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Recycle bin for nokia x2-01 in Title/Summary

RecoverBits Recycle Bin Recovery

RecoverBits Recycle Bin Recovery

Download Recycle Bin Recovery tool to recover data/files from Windows trash bin @ affordable cost. This recovery tool is accomplished to recover all types of data like ? JPEG, ZIP, PNG, AVI, PSD, XLS, PPT, MP3, MP4 and many more.

Recycle Bin Laden

Recycle Bin Laden

Recycle Bin Laden is an icon replacement application for Windows computers. The application serves only one purpose and it might be considered of bad taste for more than 250 million people around the globe. It replaces your default Recycle Bin icon with an image of 2001 War-on-Terror target Osama Bin Laden.

  • Publisher: Zamaan's Software
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008
RM Network Recycle Bin

RM Network Recycle Bin

The RM Network Recycle Bin revolutionises the retrieval of accidentally deleted files by enabling your teachers and learners to do it themselves. Any files they delete that are stored on shared areas of the network are automatically sent to their Network Recycle Bin instead of being permanently deleted.

  • Publisher: RM plc
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2010

Recycle bin for nokia x2-01 in Description

Recycle Bin Manager

Recycle Bin Manager

Recycle Bin Manager is a proactive solution to digital shredding that can permanently destroy data in the back ground. You configure the file types and let Recycle Bin Manager protect your privacy. It's ideal for shredding sensitive documents, images, videos, archives, and company sensitive data.

  • Publisher: Satalink Soft
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Bin Extender

Bin Extender

Bin Extender is a utility for checking and setting the capacity of your Windows Recycle Bin item. The Recycle Bin is shown as an icon on the Windows desktop, and it has a specified space limit or capacity. Bin Extender alerts you whenever the Recycle Bin capacity crosses a specified limit by showing you a new Recycle Bin icon.

  • Publisher: ISWare
  • Home page: www.isware.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2008


Some Windows users prefer not to have icons cluttering the desktop for various reasons. One obvious reason being that there are applications open on the desktop which make it difficult to get to the various icons. CornerBin fixes this problem by allowing users to have a small icon in the system tray with the same functionality of the Recycle Bin.

Recover Your Files

Recover Your Files

Recover Your Files is recovery/undelete software for deleted files recovery. Recover Your Files deleted files from hard drives, floppy disks, Zip drives, Jaz Drives, USB Hard Drives, USB Flash Drive, Photo card, Digital Camera Cards.

  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


BinManager is shell context menu command for deleting old items from Windows recycle bin, as well as a scriptable component for managing the recycle bin. You can use either feature, or both.Note on Windows 2k Pro and XP Pro, you can use the Group Policy Editor to specify scripts to be run on logoff or shutdown.

  • Publisher: cheztabor
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Additional Recycle bin for nokia x2-01 selection



CCleaner for PC helps you clean up your Windows computer, optimize performance, and maintain your online privacy. CCleaner's Driver Updater helps improve performance of your PC's graphics, sound, and internet connectivity while preventing software bugs, hardware problems, and crashes.

  • Publisher: Piriform Software Ltd.
  • Home page: www.ccleaner.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Network Recycle Bin Tool

Network Recycle Bin Tool

Server Network Recycle Bin Tool is a reliable and easy-to-use software solution developed specifically for shared network servers, in order to provide you with the ability to recover deleted files with ease. Main features: - Moves deleted files from network drives to the recycle bin folder. - You can restore a deleted file as it was at the time of deletion.

Server Network Recycle Bin Tool

Server Network Recycle Bin Tool

Server Network Recycle Bin Tool is a reliable and easy-to-use software solution developed specifically for shared network servers, in order to provide you with the ability to recover deleted files with ease. Server Network Recycle Bin Tool needs to be installed on the server in order to function properly and it will act as a Recycle Bin for your network.

Recuva Data Recovery

Recuva Data Recovery

Recuva Data Recovery is a powerful program that recovers files deleted from your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card or MP3 player. It can be used whether you need to recover priceless photographs from your digital camera's memory card, files you backed up to an external hard drive or the documents you carry around every day on your USB key.

  • Publisher: Piriform Ltd
  • Home page: www.piriform.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2024
Recover My Files

Recover My Files

Recover My Files data recovery software recovers deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, files lost due to the format or re-install of a hard drive, or files removed by a virus, Trojan infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure.

  • Publisher: GetData
  • Home page: getdata.com
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2023
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard lets you recover deleted files from hard disks, SSDs, USB drives, SD cards, and other storage media. It has the ability to filter specific types of files, such as documents, pictures, videos, and emails. Data loss scenarios including accidental formatting, deletion, OS crash, virus infection, etc., could be handled by this tool.

  • Publisher: EASEUS
  • Home page: www.easeus.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024


QuickPar is a free utility for creating Parity Volumes (PAR version 2.0 and PAR2) using the Reed Solomon algorithm and for verifying and repairing files that are corrupt or disnamed. It can be used to verify that a set of files have not been corrupted, or for reconstructing corrupt files, if you have sufficient Parity Volumes to match the missing or corrupt files.

  • Publisher: Peter B. Clements
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2011


WinDirStat 1.1 is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool. With this file utility is easy to identify the files to be erased showing the directories or files that use more space. Also you can see all the file extensions and which extension is the more used in your computer. WinDirStat runs in all Microsoft Windows platforms.

  • Publisher: Seifert
  • Home page: windirstat.info
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008


IconPackager is a program that allows users to change nearly all of their Windows icons at once by applying "packages" of icons. A package of icons contains icons to replace most of the common icons on your Windows PC. What makes IconPackager special is that unlike Microsoft's themes which only change a few icons, IconPackager changes hundreds of icons.

  • Publisher: Stardock.net, Inc
  • Home page: www.stardock.com
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2023


Simpliclean can increase your system's performance by finding and fixing various types of problems as well as eliminating unnecessary data. The tool has a nice and straightforward interface, so there is no way you can get lost. Moreover, it can be set to perform automatic checks or run in automatic pilot on Windows startup.

  • Publisher: simplitec GmbH
  • Home page: www.simplitec.com
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2018