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Retaining wall linetype for autocad in Title/Summary

SoilStructure Retaining Wall

SoilStructure Retaining Wall

SoilStructure Retaining Wall software is an efficient and powerful program with the following unique capabilities: - Taking into account the response of bearing pressure when axial dead & live loads are present - Computation of retaining wall footing settlement due to distortion & consolidation settlement - Checking for global stability of passive soils if the materials are cohesive



QuickRWall is a professional tool for retaining wall design.Main features: - Cantilever retaining walls. - Gravity retaining walls (ACI Chapter 22 provisions). - Restrained walls (e.g. basement wall, propped cantilever). - Wall stems may be concrete or masonry (or mixed). - Wall stems may be tapered (battered) or stepped. - Design checks for concrete or masonry.

  • Publisher: IES
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2022
Retaining Ring Locator

Retaining Ring Locator

Locate any size retaining ring or hose clamp by specifying size and thickness

  • Publisher: Rotor Clip Company

Retaining wall linetype for autocad in Description



The theoretical concepts used in the PYWALL software extends beyond the conventional method of analysis and design of flexible retaining walls based on limit-equilibrium theory.As a difference to conventional pratice, the PYWALL method does not ignore the effects of soil-structure interaction.

  • Publisher: Ensoft, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 14th, 2010


TBWall Software does not use Navfac method, nor FHWA method nor Caltrans method. It uses limit equilibrium method and yields the lightest beam possible that meets stability. Therefore, soils parameters and shoring geometry kept equal, TBWall Software yields Approx. 30 pounds lighter beam on a 30 ft cut.

  • Publisher: SoilStructure Software
  • Last updated: February 26th, 2018


RetainWall is a software mainly developed for the purpose of designing a concrete or masonry retaining wall. The wall may retain soil or other granular material. It analyses the stability of the wall based on the loads and resistances, and results in bearing pressure, sliding, overturning and rotational stabilities.

  • Publisher: JavaSoft
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2011
ReWaRD Trial Edition

ReWaRD Trial Edition

ReWaRD is one of the leading programs for the design of embedded retaining walls, incorporating several UK and international design standards including BS 8002 and Eurocode 7. Designed by engineers for engineers, ReWaRD draws upon the technical expertise of Geocentrix to produce the most powerful and user friendly set of tools for retaining wall design.

Hardscape Imaging Software

Hardscape Imaging Software

The program includes over 4,7000 images of Interlocking Pavers and Retaining Wall Stone from 22 Manufacturers, along with Stone Veneer from Eldorado stone, Culture stone, and Coronado stone, plus 900 Decorative concrete in the most popular patterns and 53 Exposed Aggregate colored rock, totaling 2000 additional textures.

  • Publisher: Depiction Software
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2017

Additional Retaining wall linetype for autocad selection

Wall Photo Maker

Wall Photo Maker

This software helps you to print photo of huge size by enlarging it and splitting to the sheets of paper. You can apply 8 wonderful effects. You can set any image size you want. Moreover you can save project and load it on other computer. Also you can export image with effects applied. This gives you an opportunity to surprise people with amazing gifts or print your friend's photo of full wall size. Main Wall Photo Maker features: Set to print images of any size; 8 wonderful Effects; High quality interpolation algorithm; Export image feature; Project save/load; Comfortable print preview; User friendly interface.

  • Publisher: OreWare.com
  • Home page: www.OreWare.com
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2010
Retain Pro

Retain Pro

This program helps you design and analyze nearly any configuration or loading condition for cantilevered, restrained, gravity, gabion, soldier pile, or segmental retaining walls. Cantilevered Stem wall can have up to five different stem sections, of either masonry or concrete, each with a different thickness and/or reinforcing size and spacing.

  • Publisher: Retain Pro Software
  • Home page: www.retainpro.com
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2014
Drilled Pier

Drilled Pier

Drilled Pier is a complete analysis and design software for drilled shaft foundations. The program calculates the capacity of a single drilled pier foundation (Bored Pile) subjected to: lateral load, bending moment, axial downward load, uplift (tension) load, torsional moment, and downdrag load (negative skin friction).

SketchUp Import for AutoCAD

SketchUp Import for AutoCAD

SketchUp Import 2013 is a free plug-in that offers you two ways to get SKP files into your AutoCAD drawings. You can use the IMPORTSKP command to convert a SketchUp file, stored in a local or shared folder and insert the model into the current drawing. You can also use the GETMODEL command to browse or search the Google 3D Warehouse and download SketchUp models directly into your drawing.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2013
AutoCAD - English

AutoCAD - English

AutoCAD 2014 is a program that allows you to explore and visualize 3D concepts with a powerful set of intuitive design tools. You can import Autodesk Inventor models, share and reuse designs easily with the PDF support, select and edit predefined surface materials or convert DWG files from AutoCAD-based applications.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2014


Rhinoceros is a powerful program that allows you to create complex models. It provides enhanced commands such as direct sub‑object manipulation and thin‑wall shelling, it provides support for texture mapping, 3D rendering, post-rendering effects and it also allows you to analyze your 3‑D models.

  • Publisher: McNeel & Associates
  • Home page: www.rhino3d.com
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2011


Computer-aided design

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2011
AutoCAD Map 3D

AutoCAD Map 3D

AutoCAD Map 3D is a complex tool for mapping, infrastructure planning and management that allows for CAD and GIS data to be accessed, analyzed and integrated in various projects. Geo-spatial data can be managed in such way that the workflow can be optimized and productivity be improved.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Home page: usa.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2012