Re4 ultimate item modifier v1.1 in Title/Summary

RE4 Savegame Editor
Allows users to modify the RE4 SAVEDATA.DAT file. It's practically a cheat tool.- Money - Weapons - Bag size - Enable or disable tactical vest - Files - Bottle caps - Treasures - Life bar - Tme played - Mercs STARS - Weapons and improvements
- Publisher: MOD Game

Batch File Modifier
Batch File Modifier is an application for modifying Windows folders and files, as well as TXT and HTML files. The program is made on the basis of Microsoft.Net framework, thus works perfectly under Windows Vista and even Windows 7. It has a nice, wizard-like interface.
- Publisher: Pmcc
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

SZS Modifier
The SZS Modifier program is the original program to allow you to load up and alter Mario Kart Wii's SZS files. This allows the user to perform texture hacks and model hacks to Mario Kart Wii and any other Nintendo Wii games which use the same .szs file data and then export these files back into the game.
- Publisher: ChadSoft
- Last updated: May 5th, 2010
Re4 ultimate item modifier v1.1 in Description

MPEG4 Modifier
MPEG4 Modifier is a free, simple tool that will help you modify certain parameters of your AVI files without re-encoding the source video. This extremely fast application is capable of changing the original aspect ratio, removing or adding packed bitstream, and even switching the order of the interlaced field, always without touching the quality of the original image.
- Publisher: Moitah
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 6th, 2017

WinRECOL analyzes, designs or checks a reinforced concrete column. The program has the option to choose one of the following design specifications:- CLFD = Caltrans Bridge Design Specification LFD, September 2004, with Revisions - ALFD = AASHTO Bridge Design Specification LFD, Sixteenth, Edition 1996, 1998 Interims and Division I-A Sesimic Design Article
- Publisher: Imbsen Software Ststems
- Last updated: January 15th, 2010

Change PDF Page Size
Change PDF page size program has features to set PDF pages size like orientation size and relative size in orientation size in portrait and landscape in relative size to set dimension of PDF pages by increasing and decreasing percentage of PDF pages.
- Publisher: PDF Page Size Editor
- Last updated: September 7th, 2011

IMOLD for SolidWorks
IMOLD aims to simplify mold design process and help mold designers to be more productive. IMOLD V11 is not only SolidWorks 2012 ready but both 32 and 64 bit ready. For highlights on the new features and enhancements, please refer to: IMOLD V11 Highlights.
- Publisher: Manusoft Technologies Pte Ltd
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

jLameGUI is graphical interface for Lame MP3 encoder/decoder. With jLameGUI you can set lame options is user friendly dialogs, same the options a load them later, edit ID3 v1.0 and v1.1. tags for many files at once, check validity of MP3 frames and more.
- Publisher: JSoft
- Last updated: August 9th, 2008
Additional Re4 ultimate item modifier v1.1 selection

ABB prosoft
ABB prosoft is a software created in purpose to simplify the selection of Softstarters from ABB for different applications. This software will help you to quickly find the most cost efficient and adequate softstarter solutions. ABB prosoft is divided into three parts; Input, Calculation Data and Results.
- Publisher: ABB
- Last updated: September 30th, 2015

Ultimate Settings Panel
An all in one settings solution for a multitude of configuration options in Windows, Office, Powershell and popular internet browsers. This release now has 13 different configuration tabs including Windows 10 and a total of 287 configuration items spanning across all versions of Windows, Powershell, Outlook, Server Administration, Google Chome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- Publisher: Ultimatesettingspanel
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate is a tool for converting more than 160 audio and video formats. You can easily clip audio and video files using the Clip function. The software helps you merge videos or pictures into one file and add special effects. It can also convert HD videos and videos for iPad, iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. It is a genuine expert in audio and video convertions.
- Publisher: Xilisoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2022

Advanced SystemCare Ultimate
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate provides you the best and easy method to protect your Windows simply in real-time. It does not just block all potential threats from viruses, spyware, ransomware, and other types of malware with the 23% larger database. Also offers a double-safe online experience along with the latest Bitdefender engine.
- Publisher: IObit
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate box, is a re-release of the original Burnout Paradise with a lot of add-on packs. The game puts you in a large city and very fast cars. It has elements of speed, danger and craziness. The game is really well done and entertaining. If arcade racing games are your type, you should get this one.
- Publisher: Criterion Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2009

Chicken Invaders 4: Ultimate Omelette
Earth is under attack by chickens from outer space trying to punish humans for oppressing and eating earthling chickens. This is the fourth installment of the Chicken Invaders saga. Now the chickens are angrier and more dangerous. This is a fun and entertaining shooting game.
- Publisher: InterAction studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 28th, 2017

PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate
PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate is easy-to-use software. The program has 3 workplaces - Manage, Adjust, Edit. The first one helps to find and organize photos. Adjust workplace displays tools, buttons, effects, while Edit workplace gives the opportunity to use professional-level tools. This software is a feature-rich photo editor, which makes it easier to spark your creativity.
- Publisher: Corel Corporation
- Last updated: March 12th, 2014

Ultimate Monster Trucks
Race on tracks in many countries around the world such as France, UK, Germany, Spain, Russia, China and the USA. You can also practice in single-race of time-attack, before you enter the championship or play a LAN multiplay game against your friends.
- Publisher: Team6 game studios
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2012

FlatOut Ultimate Carnage
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage is a sports game developed by Bugbear Entertainment and Empire Interactive. With this game you will feel a lot of adrenaline. You may imagine you will compete in a car race, where as usual, the goal is to be the first in getting to the finish line, or to be the only one with the car in one piece. For that you will jump and do a lot of tricks.
- Publisher: Empire Interactive
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 15th, 2008

save2pc Ultimate
This program lets you download video files from many of the video sharing websites in an easy way. It works fast and offers several format options. Nevertheless, the program's interface is rather dull. Also, there are free programs with pretty much the same functions, so there is no point in paying such a high cost for this one.
- Publisher: FDRLab, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2016