Reporters roundtable in Title/Summary

Microsoft RoundTable Management Tool
Microsoft® RoundTable™ Management Tool is a new and useful tool for your computers. Is a easy and free to use tool that you can get and install it easy.Microsoft® RoundTable™ Management Tool is the tool to manage, configure and image update Microsoft RoundTable device.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: March 16th, 2010

Professional Court Reporters' Toolkit
The Reporters' Toolkit is a software application has the purpose to standardize, simplify and expedite the creation of transcripts from proceedings such as Court, Discovery, Inquest, etc. The information contained on these pages is of a technical nature, relating to the installation, use and troubleshooting of the PCRTKv2 software.
- Publisher: Dynavations RRS Ltd.
- Last updated: May 30th, 2012

RealLegal E-Transcript Manager
RealLegal E-Transcript Manager is a production tool designed for court reporters. It provides a central dashboard for agency production staff to manage multiple reporters, transcripts, and jobs. RealLegal E-Transcript Manager produces RealLegal E-transcripts in PTX format.
- Publisher: Thomson Reuters
- Last updated: December 24th, 2014
Reporters roundtable in Description
- Publisher: 3Ears Software
- Last updated: April 26th, 2008

CaseViewNet is a realtime transcript viewer program. It offers an advanced realtime interaction technology and it provides benefits to both court reporters and legal professionals. It accepts serial input from any court reporter capable of sending realtime to viewers such as CaseView II, LiveNote and Summation
- Publisher: Stenograph, L.L.C.
- Last updated: September 8th, 2014

Case CATalyst
Case CATalyst is a program designed for computer-aided transcription (CAT) with special editions configured for judicial reporters, captioners, editors, and students. It is completely integrated with Diamante, élan and Stentura writing machines and others.
- Publisher: Stenograph, L.L.C.
- Last updated: April 17th, 2015

News Max
News Max is a program that allows you to run professional looking news channels with input from up to 4 cameras. It displays news based messages and captions and full FLC format support and video based logos. You can have various windows showing reporters from different places, design your own layout backgrounds using Flash or Photoshop, you can add Live Cricket and other Sports Scores.
- Publisher: Trinity Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2015

TimeCoder Pro
TimeCoder Pro is a video and transcript synchronization program used by legal videographers, court reporters, and law firms. The application automatically synchronizes transcripts and video depositions using advanced speech and pattern recognition. With this tool you have you in complete control of the syncing process.
- Publisher: inData Corporation
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2010
Additional Reporters roundtable selection

Altova Authentic
Altova Authentic 2008 is a FREE XML and database content editor that allows business users to view and edit data without being exposed to the underlying technology. It is ideal for use as the front end of custom XML and database-centric applications.
- Publisher: Altova, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2022

PuppetShow: The Price of Immortality
PuppetShow: The Price of Immortality is a hidden object adventure game. The Theater of Emotions has earned quite the reputation. It's known all over France for its menagerie of life-like puppets, but it's also notorious for all the reporters who have vanished trying to reveal its magical secrets.
- Publisher: ERS Game Studios
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2015

15000 Media Contacts
15,000 Media Contacts offers everything you need to create and submit effective press releases to numerous media outlets, including newspapers, TV stations, magazines, radio stations and top news Websites, such as Google™ and Yahoo!® News. Includes over 15,000 up-to-date media contacts from USA & Canada.
- Publisher: Summitsoft Corporation
- Last updated: August 31st, 2010

MyAWEKAS is user friendly Windows application with which you can post your weather conditions to AWEKAS. For manual weather reporters, sending data to AWEKAS is now very easy. Operators with automatic stations can now send their weather conditions much easier than before.
- Publisher: Gattringer IT Dienstleistungen
- Last updated: October 18th, 2011

Meridix EventReporter
Meridix EventReporter is the fastest, easiest way to get your staff involved in instantly submitting scores directly on the desktop, with automatic alerts and no login. Score report boxes appear automatically on the screens of your reporters, as events on your schedule occur.
- Publisher: Meridix Creative, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Rovedin News Network App
Rovedin news network is a portal for news networks to get their news out and drive traffic. Rovedin News Network brings you the news headlines around the world in one click. It let you choose from any news headline which is updated every 30 minutes. You can publish your own news items or articles by creating an account or login.
- Publisher: Rovedin
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011