Realtime video hardware in Title/Summary

3Dfier Realtime 2D-to-3D DirectShow Filter Demo SBS
3Dfier works perfectly with side-by-side 3D Displays such as iZ3D monitor. It also works with 3D Vision Video Player and Stereoscopic Player that supports multiple 3D Display devices including Zalman 3D monitor, nVidia 3D Vision, e-Dimensional shutter glasses and 3DTVs.
- Publisher: Radiant Star Information Inc.
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

123 Realtime Recorder
Realtime Recorder enables you to make production quality video recordings from hard-to-record sources. You can use it to record any streaming video. If you can watch it, you can capture it and convert it into a high quality video file to enjoy at your leisure.
- Publisher: Bling Software Ltd
- Last updated: February 24th, 2014

HDX RealTime Media Engine
The HDX RealTime Media Engine is a plug-in to the Citrix Receiver to support clear, crisp high-definition audio-video calls, particularly with Microsoft Skype® for Business. Users can seamlessly participate in audio-video or audio-only calls to and from other HDX RealTime Media Engine users, native Skype® for Business and Lync® client users.
- Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: December 19th, 2017
Realtime video hardware in Description

E.M. Free Game Capture
Real-time capture high-def games and desktop to video files with various format, show fps and hot key tips on the top-left corner of the game
- Publisher: EffectMatrix, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2009

MEDUSA - Subtitling Station
MEDUSA - Subtitling Station comes with the following features : Native .ass format support - Import export from .ssa, .srt, .sub, .xss, .psb, .txt script formats. - Timing from .wav, .mp3, .ogg audio files. - Timing from any DirectShow playable videoclip. - Realtime Video preview of your subtitles. - Timing-only or Dialogues-only import.
- Publisher: anpanag
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

Dwyco Video
The Dwyco Video Conferencing System (CDC32) lets you see and hear the people you meet online, in real-time.Main features:- It's FREE, NO spyware, NO adware, NO popups - Color real-time video - G-rated and Adult directory listings. - Different servers and directories for different interests. - Public and Private chat etc.
- Publisher: Dwyco, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008

IC Capture
IC Capture can capture and display images and videos from DirectShow devices. This application scans and displays all available capture devices in a list box; simply select the required device to view its realtime video feed. You can also change the exposure, gamma and sharpness, white balance, color & backlight, and zoom & focus using the given sliders.
- Publisher: The Imaging Source Europe GmbH
- Last updated: October 19th, 2015

Fractron 9000
Fractron 9000 is a high performance fractal flame renderer for Windows. Fractron 9000 takes advantage of modern programmable graphics processors to dramatically speed up rendering. Users with either CUDA or OpenCL video hardware will be able to render fractal flame images in near real-time.
- Publisher: Mike Thiesen
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2011
Additional Realtime video hardware selection

Video Fun Box
In the past, effects like these could only be produced on dedicated video hardware, or laboriously rendered in 3D graphics packages. With Video Fun Box, professional quality Video titling is within reach of the home video editor and effects can be created in seconds.
- Publisher: Jellypie Software LTD
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Polycom RealPresence Desktop
Polycom RealPresence Desktop is an enterprise-grade video chat application with HD video support. It lets you extend desktop collaboration value with app management, interoperability, scalability, resiliency, and multi-point calls. This program can automatically compensate for poor lighting and background noise, to improve the quality of video conferencing.
- Publisher: Polycom, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 17th, 2016

Be it a game, a streaming video, a tutorial, or a screenshot of your desktop, capturing videos or images with GOM Cam is a rewarding and an easy-to-perform task. It comes with an intuitive interface with direct access to all of its main functions – image capture; screen, webcam, and game recording, and a new feature to produce “lectures” (still in beta).
- Publisher: GOM & Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

NetCamCenter CamNebula Free Edition
CamNebula is a cloud based service for remote surveillance (VSaaS). Most of the surveillance software and hardware today only record the video locally. By recording both local and remote at the same time, it increases the chance that that video evidences will be there for you when you need it.
- Publisher: Webcam Corp.
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Matrox VFW Software Codecs
The Matrox Video for Windows (VFW) software codecs let you render and play back Matrox .avi files in your VFW programs without having Matrox video hardware installed. The following VFW software codecs are provided for use on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.
- Publisher: matrox
- Last updated: April 19th, 2010

