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Read facebook feed delphi in Title/Summary

Brilliant Code for Delphi

Brilliant Code for Delphi

Brilliant Code for Delphi is a set of tools that lets you write code and read it in Delphi quickly and comfortably. It includes features such as enhanced code highlighting that gives you a better perceiving of code and optimized navigation and search functions that saves your time when you're searching for needed location in the program.

  • Publisher: Bitmap Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2014
Feed'n Read

Feed'n Read

Feed’n Read is a free Java based open source news feed reader that disposes of an intuitive, fast, and responsive user interface. It has multi-threaded application environment, multilingual support, multi-tab style reading, convenient and powerful management. You can filter news easily and you can recognize already read news thanks to the archive support.

  • Publisher: Sebastian Machhausen
  • Home page: fnr.sourceforge.net
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2009
Hide Facebook Suggested Posts

Hide Facebook Suggested Posts

Hide Facebook Suggested Posts is a free extension for the Google Chrome browser that hides Facebook's annoying sponsored posts on your news feed and suggested events in your events menu. The extension is very simple to use as you just need to install in your browsers.

Read facebook feed delphi in Description

VMN Toolbar

VMN Toolbar

The VMN Toolbar provides a whole new way to experience the web. Now with the ability to check YOUR weather, news, email, play FREE online games, perform local search, listen to the radio, check your Facebook account, Tweet, ect., right from the toolbar without interrupting your browsing experience.



Newzie is a news aggregator, which can be used to monitor RSS and ATOM formatted feeds, as well as normal webpages.It periodically checks your subscriptions and automatically retrieves new content. It then notifies you and presents those updates.While keeping you up-to-date with latest news, Newzie also saves your time by making things automated and easy-to-reach.

  • Publisher: Newzie
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008


AlertThingy is a news and social network aggregator. It is based on the Adobe AIR framework, so it works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux computers. The application serves two basic purposes. The first one of them is to provide you with RSS feeds/news. Secondly, you can link it with your Facebook or Twitter account and you can get a number of alerts on your desktop.

  • Publisher: Howard Baines
  • Home page: alertthingy.com
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009


This application allows you to read, search and manage RSS feeds or create your own RSS feeds without knowledge of XML format and structure. The program has a configurable feed tree for better messages management with drag-and-drop support. It gives you the ability to share news via E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Publisher: SE-SOFT.COM
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2014


FeedReader is a popular application that provides you with the latest news and articles from your favorite websites and blogs. It’s a powerful syndicated Web content aggregation solution that not only delivers the latest information to you, but also lets you easily read and organize it.

  • Publisher: FeedReader
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2010

Additional Read facebook feed delphi selection

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is a messaging service which allows Facebook users to chat with friends right from the desktop, but not only that, using it they'll be notified of new friend requests and messages. The idea of the application is great as when we surf the net or use some other app, this service will definitely come in handy, because we won't have to click away to stay in touch with friends.

Facebook for Adobe AIR

Facebook for Adobe AIR

Facebook for Adobe AIR is an application that runs on your desktop. You log in with your Facebook account and can then read your News Feed and publish content to your Wall and friends' News Feed. You must install Adobe AIR first. The application can be downloaded into any operating system that supports the Adobe AIR framework.

  • Publisher: Facebook, Inc.
  • Home page: facebook.com
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2009


Sleipnir is a web browser that improves the texts with better, easy-to-read fonts. It also has a unique "thumbnail tabs," which shows thumbnails, instead of texts, on top of the tabs. Gesture controls are another feature that improve usability on touch-screens.

Facebook Video Calling

Facebook Video Calling

Facebook Video Calling powered by Skype will be welcomed by most Facebook users - making it easier for them to make video calls to friends without having to leave the browser. Despite its easy set-up and ease of use, the system still seems to be lacking - with no group calling and some issues with older browsers. In its current form, the system works, but with a few tweaks could be a lot better.

  • Publisher: Skype Limited
  • Home page: www.facebook.com
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2014
Facepad for Facebook

Facepad for Facebook

The Facepad addon for Chrome browser checks your Facebook inbox at regular intervals and displays the total number of new and unread messages with a little badge on the toolbar button. You can read the messages and send replies without even loading the Facebook page.

  • Publisher: www.mixesoft.com
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2015
MASS Facebook Account Creator

MASS Facebook Account Creator

The program helps you to create multiple Facebook accounts with ease. You can add data to the program which is then automatically added to the “Sign up” page of Facebook - you only have to type in the captcha. The program can also read an Excel file with similar data fields.

  • Publisher: Easytech Software Solutions
  • Home page: www.easytechsoft.com
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2017
Facebook Gameroom

Facebook Gameroom

This desktop program comes as alternative to using your default web browser to play your favorite Facebook games on your Windows PC. The application comes with a nicely-designed interface, features an efficient search tool, and uses minimum CPU resources while you're playing Facebook games.

Facebook Codes

Facebook Codes

Facebook Codes is a program that will add smileys, skins, styles and themes to your Facebook. This program provides direct access to the installation of required add-ons (like GreaseMonkey) and scripts, as well as web pages that contain the instructions to set up all these things on your Facebook account.

  • Publisher: facebookcodes.info
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2011


Flock has many quick links to various social sites and operations. Some of the features include people sidebar which is to quickly load the people you are connecting frequently with, or to set some of your contacts as favorites. It also has Feedbar to enable users to keep all the feed they are reading and following at one place.

  • Publisher: Flock
  • Home page: www.flock.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2020


Orbitum is a Chromium-based web browser that has some unique features specifically intended for social networking. The program has the same slim interface that characterizes Chrome, and it is as easy to use. Luckily, it also inherits great speed and stability from its web-rendering engine.

  • Publisher: Orbitum
  • Home page: www.orbitum.com
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2020