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Registry life registration key in Title/Summary

Registry Life

Registry Life

Registry Life can be used to find and rectify errors in Windows registry keys. It can also delete unwanted information from the registry, making it easier for the system to get data from it. Registry Life comes with a defragmentation tool that can optimize registry hive files.

  • Publisher: ChemTable Software
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020
CD Key Reader

CD Key Reader

CD Key Reader is a free program that scans the registry for encoded CD registration keys. The program decodes the keys found in the registry and displays the registry path or the product name. You can retrieve the keys in a fast and easy manner by pressing the scan button.

  • Publisher: J D H Turner
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2008
Registry Search + Replace

Registry Search + Replace

Registry Search + Replace is a tiny useful tool that will help you maintain your Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT registration databases updated. It helps you locate all possible occurrences of a specific string quickly and safely, and replace them (or not) with the text of your choice. It includes various safety measures to prevent changes made inadvertently from happening.

  • Publisher: Steven J. Hoek Software Development
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2008

Registry life registration key in Description

HardKey License Manager

HardKey License Manager

HardKey System is easy and powerfull license manager and work with short (15-25 chars) keys. Program based on strong asymetric (public keys) cryptography.

  • Publisher: SoftComplete Development
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


If you are a Delphi programmer and need to market your software securely, and you want that your potential customers to evaluate your products before they buy them, then AVLock SIMPLE is the solution that you are looking for. Also, with this small component you will be able to manage the whole licensing cycle of your application through internet.

  • Publisher: AV-Soft
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2018
Trellian CodePad

Trellian CodePad

Trellian CodePad is a text editor with many features. It has all the necessary features to produce Rich-text Format documents. It also includes syntax highlighting for most of the web-based languages, such as Java, JavaScript, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, PERL, PHP, VBScript and C++. The program allows you to insert components for any of those languages through the Insert menu.

  • Publisher: Trellian Software
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2008


RegMagik is an enhanced version of Windows Registry Editor and combines familiar user interface with a number of unique enhancements including fast search (all matches displayed in the search results pane in the bottom part of the window), drag and drop, desktop shortcuts to registry keys, address bar with autocomplete, automatic smart recognition of files and folders.

  • Publisher: Guzner Software
  • Home page: www.regmagik.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
UnLock Phone

UnLock Phone

UnLock Phone is software that enables you to Root your Android device, without knowing any of the technical details or processes required to perform such an operation. There is an extensive list of supported devices that you may browse, in order for you to check whether or not your device is supported, prior to the purchase of the software.

  • Publisher: unlockroot.com
  • Home page: Unlockroot.com
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2013

Additional Registry life registration key selection

AML Free Registry Cleaner

AML Free Registry Cleaner

AML Free Registry Cleaner is Registry-cleaning software. It will safely clean and repair Windows Registry problems with a few clicks and enable you to enjoy a cleaner and more efficient PC. The Registry is the nerve center of your PC, and problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages.

  • Publisher: AML SOFT, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2013
Registrar Registry Manager

Registrar Registry Manager

Registrar Registry Manager allows you to safely maintain your local registry as well as the registries on the systems of your network. It offers solutions for backing up and restoring registries, fast background search and replace, and a bookmark editor.

  • Publisher: Resplendence Software Projects Sp.
  • Home page: www.resplendence.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021
Registry Healer

Registry Healer

Registry Healer is a utility that checks the entire registry to make sure that there are no broken entries. The program is particularly useful if you tend to install and uninstall a lot of programs. By putting it to work, it will help you clear out the junk that commonly fills up the Registry.

  • Publisher: KsL Software
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2016


This puzzle game has different playing modes and various skill levels. They all are united by common interface and idea - the goal is to match color blocks and remove them from the board. You could also play against the computer.

Puran Registry Cleaner

Puran Registry Cleaner

Puran Registry Cleaner is an easy to use free tool that can help you find and delete unnecessary registry keys and values for better performance of your computer. Features: Scan and delete invalid regitry keys and values. You can also exclude certain registry key from detection. It can also be scheduled if used with Puran Utilities Batch Fix.

Jewel Twist

Jewel Twist

Jewel Twist is a game where the goal is to remove every marble tile in the level by swapping adjacent tiles to match 3 or more equal tiles. There are chain tiles locked and they cannot be swapped, you need to match them with adjacent tiles. There are 100 levels. Available for Windows and Mac

  • Publisher: Kristanix Games
  • Home page: www.kristanix.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
All My Software

All My Software

All My Software is a handy utility for keeping an updated inventory of all your software. The application can scan your system and create a detailed database of your programs. Thus, you will have a point of reference for each installed program on your PC when you need it.

  • Publisher: Bolide Software
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2008


This program is for programmers who want to protect their software against hackers. It is done by sending an encrypted ".key" file to your customers via an email attachment (Outlook, MAPI or Internal mailer ). You enter information about your customers, create a registration file and send this file via your e-mail by attaching it.

  • Publisher: Rayonline.com
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2008
Passcape Win CD Keys

Passcape Win CD Keys

Passcape Win CD Keys is a program that can help you recover lost CD keys for over 500 installed products. It has support for Microsoft Windows, MS Office, OneNote, Microsoft Money, Microsoft SQL Server, Westwood games, Ubisoft games, Valve Software games and many others. You can decrypt CD keys directly from Windows registry files.

  • Publisher: Passcape Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


AutoTap is a suite to diagnose problems with the electronic of cars and trucks. You can connect your PC to the desired vehicle via the ODB II interface, via the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol. You can even install upgrade packages for specific manufacturers like Ford and Chrysler.

  • Publisher: B&B Electronics
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2013