Receipt icon png image in Title/Summary

Icon to Image Converter
It allows you to convert all Windows XP icons, cursors and Icon Library into Windows BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, WMF, EMF, PNG, PCX, J2K, TGA and RAS images by one Click. Support XP Alpha Channel icons. Image filtering Hue, Brightness, Contrast and more.
- Publisher: Program4Pc
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2010

PNG To Icon Converter
PNG To Icon Converter is a great and easy tool that lets you convert your PNG image format (.png) files into Icon image format (.ico) files in very large quantities. The conversion is very fast which allows you to convert thousands of files at a time in just seconds.
- Publisher: Pika Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2011

Image Icon Converter
Image Icon Converter is a powerful and handy application that allows you to easily convert BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TGA, TIF and PCX formats into Windows icons. This incredible program helps you edit digital images into icons, and also does the reverse, transferring icons into digital images.
- Publisher: JosesSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Receipt icon png image in Description

Once you have installed IconUtils on your computer, you will be able to create and edit icons, toolbars, gif buttons, convert image files of various formats, download icon libraries from the Internet and even more; all you need in one tool!
- Publisher: Aha-soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

jalada Best Image Converter
Best Image Converter is the most comprehensive tool for converting nearly any image type into another, quick and reliable, simply by Drag & Drop. As a result, you can import your pictures into your favorite app regardless of the source image format.
- Publisher: jalada GmbH
- Last updated: October 4th, 2013

Picture2Icon is a simple program that allows you to convert any picture or photo to a Windows icon, Mac OS X icon, or PNG image. The resulting icon can be of any size you want (128x128, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 16x16 and 256x256) and you can also export it to any folder on your computer.
- Publisher: binerus
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 20th, 2010

Easy Picture2Icon
Easy Picture2Icon is a very simple, neat and handy utility that lets you create icons from your very own pictures. It lets you load any JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG image file and convert it to an ICO image of the standard 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 icon dimensions, therefore it can create fully-compatible Windows icons that can be associated with any application, file, or command.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2010

321Soft Icon Designer
321Soft Icon Designer is the most user-friendly icon software for Windows. It allows to create and edit icon images with transparency for Windows, Mac and your software. easily create an icon from existing image.
- Publisher: 321soft studio
- Last updated: February 6th, 2012
Additional Receipt icon png image selection

GIMP is a free versatile graphics manipulation package. Each task requires a different environment and GIMP allows you to customize the view and behavior the way you like it.GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to not only preview your artwork but also do editing work while using the most of your screen estate.
- Publisher: The GIMP Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Icofx is a professional-quality program for designing icons and cursors. This program allows you to convert your favorite images into icons or cursors. Supported image formats SVG, BMP, PNG, JPG, JPG2000, TIF, and GIF. You can also extract icons from executable files, DLLs, and similar formats.
- Publisher: IcoFX Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2022

DjVuLibre DjView
DjVuLibre+DjView is a DjVu document and image viewer for DjVu documents. This open source implementation allows you not only to view your DjVu files, but also convert them into any of the most widely used image formats available, such as JPEG, TIFF, BMP, or PDF. Actually, DjVu is regarded as a high-quality alternative to all of these types of documents.
- Publisher: Léon Bottou
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2012

Easy Graphic Converter
Easy Graphic Converter is a powerful tool that allows you to convert images and photos into many popular image formats, including JPG, GIF, ICO, BMP, EMF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, and even apply some special effects to them. Also includes screen-capture and icon-capture utilities.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

3D Image Commander
3D Image Commander is a cute small application that allows you to add creative styles and effects to your thumbnails. You will be able to apply amazing perspective tweaks and add shadows, frames, reflections, etc., to your favorite images. Probably one of its main assets is its simplicity, and its “free camera” functionality is just one example of it.
- Publisher: binerus
- Last updated: August 20th, 2010

This handy tool offers one of the simplest and fastest ways of creating icons that look great, and, best of all, you won't have to resort to copying other peoples' icons, or to pay professionals to create them for you. Iconion's main advantage is the fact that it comes packed with numerous preset templates of icons that you can load and then fully customize to your liking.
- Publisher: Iconion
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 7th, 2015

PE Explorer
PE Explorer makes it easy to view, analyze and edit win32 executable files (EXE, DLL, SYS, ActiveX). Offers easy-to-use tools such as a Visual Resource Editor, powerful Win32 Disassembler, DLL Export Viewer, UPX Unpacker and Dependency Scanner.
- Publisher: Heaventools Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Microangelo On Display
You can customize the appearance of your Desktop in various ways, from wallpaper and resolution adjustments to color calibration and display orientation selections. But, if you wish to take it to the next level and change the icon's display mode, Microangelo On Display will provide you with plenty of solutions.
- Publisher: Leonard A Gray, Impact Software
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2012

FILEminimizer Suite compresses PowerPoint, Word, Excel, PDF and image files by 50-90% without zipping. The software sports an intuitive interface and lets you optimize the size of your Office files (97-2010), PDF documents as well as your JPG, TIF, BMP, GIF, EMF and PNG image files without changing the native file format.
- Publisher: balesio AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2010

We Image to Icon Converter
Not all icon creation tools can produce up to 42 versions of the same icon in one go using any given JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, WMF, or EMF image file, and make it in such a way that even those who know nothing about image compression or image resolution feel they can do it. We Image to Icon Converter is one such a tool.
- Publisher: iWesoft
- Last updated: July 25th, 2012