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Red tube teachers small students in Title/Summary

FX Stat

FX Stat

FX Stat creates a powerful, dynamic statistical environment for the exploration of data in all of its forms. Students and teachers will love the ability to produce high-quality statistically correct graphics for use in tests, examinations, worksheets and assignments.

  • Publisher: Efofex Software
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
BlueSmart Demo

BlueSmart Demo

BlueSmart allows you to focus on your teaching and your students, without getting bogged down by administrative chores. BlueSmart family module now includes Fingerprint recognition automated attendance checking. No need to worry about students forgotten ID cards.

  • Publisher: BlueSparx
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018


Senteo enables teachers to tag student names with keywords that indicate core attributes, such as gender. In addition, an improved interface will allow them to search, sort, organize and monitor student grades. The enhancements to Senteo assessment software, include a full-featured gradebook that keeps track of each student’s score on all in-class assignments.

  • Publisher: SMART Technologies Inc.
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2008

Red tube teachers small students in Description

Book Reporter

Book Reporter

Book Reporter can ease the process of writing, grading and managing book reports. It combines both roles: student and teacher, in a single application. So, for the student, it will work as a space where he can publish his reports according to given structure and requirements. As for the teachers, they will be able to check the students’ work and provide grades for them.

Math ActivityMaker-Primary

Math ActivityMaker-Primary

Math ActivityMaker-Primary is a comprehensive set of worksheets and tests specifically designed for Primary students and teachers. It covers all the topics that any student of Primary Level Math should master, such as telling time, counting money, determine the place value of a number, measuring time, rounding numbers, or learning all about Roman Numerals.

  • Publisher: Joe Tompkins
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2012


Clearly designed as an aiding tool for teaching Mathematics at any level – from elementary to high school -, GEONExT is a fine drawing application that will help teachers and students alike in generating high-quality mathematical visualizations that, in some cases, would not be possible to create and share with the class otherwise.

  • Publisher: GEONExT Group
  • Last updated: October 3rd, 2011
Diagramming Sentences

Diagramming Sentences

Diagramming Sentences makes learning the structure of simple and complex sentences easy. It follows the Kellogg-Reed method of diagramming (or Reed-Kellogg, as it is more commonly known), which – despite of being nearly 135 years old – is still as good as any other method to teach and learn the different functions of the various elements in a sentence and how they interact.

  • Publisher: Prof. G. Dalgish
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2010


Teachers and students can use multimedia screens, virtual instruments, sound, and animation to create, test, and safely repair circuits. Real-time 3D graphics and lifelike 3D components will captivate your students as they build circuits in the real 3D world. Edison also comes with over 100 experiments and problems that teachers and students can use immediately.

  • Publisher: DesignSoft Inc
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2011

Additional Red tube teachers small students selection

Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox

Universe Sandbox is a physics-based space simulator. It merges real-time gravity, climate, collision, and physical interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet. Unlike many other games and simulators, Universe Sandbox actually simulates gravity, temperature, and climate for various bodies.

  • Publisher: Giant Army
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2023


Generally, math teachers look for the simplest ways to teach their pupils, while also making sure that they're interactive enough to keep them interested. Autograph is an advanced application that enables teachers and students to easily render 2D and 3D graphs.

Genius Maker Free Edition

Genius Maker Free Edition

Genius Maker Free Edition in an educational tool that may be useful for both students and teachers. The program includes 34 tools regarding the areas of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, though only nine of these tools are available for free. The rest of the tools are just trial versions that you can use with certain functional and/or temporal limitations.

  • Publisher: Golden K star Enterprises
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2011
MicroWorlds EX

MicroWorlds EX

MicroWorlds EX is not a tool, but rather a collection of tools assembled to provide the means you need to do all the types of explorations you can imagine. By tools, we don’t mean just gizmos and gadgets (although there are definitely some of those in MicroWorlds EX)



Mirror app or content from your mobile devices or Chromebook to your computer and broadcast to remote audiences through your web meeting or webinar solution. Mirror your device to your computer for game recording. Share photos or music with your family on a big screen (via a computer or media box like Fire TV).

PLT Scheme

PLT Scheme

PLT Scheme is an IDE (Integrated development environment) for the Scheme Language. As the language itself, it is aimed mainly at students and new programmers. It has several features which will prove helpful both for teachers and students, like debugging, limit memory, different levels of the language to choose from, or commenting large portions of code.

  • Publisher: PLT Scheme Inc.
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2010
TI StudyCards Creator

TI StudyCards Creator

TI StudyCards Creator software allows to create electronic flash cards called “stacks” and exchange them between your device and computer. This application is intended for teachers and students. There are many stacks on the TI web site that cover many areas, such as history, geography, science, art, English literature, economics and music, but you can make your own using this program.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Function Grapher

Function Grapher

Features: - Creating 2D function graphs, animations and table graphs on Function Grapher - Creating 2.5D function graphs, animations and table graphs on Function Grapher - Creating 3D function graphs, animations and table graphs on Function Grapher - Creating color map, contour plot and vector field on Function Grapher

  • Publisher: GraphNow
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2018
FX MathPack

FX MathPack

FX MathPack provides a collection of four powerful mathematical tools: FX Draw, FX Equation, FX Graph and FX Stat. FX Draw and FX Equation were originally designed as tools for mathematics teachers but are now used by teachers and students all over the world. FX Graph and FX Stat are primarily student tools for the exploration of functions, relations and statistics.

  • Publisher: Efofex Software
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2018


Archim is a program for drawing the graphs of all kinds of functions. You can define a graph explicitly and parametrically, in polar and spherical coordinates, on a plane and in space (surface). Archim will be useful for teachers and students.

  • Publisher: Stochastic Lab
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017