Real voice female generator online in Title/Summary

Female Voice Pack
Female Voice Pack 3.3 is a free add-on for MorphVOX Voice Changer. MorphVOX Voice Changer is a program that you can use to alter your voice on the microphone, into a completely different voice. Please, note that Female Voice Pack 3.3 is just an add-on, it requires MorphVOX Voice Changer to run.
- Publisher: Screaming Bee
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2017

VoxPop Female Voice
VoxATC is an add-on for FSX that has been developed with integrated voice recognition. When you press to talk and speak, the ATC environment is listening to what you say so you won't be interrupted. Use VoxATC voice configuration to set the volume and speed of the VoxPop Female Voice
- Publisher: Internal Workings
- Last updated: November 26th, 2011

Voice Changer for VOIP
Voice Changer for VOIP is an application designed for Skype,Yahoo Messenger, QQ and YY users that can change your voice pitch to be male or female. The program can also enable you to choose from various voice effects and it can sync the changed voice in all calls.
- Publisher: RSkype
- Last updated: April 1st, 2014
Real voice female generator online in Description

Skype Voice Changer
Skype Voice Changer is a cute program for Skype users. It can flexibly alternate your voice pitch between male and female in the Skype call, and send funny sound emotions to your contacts. It can also record Skype calls including your changed voice.
- Publisher: AthTek Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2015

ClearPhone is a professional Video Conferencing Solution for Mac and Windows PCs. Features: - Multi-connect Group conferencing with Hi-Res "always clear" Video and Hi Fi Audio - Full and half duplex voice and video transmissions - File transfers with Post Document processing and group file sharing - Send and receive Streaming Audio and Video for online TV broadcasting
- Publisher: EducationTalk
- Last updated: January 21st, 2010

Antares Voice Thing!
Antares Voice Thing allows you to change your voice with sound effects. With these effects you will sound like alien, android, gnome, etc. You only have to turn on your microphone and adjust the parameters to have the desired effect. The effect can be used for any application.
- Publisher: Antares Audio Technologies
- Last updated: July 31st, 2008

VMG-Soft is a free program that allows you to configure the INT-VMG voice message generator. The program allows you to configure up to 31 predefined voice messages, insert MP3 and WAV files, synthesize the message, change the volume of the audio file and test sample voices.
- Publisher: SATEL sp. z o.o.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 21st, 2014

Cepstral Duchess
Cepstral Duchess is a Character for a synthetic voice that can say anything, anywhere, with personality and style. It can bring fresh content to your ears, on demand from the smallest device to large installations and high-end interactive media. Now you can have your laptop or desktop speak to you in one "real" voice.
- Publisher: Cepstral LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 12th, 2016
Additional Real voice female generator online selection

Ad-Aware Free Antivirus +
Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ is a fast free antivirus for rooting out malware and blocking new threats. The program has various security features, works fast, can be run as a background application and does a good job at protecting you from present and future threats.
- Publisher: Lavasoft Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 25th, 2016

AV VoizGame
Key Features of AV VoizGame:- Ready-To-Use "Nickvoices" - The Pre-set Changed Voices- Super Compatibility With Almost Chat Applications and Online Games- High-Quality Voice Output, Advanced Tune- 2-Dimensional Voice Pitch & Voice Timbre Changer-
- Publisher: Avnex Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 10th, 2013

Heroes Evolved
Heroes Evolved is a lightweight client based game with a heavy focus on real-time strategy and online multiplayer arena combat. Two teams face off in epic battles for supremacy. The team that can destroy the opposing base first wins. Players select from a huge roster of playable characters, each with their own unique skills and attributes.
- Publisher: r2games
- Last updated: October 4th, 2016

Advanced Spyware Remover
Advanced Spyware Remover can help you to keep all the viruses, malware and adware programs, Trojan horses, and online virus threats away from your PC and your important data. The program comes with a powerful anti-virus shield and some useful, handy tools to keep your PC error-free.
- Publisher: Evonsoft
- Last updated: December 26th, 2009

TrackMania United
TrackMania United brings the same crazy and fun formula that made Nations a big hit, and although this game isn't free, it also offers a huge package for your money. More cars, an amazing number of tracks, and hour after hour of great harmless fun. This is one of those games that are simple yet incredibly fun and addictive.
- Publisher: Nadeo
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Typle - a wonderful and easy to use software solution that allows you to access any program, document or internet page using your own voice.
- Publisher: Protexis Inc.
- Last updated: December 19th, 2009 Cloud Drive Cloud Drive provides mail hosting and website hosting with gallery, blog, PHP, MySQL and free customer support. It is included in every web space package, providing all customers with fast and secure real time synchronization, automatic online backup, file sharing, music streaming and unlimited mobile access.
- Publisher:, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2014

Vocalizer Sangeeta from Claro Software
Vocalizer Sangeeta from Claro Software is a voice pack software tool for ClaroRead Plus and ClaroRead Pro. You must already have these two applications installed for the voice pack to work. This voice pack will read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail software, certain PDF files and internet browsers. It deploys a female voice that uses English with Indian accent.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2012

VisionAid British English Ivona Voice Pack
VisionAid British English Ivona Voice Pack is a British English language pack designed for text-to-speech applications. The pack includes two female voices, Amy and Emma, and a male voice, Brian. It can be used with the Readit, Lex, and ReadEasy range of products.
- Publisher: VisionAid International
- Last updated: February 6th, 2017

Chess Eye
You get step-by-step exercises which help you to increase your chess visualisation. Main Features: - 11 exercises - All other exercises have 128 test questions. - Real-time visualisation - Offline & online ranking - Multilingual - Lifetime free online update - Multiple user support
- Publisher: Alexander Fleischer Softwareentwicklung
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 10th, 2008