Resumegrabber sf in Title/Summary

If your business is Recruiting then use ResumeGrabber. It is a resume data entry tool that automtically transfers the resumes and creates contacts in your ATS. Works with ACT!, Outlook, GoldMine, Online Resume Submission form,Excel,Access.
- Publisher: eGrabber
- Home page:

ResumeGrabber SF
ResumeGrabber SF is a resume sourcing tool that runs on a PC. It includes search scripts developed by leading industry experts for sourcing resumes through Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. ResumeGrabber SF enables novice recruiters to source resumes from the Internet like experts.
- Publisher: eGrabber Inc.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2011

ResumeGrabber Standard
If your business is Recruiting then use ResumeGrabber. It is a resume data entry tool that automtically transfers the resumes and creates contacts in your ATS. Works with ACT!, Outlook, GoldMine, Online Resume Submission form,Excel,Access.
- Publisher: eGrabber Inc.
- Last updated: December 30th, 2009