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Resharper powertoys 7 in Title/Summary

JetBrains ReSharper PowerToys Pack (VS 9.0)

JetBrains ReSharper PowerToys Pack (VS 9.0)

ReSharper PowerToys are plug-ins developed by both the Community and JetBrains for use with ReSharper. The PowerToys are a series of plug-ins developed by JetBrains and with contributions from the developer community. They provide additional functionality to what is already provided in ReSharper. Some of the current features of ReSharper originated as a PowerToy plug-in originally.

  • Publisher: JetBrains Inc
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2009


Ab3d.PowerToys is the ultimate helper library for work with WPF 3D. The main parts of the library are: - Cameras (Scene Camera, First Person Camera, Third Person Camera, etc.) - Camera Controllers (Mouse Camera Controller, Camera Control Panel) - 3D Models and Visuals (Sphere, Box, Cylinder, etc.) - 3D Lines - 3D Text - Event Manager 3D (simplified event handling on 3D objects)

  • Publisher: AB4D d.o.o.
Agent Smith ReSharper Plugin

Agent Smith ReSharper Plugin

Agent Smith is a C# code style validation plugin for ReSharper (Visual Studio plugin). Agent Johnson complements ReSharper with various tools including Smart Generate, value analysis and assertions, 6 refactorings and 17 context actions. It has an interface that allows you to specify what naming rules should be applied to certain declarations.

  • Publisher: Sergey Zyuzin
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2013

Resharper powertoys 7 in Description

R# Settings Manager for R#5.1

R# Settings Manager for R#5.1

R# Settings Manager is a JetBrains ReShaper plug-in that adds an extended ReSharper settings management and sharing capabilities. You have to work on different projects with different code styles, so you have to be able to reconfigure ReSharper Inspection Severity (Highlighting) Options, Code Clean-Up options and etc. for each project individually.

  • Publisher: Roman
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2011
CyclomaticComplexity PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)

CyclomaticComplexity PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)

CyclomaticComplexity PowerToy ReSharper Plugin is a tool specially created for the ReSharper software, which is a set of lexers and parsers for particular languages and mixed-language formats. The plugin calculates easily the Cyclomatic Complexity. Is easy to install and easy to manipulate.

  • Publisher: Derigel
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2011


Timershot is one of the several so called “PowerToys” for Windows XP, available at the download section of the Microsoft Corporation Web site. The purpose of Timershot is to take pictures using the web cam installed in the system, at specified time intervals.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
CmdHere Powertoy For Windows XP

CmdHere Powertoy For Windows XP

CmdHere adds an option to the context menus of the folders to quickly access a command window. It’s a shortcut for the cmd.exe file with the additional advantage that the command window, which will be opened, will automatically set the path to the folder from which you execute cmd.exe.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2008
Magnifier Powertoy for Windows XP

Magnifier Powertoy for Windows XP

Magnifier is one of the several so called “PowerToys” for Windows XP, available at the download section of the Microsoft Corporation Web site. Magnifier works as an extra toolbar on the Windows taskbar. Once activated users will see a new rectangle and the word “Magnifier”; that rectangle is precisely the place where the magnified image of the screen will be displayed.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2009

Additional Resharper powertoys 7 selection

Agent Mulder plugin for ReSharper

Agent Mulder plugin for ReSharper

Agent Mulder plugin for ReSharper analyzes the DI containers (Dependency Injection, sometimes called Inversion of Control or IoC containers) in your solution. The plugin also provides navigation to and finding usages of types registered or resolved by those containers.

  • Publisher: Igal Tabachnik
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2014
Microsoft StyleCop for ReSharper

Microsoft StyleCop for ReSharper

This version of the Plugin also tries to find and use the Settings.STYLECOP file of the project currently being analysed, this allows the plugin to display violations only of the rules you have enabled. This search algorithm is quite rudimentary and can easily be updated to be made a little more robust.

  • Publisher: StyleCop for ReSharper Development Team
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2009
Tdd Productivity for ReSharper

Tdd Productivity for ReSharper

This is a plugin for the popular Visual Studio Addin Resharper. This plugin adds additional Context Actions that reduce the keystrokes and mouse clicks required to perform Test Driven Development. The goal of this project is to prototype features which make TDD in Visual Studio easier than the Drag & Drop programing that Visual Studio was designed for.

  • Publisher: Eric Hexter
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009
GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)

GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0)

GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0) is a plug-in that can be used ReSharper software. GenerateDispose PowerToy ReSharper Plugin (VS 10.0) generates dispose patterns. Features: -ZenCoding support. -Solution-wide text search, ReSharper-style. -Analyzing cyclomatic complexity of method bodies. Compatible ReSharper version: 5.0

  • Publisher: JetBrains Inc
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2011


TweakUI amp up Windows XP with a PowerToy that changes the default user interface. The program is designed for advanced computer users only. Tweak UI allows you to customise the user interface of the Windows operating system. Users with older, slower computers can turn off many aspects of the operating system's eye candy, such as fading menus, drop shadows, and cursor shadows.

CFi ShellToys

CFi ShellToys

CFi ShellToys is a Windows shell extension, adding many additional items to your right click context menu. The options added are extremely useful, giving quick access to operations that are often used. With two simple clicks you can now shutdown your computer, restart it, open up a command prompt under a specific folder, copy or move a file, print it etc.

  • Publisher: Cool Focus International Ltd
  • Home page: www.cfishelltoys.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2010
Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys

Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys

The Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys helps the user to develop and test Windows Mobile applications. The Power Toys include: Emulator ActiveSync Connection Tool, ActiveSync Remote Display, CECopy, Convert PPC DAT to SP XML, PPC Command Shell and RAPI Start.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2008
Playlist Editor

Playlist Editor

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP Media Center Edition are unsupported, additional programs created by developers after Windows XP Media Center Edition was released to manufacturing. They add fun and functionality to the Media Center PC experience. This Playlist Editor provides a tool for you to create and manage playlists without needing to put down your Media Center remote control.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 11th, 2010
JetBrains dotCover

JetBrains dotCover

JetBrains dotCover is a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool for Visual Studio. This application can visualize code coverage for your convenience; you can see highlighted statements covered and uncovered in particular snapshot right in Visual Studio.

Visual Assist

Visual Assist

Visual Assist X is a plugin for Microsoft Visual Studio developed by Whole Tomato. It primarily enhances IntelliSense and syntax highlighting. It also enhances code suggestions, provides refactoring options and spell checking support for comments. It can also detect basic syntax mistakes, such as use of undeclared variables. Unlike ReSharper, Visual Assist X also supports C++.