trains Ltd
  • Home page: www.justtrains.net
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2008
Gmax Mirage F1 Package FSX SP1 SP2 Acceleration

Gmax Mirage F1 Package FSX SP1 SP2 Acceleration

Gmax Mirage F1 Package FSX SP1 SP2 Acceleration is a free mod for Flight Simulator X. It contains a very nice and powerful aircraft , with a very complex and interesting virtual cockpit for day and night combat. You will enjoy this mod because makes the simulation of fighting airplanes as realistic as possible

  • Publisher: Kirk Olsson,Danny Garnier,JOEL ARAMENDY
  • Home page: fsdownload.com
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2009

Rail simulator free package in Description



Based on North American prototypes, ScaleRail is the ultimate in realism for Rail Simulator and RailWorks. Our next add-on for Rail Simulator/RailWorks is ScaleRail, a system of track shapes and objects which add to the enrichment of your virtual route environment.

  • Publisher: 3DTrains
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2011
JD TrueType Collection

JD TrueType Collection

JD TrueType Collection is a package with free TrueType fonts. The purpose of this package is to offer, in just one file, a free package with a lot of different fonts that you will need if you pretend to create attractive documents and make professional prints.

  • Publisher: Jecko Development
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2012


YAKAMI DICOM Tools is a free package of applications designed to help you handle DICOM files for research and any other purposes. This package includes various applications such as DICOM Viewer, DICOM Converter, File Mover, Folder Renamer, DICOM Counter and many more.

  • Publisher: Masahiro YAKAMI
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2013
DaisyTrail All That Glitters Digikit

DaisyTrail All That Glitters Digikit

DaisyTrail All That Glitters Digikit is a free package that allows you to enhance your cards, scrapbooks and invitations with gorgeous chandeliers, flowers and glittering papers. This free digikit is designed to work with the CraftArtist Compact application.

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - The Mayflower Line

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - The Mayflower Line

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - The Mayflower Line is a free package that contains the Mayflower Line and consists of approximately 24 miles of track between Manningtree and Harwich Town. The route comes with 7 scenarios which use only Freeware Pack and default stock.

  • Publisher: UKTrainSim
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2012

Additional Rail simulator free package selection



Runtime Library Bundle is a free software application developed by David Taylor. This software tool allows you to install the complete package of libraries required for different applications; with this bundle you can install all the libraries at once, easy and fast.

  • Publisher: David Taylor
  • Home page: www.satsignal.eu
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2008
Friga-Bohn and HK Refrigeration Software

Friga-Bohn and HK Refrigeration Software

Friga-Bohn and HK Refrigeration Software is a free package that allows you to make a selection for commercial and industrial unit coolers. It also allows you to get the specific products according to your environment description. It helps you choose the correct Condensers, Fluid coolers, Condensing units, Split systems and Compressor racks.

  • Publisher: Heatcraft
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2016


RuckZuck is a free Package Manager for Windows, designed to keep the Software on your System(s) up to date even if the Software was not installed with RuckZuck. The app also provides a wizard to create and upload new Software entries to the repository.

  • Publisher: Roger Zander
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022


GuiGenie is a free program to create GUIs for Java applications. GUI is an acronym that stands for Graphics User Interface. This is the part of the program that allow the interaction of the users with the program, through the entry of data and commands. GuiGenie uses the components available in the Java Swing Package to create this interfaces.

  • Publisher: Mario Awad
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2008
VisionView Maintenance Utility

VisionView Maintenance Utility

VisionView Maintenance Utility with firmware files and TestRun Plug-in is a free package that that can be used to upgrade the firmware files on VV700 and VVVGA devices. The pack includes the Plug-in files for TestRun and it also can be used to license VisionView and TestRun on a PC, Rockwell, Siemens and Advantech CE Panels.

  • Publisher: Cognex Corporation
  • Last updated: January 13th, 2014
SB ATC Simulator Sector Development Kit

SB ATC Simulator Sector Development Kit

The SB ATC Simulator Sector Development Kit is used to create your own sectors for use in SB ATC Simulator. The package includes some minor information files, be sure to check through these before asking questions in the SDK Forum. To be able to run sectors created in the SDK you must have SB ATC version 1.05 or higher installed.

  • Publisher: Simon's Simulation Software
  • Home page: www.acc.umu.se
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2008


EXPGUI is a graphical interface for the Los Alamos GSAS package. GSAS (General Structure Analysis System) is a comprehensive system for the refinement of structural models to both x-ray and neutron diffraction data. The package can be used with both single-crystal and powder diffraction data (Rietveld analysis), even both simultaneously.

  • Publisher: Argonne National Laboratory
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2009


TaxisMail is a program that provides and email client and server. The program allows scheduling when it will connect to the Internet to retrieve the emails. It also includes an email client called Pegasus Mail which integrates seamlessly into the TaxisMail setup.

  • Publisher: e-Schools Network
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009
Just Trains Cargowaggon IWB for RailWorks

Just Trains Cargowaggon IWB for RailWorks

This PlusPak features the Cargowaggon IWB freight wagon in eight liveries with authentic weathering. The Cargowaggons feature custom physics with animated bogies, wheels and couplings and they can be hauled with the default RailWorks and Rail Simulator locomotives or the Class 66 and 08 Shunter add-ons. Four scenarios are included for the default routes.

  • Publisher: Just Trains Cargowaggon IWB for RailWorks
  • Home page: www.justtrains.net
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
MatLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

MatLab CAPE-OPEN Thermo Import

This Matlab package allows for importing CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamic and physical Property Packages into Matlab. A command driven package allows for selecting a CAPE-OPEN Property Package, and then perform thermodynamic and physical property calculations as well as thermodynamic equilibrium calculations inside Matlab.