AJA Retail Installer
AJA Retail Installer installs the required drivers for KONA, Io Express, Io XT, T-TAP, and other supported audio/video hardware. KONA is a capture, display and mastering solutions for SD, HD, 3G, Dual Link HD, 2K and 4K for your PC. T-TAP is a compact way to get 10-bit SD, HD and 2K output from any Thunderbolt-enabled PC.
- Publisher: AJA
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 28th, 2016

Aeon x86 Emulator
If you are running Windows, have a multicore processor, and are interested in .NET development or emulation, you may find Aeon interesting or even useful. If you are just looking to play an old game and stumbled across this site, feel free to give it a try, but if you want an emulator with better performance and compatibility, check out DOSBox.
- Publisher: Greg Divis

Lenogo DVD Movie to PSP Video Converter
Lenogo DVD Movie to PSP Video Converter is a professional DVD to PSP video converter software.
- Publisher: Gold Medal Software Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: May 21st, 2008

Streamstar SW is a live production and streaming software. It enables you to easily produce and stream professional, live, multi-camera video productions. This program lets you stream up to 1080p at a maximum 10 Mbps rate. You can connect 4 IP stream input, 4 HDMI input, and 4 NDI input.
- Publisher: STREAMSTAR
- Last updated: August 25th, 2018

Robotfunk Flowmotion
Flowmotion 2.8 VJ software is a visual performance instrument that offers modular possibilities in an interface that is streamlined for live use, with instant access to any control without having to search for a window or a menu item. Flowmotion offers you 5 channels to mix up in a variety of ways. In each channel you can use any controller, such as -loop (loops a clip synced to a bpm or at any tempo) -cutup (randomly cuts up any clip rhythmically, in any tempo subdivision) -sequencer (plays up to 16 clips sequentially, works with reverse and pingpong modes) -MIDImap (maps clips across a MIDI keyboard for triggering) -Link (reprocesses output from the previous channel) Regardless of what controller you use in a channel, you can always do the following in every channel: -Turn on/off -Select forward, reverse, pingpong direction -Set in and out points -set speed in relation to the master tempo (with 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4 factors) or -set speed in any forward or revers tempo -Scratch the current clip back and forth with mouse, joystick, MIDI controller or any other value. -Change fore and background colors quickly and smoothly with the Infinite Color Palettes. -Blend the channel with the previous using straight blending or any of the almost 30 blend modes, including Add, Substract, Multiply, Difference, or use a gradient custom wipe or use any source, moving or not, as a mask layer. -Use 2 realtime video effects, each with up to 12 faders that can be MIDI controlled or linked to any other parameter in Flowmotion, including any other fader, scratchpad, LFO, audio frequency range, time or other value. Easily link any controller to any value by dragging a cable between them with your right mouse button pressed. Flowmotion does MIDI: Every parameter in every channel can be MIDI controlled. Easily map your MIDI hardware to the Flowmotion interface using MIDI Learn function. Flowmotion 2.0 syncs to MIDI clock, meaning instant tight synchronization with MIDI devices such as Sequencers,(hard/software), Drum Machines, Grooveboxes, BPM Extractors etc. Full start/stop/continue implementation. In this mode, all loops, sequencers, cutups, LFOs etc can be synced to the master tempo. Of course you can still achieve this by tapping the space bar to the beat of the music if you aren't MIDI inclined. Flowmotion does Audio: Flowmotion 2.0 has an audio input analysis (FFT) module aboard that divides incoming audio into 9 bands that are 1 octave wide each for the most musical result. Every parameter in Flowmotion can be linked to any octave band by simply dragging a cable. You can select any audio input within Flowmotion. New features include: Flowmotion also does joysticks(PC) and has 2 Low Frequency Oscillators that can sync to the master tempo or run individually. Flowmotion does Effects: In addition to the already over 40 realtime video effects in Flowmotion 1.3, the new version adds support for Freeframe effects, kicking the number of available effects to well over 100.(*). FreeFrame is an open-source cross-platform real-time video effects plugin system that allows effect programmers to make their code work in a large number of VJ Software titles. (*)FreeFrame effects are not supported yet in the Mac versions, but will be available as a free upgrade. Flowmotion loads all types of AVI/Quicktime/MPEG (1,2,4) movies, all popular image formats and supports interactive Flash/Director movies (Generators) that may respond to audio/LFO/time variables within Flowmotion, enabling users to make their own dynamic plugins. Flowmotion has a text compose module for quickly creating any text in any font, style and color. Flowmotion supports video capture sources, such as DV Cameras or video capture devices. Yes, it does fullscreen output on tv out. Flowmotion is available now for a limited time offer of 99 Euros A fully functional demo version can be downloaded at
- Publisher: Robotfunk
- Home page: