Readiris urdu ocr in Title/Summary

Readiris is intended for converting images, such as those acquired from a scanner, into editable text by applying optical character recognition. Likewise, it serves to edit and create PDF documents from scratch. In this regard, the tool can generate PDFs from any other program with printing capabilities.
- Publisher: I.R.I.S. SA
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

Readiris Pro
Readiris is a powerful OCR solution designed for private users and small to large office users. With this program, you will boost your productivity and save incredible amounts of time when converting any paper document, PDF, or image file into digital files you can edit, search and share to the Cloud.
- Publisher: I.R.I.S.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 14th, 2021

Readiris Corporate
This program allows you to edit PDF files directly, without the need of converting them into an editable format using a series of tools . It lets you add notes, highlight and underline text, add a watermark, and more. It also lets you convert your PDF file into a variety of formats, among other interesting functions.
- Publisher: I.R.I.S.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2018
Readiris urdu ocr in Description

Urdu - Madni Keyboard
It will help you typing / writing / printing Urdu on your Computer, Writing Documents / Books in Urdu, Designing Urdu Web Pages, Sending Urdu Emails, Chatting in Urdu, Publishing through Electronic Media. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and has more than 60 million speakers in more than 20 countries.
- Publisher: Muhammad Munir Qureshi Madni
- Last updated: May 19th, 2008

Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary
As its name implies, this program is an English-Urdu, Urdu-English dictionary. It is really easy to use. You only need to type the English word whose Urdu translation you are looking for, and press Enter or click on the magnifier button. It also has am Irdu-English function that works exactly as the Urdu-English one.
- Publisher: Cleantouch Software Corp.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2010

CRULP Urdu Phonetic
Urdu is a rich language with a multilingual and multi cultural heritage. Its roots in Arabic, English, Persian, Sanskrit and other languages give Urdu a diverse body of sounds and underlying linguistic structure. Similarly, multi cultural background introduces a varied tradition of calligraphy, prose poetry, and other forms of art in Urdu.
- Publisher: Center for Research in Urdu Language Processing (CRULP)
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 5th, 2010

Urdu Phonetic Keyboard Layout
Urdu Phonetic Keyboard Layout is a keyboard layout that was especially designed for Windows. It allows you to type using characters in Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, which is also widely spoken in parts of India. The keyboard layout is compatible with Unicode 5.1 which is a standard in the computing industry for encoding, representing and managing a text.
- Publisher: CRULP
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

ASC Urdu-English-Urdu Dictionary
ASC Urdu-English-Urdu Dictionary is an essential tool for anyone learning a foreign language. English Urdu Dictionary features an extensive database in both languages including 37,000+ English entries and 20,000+ Urdu entries and also some tricks to search quest word exactly.
- Publisher: Accounting Software Company
- Last updated: October 12th, 2011
Additional Readiris urdu ocr selection

Samsung OCR Software
OCR software allows to turn image files into texts, providing possibilities for editing. Samsung OCR Software is a program created to work with Samsung devices, providing the quality and reliability of the world famous company. With this application you can make any scanned text editable.
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 20th, 2012

PDF OCR can help you recognize the text in scanned PDF documents. Moreover, it can create new PDFs from a series of images. The application has an easy-to-use interface. When you start it, you will be prompted to choose between two modes: scanned image to PDF or scanned PDF to text. Unfortunately, once you enter one of these modes, you cannot switch to the other unless you restart the program.
- Publisher: PDF OCR
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Wordinn English to Urdu Dictionary
This free program lets you translate English words into Urdu and vice versa. It is really easy to use and has several functions, but unfortunately, some of them don’t work properly. Also, the program relies heavily on Google, so you need to be online to use it. You need to share the developer’s page on your Facebook timeline before downloading the program.
- Publisher: Wordinn
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2011

VeryPDF Scan to Word OCR Converter
VeryPDF Scan to Word OCR Converter can recognize the text in scanned PDF documents and images and convert it into DOC and RTF editable text files. This simple utility can extract any text in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, or Portuguese from any image-based PDF file, and convert any text-searchable PDF document into Word or RTF files without losing the original layout.
- Publisher: Company
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Smart OCR Pro
This OCR software lets you convert scanned paper documents and PDF files into editable and searchable digital files. It retains the layout and formatting of the original document. The program features many convenient options and Office integration.
- Publisher: Smart Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter
VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter is a tool that converts PDF documents to MS Word files such as .DOC and .RTF, and these formats are much easier to edit, using more accessible applications. As you can guess from its name, VeryPDF PDF to Word OCR Converter makes use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) therefore it can handle and directly convert your scanned PDF documents as well.
- Publisher: VeryPDF Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Image to OCR Converter
Image to OCR Converter is a program designed to convert different image files into DOC, TXT, HTML and PDF formats. The purpose of getting your image files converted into the mentioned formats is that you can search and edit the text your image files contain.
- Publisher: Soft Solutions Ltd.
- Last updated: June 25th, 2010

ASC English to English & Urdu Dictionary
ASC English to English & Urdu is a dictionary that allows you to translate English to Urdu. You write down an English word or select a word from the list and the program shows the result of the Urdu meaning, the English meaning, and the similar spell English words.
- Publisher: Accounting Software Company
- Last updated: January 6th, 2012

Nicomsoft OCR SDK
The Nicomsoft OCR SDK is an OCR library that allows developers to easily embed high-quality optical character recognition functionality in their products. The program is based on a unique character analysis technology that can accurately recognize any fonts even in poor-quality images.
- Publisher: Nicomsoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 7th, 2016

Aostsoft Image to Word OCR Converter
This program can batch extract text from image such as JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD, EMF, WMF, DCX, PCX, JP2, J2K etc, and convert into editable Word(*.DOC, *.DOCX, *.DOCM) document. The program can analyze and recognize the text contents in any type image files.
- Publisher: Aostsoft, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 30th, 2016