Razer copperhead boost in Title/Summary

Razer Copperhead
Equipped with speed, precision and sensitivity, the Razer Copperhead gaming mouse brings gaming to new heights with its revolutionary 2000dpi laser sensor technology. Add 32KB of onboard memory, this intelligent mouse is a genre-defining weapon that makes for penetrating, explosive gameplay.
- Publisher: Razer USA Ltd.
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2009

Razer Krait
Features: - Supports Vista32 and Vista64 - USB port swappable for WinXP32, WinXP64, Vista32 and Vista64 - Standardized Start Menu structure - Full Keystroke visibility for Macro configuration Supported OS: -Windows 2000 -Windows XP 32-bit / 64-bit -Windows Vista 32-bit / 64-bit -Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit
- Publisher: Razer USA Ltd.
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Razer Diamondback
The RAZER DIAMONDBACK maximizes gameplay for hardcore gamers by providing incredible accuracy and precision coupled with a mind-blowing speed of up to 40 inches per second the smallest of movements are translated on the screen instantaneously via the 16-bit ultra-band data path.
- Publisher: Razer USA Ltd.
- Last updated: December 27th, 2011
Razer copperhead boost in Description

Razer Game Booster
This Razer Cortex feature manages and stops non-essential processes/apps (i.e. business apps, background helpers) when gaming, freeing up valuable resources and RAM for a smoother experience. GAME BOOSTER automatically kicks in the moment you launch a game, whether it’s from a gaming platform or your desktop. When you’re done gaming, it auto-restores your PC back to its previous state.
- Publisher: Razer Inc.
- Home page: www.razer.com
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

Superb Game Boost
Superb Game Boost is a game optimizer that clears physical memory and closes unnecessary background processes to boost game performance. It also measures CPU, GPU, and Motherboard temperature and controls the fan speed. This program has a useful in-built screenshot taker.
- Publisher: SuperBoost
- Last updated: December 14th, 2016

n52te Editor
Belkin/Razer n52te, F8GFPC200 is a purpose-built hybrid gaming tool. n52te is designed to work out of the box as a standard Human Interface Device (HID) keyboard. n52te Editor can be used to configure key assignments. You can set three different key keymaps and easily switch between them.
- Publisher: Razer USA Ltd.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Razer Comms
Razer Comms works as an instant messaging tool and allows you to chat with your friends on desktop, mobile or even in game. You can communicate with your friends easily through messages, and then access your chat history so you'll never have to miss out on anything.
- Publisher: Razer Inc.
- Home page: www.razerzone.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Razer Surround
Razer Surround is a program that gives gamers the best virtual 7.1 channel surround sound experience with any stereo headphones. It creates an accurate surround sound environment and allows gamers to calibrate positional sound to match their own unique preferences.
- Publisher: Razer Inc.
- Home page: www.razerzone.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Razer copperhead boost selection

Razer Synapse
Rewriting the rulebook on efficiency, the next evolution of Razer Synapse boasts a fresh, multi-threaded architecture that's up to 30% faster*. Experience unparalleled speed, fluidity, and stability with a streamlined interface that empowers users with swift navigation, enabling independent installations and precise settings configuration.
- Publisher: Razer USA Ltd.
- Home page: www.razer.com
- Last updated: June 21st, 2023

Razer Cortex
Razer Cortex can improve gaming performance on supported PCs by optimizing Windows settings, and RAM & CPU usage. It provides higher frames-per-second, improve load times, etc. Cortex: Gamecaster feature allows you to stream, record and screenshot your gaming moments.
- Publisher: Razer Inc.
- Home page: www.razerzone.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

HiAlgo Boost
HiAlgo Boost can improve the gaming performance of your computer. This program intercepts and on the fly modifies commands sent from the game to the graphics card, optimizing performance frame by frame. When you are in action and the camera moves, Boost decreases the resolution to boost the framerate. When camera stops, it restores full resolution.
- Publisher: HiAlgo Inc.
- Home page: www.hialgo.com
- Last updated: October 4th, 2015

Boost Libraries for C++Builder XE2
Boost provides free portable peer-reviewed C++ libraries. The emphasis is on portable libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. Provides reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization.
- Publisher: Boost Software
- Last updated: September 4th, 2011

Sys Boost
Sys Boost is easy-to-use computer system tune-up software. It is advanced and used to manage, maintain and optimize the performance of your system. Sys Boost wipes junk files or folders, optimizes Internet settings, cleans browser history and Internet cookies, removes and disorganizes Windows Registry and all temporary files.
- Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: July 14th, 2014

MSI X Boost
MSI X-Boost allows you to boost the performance of any storage or USB device connected to your system. Simply launch X-BOOST and selec Easy or Advanced mode to tune your. This handy tool is very easy to use and automatically detects & optimizes the USB devices connected to your system.
- Publisher: MSI
- Last updated: October 5th, 2018

Internet Cell Boost
Internet Cell Boost is an application whose main function is to boost the transfer speed of your Internet connection by taking into account such characteristics as the Internet connection type and the operating system that the computer works with. The application supports all types of Internet connections: wireless, DSL, modem or satellite.
- Publisher: Reohix
- Last updated: August 20th, 2010

Boost Windows
Boost Windows is a revolutionary system booster. Unlike other similar software, they may require you know much knowledge of computer like registry editor, system configuration, and you may have to take the risk of damaging your system. With Boost Windows , you can complete the system optimization in a few "Next" clicks.
- Publisher: URSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

RAM Boost Master
RAM Boost Master allows you to optimize the RAM memory of your computer, boosting up the computer speed, releasing RAM memory and compressing physical memory, making your computer run faster. You can monitor your system without interrupting it. You can see how much memory you have; specificy how much memory you want to free up, and the processes you want to clean up or compress.
- Publisher: CareWindows Corp.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2008

Boost Your Browser
With Boostyb, all the extensions of your browser fit in only one toolbar, your browser is not anymore crowded by multiple toolbars that shrink your web display to nothing. Do not install any other toolbar, just plug what your need in Boostyb.Also is very easy to use.
- Publisher: Nikozen SARL
- Last updated: January 17th, 2010