Research work in tamil bible in Title/Summary

Tamil Bible
This Tamil Bible module for theWord Bible Software is completely free of cost. You can download it freely and you can redistribute freely. Please dont make money of this application. Word Of God says "Freely you have received, freely give - Matthew 10:8". Let every one make use of "Word Of God".
- Publisher: Word Of God Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2008

Tamil Unicode Bible for e-Sword Bible Software
What is special in unicode version? 1. You can copy the verse or notes into your websites,emails,blogs,etc. 2. You can directly type in tamil in search, notes, etc 3. Enhanced search facility. ou need to install e-Sword Bible Software to use this Bible Module. Without e-Sword Bible Software this bible module will not work.
- Publisher: Word Of God Ministries
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

The Holy Bible - Tamil-English
This free program features the Christian Bible both in English and Tamil. It has search capabilities, as well as several customizable options, such as color schemes, verse styles, and more. Also, it can show the Tamil and English versions of the Bible separately, or interlineally for comparison purposes.
- Publisher: TamilChristian
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 30th, 2014
Research work in tamil bible in Description

Harzing's Publish or Perish
Publish or Perish retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses a variety of data sources to obtain raw citations, analyzes them, and presents a range of citation metrics, including the number of papers, total citations, and the h-index. The results are available on-screen and can also be copied to the clipboard (for pasting into other applications).
- Publisher: Anne-Wil Harzing
- Last updated: April 29th, 2022

Narralizer is a friendly software for qualitative research enabling the researchers to conduct analyses of qualitative and textual data, to construct a comprehensive narrative description, to storage bibliography and conducting literature reviews and to build grounded theories.
- Publisher: Narralizer
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010

Website Extractor
The problem is they will only load one page at a time. So if you are viewing a large website with a thousand pages, you'd have to click the mouse a thousand times and choose a directory/folder a thousands times when you want to save each file. You end up spending a lot of time waiting around and not enough time reading or viewing pages on the Internet.
- Publisher: InternetSoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Rapid data collection is one of the advantages of CD spectral analysis of proteins. It is the subsequent data processing and analysis steps that can be surprisingly time consuming. Currently, several different software packages are required for processing and analysing the data. Large volumes of data are typically collected resulting in data management issues.
- Publisher: Birkbeck college
- Last updated: December 18th, 2010

Teaching Templates
A set of award-winning authoring tools to help you create interactive exercises, tests and quizzes. The exercises can be put on a Web page, or run as standalone programs at home or in the classroom. A great way to teach any subject - or just for fun.
- Publisher: Tac-Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 15th, 2007
Additional Research work in tamil bible selection

he new version of Write-N-Cite is available for download from your RefWorks account. This newly designed tool fully integrates with the MS Word platform while still leveraging the strengths of being a web-based Cloud service. The new version of Write-N-Cite runs on Word for Windows 2007 & 2010 as well as Word for Mac 2008 & 2011.
- Publisher: Refworks
- Last updated: July 1st, 2014

Offline Downloader
Download whole websites to your computer - and view them offline. Offline downloader saves you time and effort by downloading entire Internet sites (or the sections you stipulate) to your hard drive.
- Publisher: InternetSoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

The "Uncertainty analysis with Correlations" (UNICORN) is a software tool, implementing staff research work on dependence modeling for high dimensional distributions. It uses dependence trees and regular vines with diagonal band, maximum entropy and elliptical copulae.
- Publisher: Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology
- Last updated: February 10th, 2010

TamilBible Font
You may easily install fonts onto the computer by clicking with the right mouse button on the downloaded (unzipped) file and select 'install' or: by opening the fonts folder through Windows Explorer. Usually this folder is either C:\WINDOWS/Fonts or C:\WINNT\FONTS. Once this folder is open, select the fonts you wish to install from an alternate folder and copy and paste them into the fonts folder
- Publisher: TamilChristian
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Online Bible
Online Bible is a powerful, comprehensive Bible research software. Multiple translations, commentaries and more to aid you in studying the scriptures. Unicode support added for displaying foreign languages. You can quickly locate a word or phrase in any material using the built–in search feature.
- Publisher: Larry Pierce
- Last updated: July 7th, 2015

Shakti Office Tamil
Shakti Office Tamil is a very useful software for those who want to work in the Tamil language. After you install this software, you will get seven program where you can work using this language. Tamil is a Dravidian language and is spoken predominantly by Tamil people of the Indian subcontinent.
- Publisher: CK Technologies Pvt Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 5th, 2008

BibleMax Good News Translation Bible
The Good News Translation Bible is a version of the Holy Scriptures for using with BibleMax software. It features many interesting characteristics, such as commentaries and additional texts in separate windows. Also, you can jump easily to any chapter only by clicking on its number. Bible Max is expandable, letting you to download many Bilbe versions and extra files.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2008

Sense is a drag-and-drop programming environment that will allow you to develop multimedia programs within minutes. It has been designed to work with the SenseBoard, a powerful, flexible and yet amazingly simple-to-use hardware kit that can sit at the heart of a thousand different projects, giving you a few of the features of a research laboratory in something that fits in the palm of your hand.
- Publisher: SENSE Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 9th, 2014

Bible Code Oracle
Bible Code Oracle is a program for searching words and phrases in the Hebrew text of the Torah (Old Testament). You can search any term like your own name or those of your loved ones. Also, the program includes a Bible reader that allows you to study, read and search any word or verse in the English version of both Old and New Testaments.
- Publisher: Xentao
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software.
- Publisher: Rick Meyers
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 13th, 2016