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Restart log in Title/Summary

Restart Computer

Restart Computer

Freelabs Restart Computer is a simple tool that it will restart/shutdown/logoff your computer on a timely basis. It's main window stays on top of your windows, it's small, easy to use and transparent. Main Features: - Intuitive Interface - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer only once at specific date and time - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer every day at specific time

  • Publisher: FreeLabs
  • Home page: freelabs.info
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2009
Shutdown Timer

Shutdown Timer

Shutdown Timer can auto Shutdown pc, Restart pc, Log Off current signed on user after 1 to 120 minutes with ease. Main Window Displays current system time as well, so you do not need to look anywhere else when defining the timer after which computer should be shutdown.

Quick ShutDown

Quick ShutDown

Quick ShutDown is a power management application that allows you to shutdown, restart, log-off, stand by, hibernate, lock your computer, plus eject any drive. The program can perform any of these tasks by clicking on the system tray icon or by using combination of hot keys. You can also operate the program from the command line interface.

Restart log in Description

ShutDown After

ShutDown After

ShutDown After is simple program by use of which you can set timer or assign hotkeys for windows shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, stand by. This can prove very helpful in situations, when you want your computer to get shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, stand by after completion of some task or you want to perform shutdown operations by just key press.

  • Publisher: Vicky's Cool Softwares
  • Home page: www.vcsoftwares.com
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2012
JOC Master Shutdown

JOC Master Shutdown

JOC Master Shutdown is a system utility for Win9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista that allows to automatically shutdown your computer, a remote computer or a complete LAN domain. Key Features: * Shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, suspend or lock computer(s) immediatelly, at schedule time or by command line mode. * Scheduled shutdown at a specific time each day.

  • Publisher: Jocsoft
  • Home page: www.jocsoft.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2011
Fast Shutdown

Fast Shutdown

Fast Shutdown is a very simple and straightforward tool that lets you quickly shutdown, restart, log off, or put your system to hibernate mode. While Windows may take quite a while to turn off or reboot, Fast Shutdown turns this simple tasks into quick actions that will be performed almost instantaneously.

  • Publisher: XetoWare
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2016
Auto Shutdown Genius

Auto Shutdown Genius

Auto Shutdown Genius is a very simple system automation tool. The program enables you to set an action or more on a specified time by you. The actions are system based and can power off, restart, log off or lock your system. Also hibernate, standby and turn off monitor actions are available. The tasks can be set to run once, daily, weekly or monthly at a specific time.

  • Publisher: Lonking Software, LLC
  • Home page: www.lonking.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


Ute is a compact assembly language utility with Time Syncing, Window Shutdown control, Wave File playing, Delayed / Controlled Running and JPEG/GIF/BMP Wallpaper Changing capabilities. It is a collection of ACAPsoft utilities.

  • Publisher: ACAPsoft
  • Home page: www.ACAPsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008

Additional Restart log selection

ShutDownOne Home

ShutDownOne Home

ShutDownOne Home is a system utility which allows you to quickly shutdown, restart, log off or standby your system. This actions also can be scheduled to act at a specific time. The program can be loaded at Windows start-up and can be set to ask your confirmation before taking action.

  • Publisher: DimaWare Software Solutions
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2008
Create A Shortcut

Create A Shortcut

With a click it can create the following shortcuts on your Windows desktop:Lock WorkStation, Switch Account. Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, Hibernate, Show Desktop, Uninstall Programs, Device Manager, Security Center, Windows Defender, Windows DVD maker, Flip 3D, Launch Screen-saver, Disable Windows Firewall, Enable Windows Firewall, Clear Clipboard, Connect to Internet.



DirectShutDown is a free, commercial-quality uitlity for easier ShutDown, Restart, Log Off, Lock, StandBy or Hibernate your PC. When DirectShutDown is running, icon appears on the taskbar on the end opposite the "Start" button. You can choose action you need just click it with the right mouse button to view the context menu.

  • Publisher: DLAO Software
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
Good Night PC

Good Night PC

Good Night PC is a small and effective utility that allows you to shutdown, restart, log off, suspend, hibernate and lock your computer automatically. There are also some unique features that make this application necessary for everyday activity. You can configure the exact time you want the program to execute your tasks up to seconds.

  • Publisher: DigiApp
  • Home page: www.digiapp.com
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009


This Assembly Language program adds the ability to easily shutdown, restart, log off or power-down the computer. Force can be used to closed crashed programs, and delayed shutdowns are also supported.

  • Publisher: ACAPsoft
  • Home page: www.acapsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009
Shutdown Screensaver

Shutdown Screensaver

Shutdown Screensaver combines the screensaver features and different shutdown options. When the screen saver is activated a shutdown option will be executed after a certain period of time. The shutdown options included are: shutdown, standby, restart, log off, and lock off station. You can specify the period of time to shutdown, perform a task command before shutting down, and force shutdown.

Auto Power Switch

Auto Power Switch

AutoPowerSwitch is a little application that helps you to manage your System power options. Through it's interface you can set the time and date, aether system or application, to: shut down,stand by, restart, log off, hibernate. This is project developed in WPF 4.0, with Simple Styles. The project is targeted to handle System's power options.

  • Publisher: Diptimaya Patra
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2012
Kiwi for Gmail

Kiwi for Gmail

Kiwi for Gmail gives you the ability to use Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides as native, windowed desktop application. The intuitive new toolbar on the left side of the traditional Gmail interface provides quick access to all G Suite applications and documents.

Okoker Shutdown Expert

Okoker Shutdown Expert

Okoker Shutdown Expert is a small but useful application that allows you to shut down your computer at a specified time. You can use, however, to perform other operations: restart, log-on, and sleep your computer. You can set a password to avoid other users from changing the set parameters or from operating the program.

  • Publisher: Okoker Software
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2008
Shutti DeTop

Shutti DeTop

Shutti DeTOP allows you to select and place fast Shutdown, restart,log off ,... icons on your desktop or any other folder. It uses the new Shutti Shutdown Engine 5. It integrates a friendly user interface and it was designed as a full manager of your PC icons.

  • Publisher: MVdW Software
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2011