Rgb hex color finder in Title/Summary
Imtech RGB to Hex Color Converter Live Writer Plugin
RGB to Hex Color Converter Live Writer Plugin is a plugin for Windows Live Writer that replaces the RGB color definitions (color: rgb(0,0,255)) with their hex equivalents: color: #0000FF. Very useful as not all blogs and browsers support the rgb values.
- Publisher: Imtech ICT Business Solutions
- Last updated: February 7th, 2010
Desktop Color Finder
Desktop Color Search is an Adobe AIR app that runs on your desktop and allows you to search the entire COLOURlovers database for colors, palettes and patterns. You'll need to download the Adobe AIR runtime in order to run Desktop Color Search, you can use the link below to install AIR. (It works in both Windows and on Mac OS X)
- Publisher: CHROMAom
- Home page: www.colourlovers.com
- Last updated: June 5th, 2008
Color Finder by Daanav.com
Color Finder by Daanav.com is a program that allows you to find the color of any pixel on your computer. All you need to do in order to find the screen pixel color value is to drag the pen icon from the top right corner of the program to the desired screen location.
- Publisher: Daanav Softwares
- Home page: www.daanav.com
- Last updated: April 10th, 2015
Rgb hex color finder in Description
Never be curious about any color you see on your screen. With Pixeur you can easily view the color, RGB, Hex, and Long value of any color you see. Pixeur will also keep a history of all colors you have selected, so going back is as simple as choosing the color from the Color History list. The new Color Selector, Color Scheme, Advanced Color History tools, makes Pixeur a top in its class.
- Publisher: Veign
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
HTML Color Tuner
There are millions of colors and trillions of combinations. Why just use a few simple ones? Add your web site more flavors! Do you like these font color and back color combination? Real time RGB and Hex color converter and tuner. Fore color and back color display on one panel. You see the 'difference'.
- Publisher: DataDynamica
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011
Screen Beagle Pro
Screen Beagle Pro is a set of utilities for capturing and analyzing screenshots from your desktop. It can capture either the whole screen, or a selected part of it to the clipboard, or to a GIF / PNG / JPG / BMP / TIF file. You can use its Magnifier tool to analyze minute details; it can zoom from x1 to x10.
- Publisher: Greatis Software
- Home page: greatisprogramming.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2018
GAX professional
GAX is a powerful application for web designers, graphic designers and everyone else who works with graphics. It contains a colorpicker, a screen ruler, and a screen capture tool.
- Publisher: Dolphiq Software Development
- Home page: www.dolphiq-sd.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2009
Perfect Screen Ruler
Perfect Screen Ruler allows you to capture an active window of your screen and perform three different actions: You can measure two points of the captured image, obtain the color code of a certain point of the captured image in HTML, RGB HEX, and HSB formats, and also measure the angle of three selected points of the captured image.
- Publisher: Alexander G. Styopkin
- Home page: www.styopkin.com
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009
Additional Rgb hex color finder selection
Color Finder
Drag your mouse cursor over on-screen items and view their colors. Click inside the magnified view to select nearby colors. Alter the selected color with color adjustment sliders. Copy RGB or HTML color codes for pasting into your projects. Save sets of colors in palettes.
- Publisher: WellCraftedSoftware
- Last updated: August 28th, 2010
An easy to use, fast and small colour picker designed specially to fit the needs of webmasters and designers. Run it, simply point to the colour and it will tell you the RGB, hex, HTML-ready, CMYK and HSV values of colour. You can then use these valu...
- Publisher: BellCraft Technologies
- Home page: bellcraft.com
- Last updated: October 7th, 2011
Peacock Color Picker
Peacock Color Picker allows you to retrieve the color of any pixel on your screen. It is the perfect color picking solution for professional graphic designers, webmasters and home users. Thanks to the revolutionary fade-out user interface you will be presented with an unobstructed view of your screen, and you can immediately start picking & mixing the color scheme of your choice.
- Publisher: Reohix
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
PSD Viewer
PSD Viewer is a utility that allows you to view files in the PSD, AI or EPS formats, without having to install Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator on your computer. PSD is a format to which files created in Photoshop can be saved and that supports several image modes (Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, Multichannel and Lab).
- Publisher: IdeaMK
- Home page: psdviewer.org
- Last updated: April 1st, 2010
LittleRGB Color Picker
LittleRGB Color Picker is designed to get the RGB and alpha values of every pixel in a given image. Get RGB and hex color values off your screen with a click. Saves it to clipboard. Freeware. No restrictions on use. Its a great program and its worth having on your computer.
- Publisher: HighDesert Software Co.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2008
ACA Color Picker
There are many times when you need to know the precise color code of any part of an image, photo, or program displayed on your screen, in order to export it to your designing software. Well, ACA Color Picker is the program that can help you in this simple task. With this application, you can pick a color of any part of your screen easily, and export it to different format codes.
- Publisher: ACA Systems
- Home page: www.acasystems.com
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Eye-One Share
Eye-One Share can save and e-mail your palette of colors to your client and everyone on your team. Your palette is exportable to all design applications and whatever color you choose, you can still output in RGB and CMYK. With Eye-One Share, you will be able to measure all types of reflective samples (objects, color swatches, printed output, etc).
- Publisher: X-Rite, Incorporated.
- Last updated: December 4th, 2009
ColorSwap is a great tool for testing any change color in whatever you need. How many times we have the intention to change a color to our own home, car, room, hair, eyes, etc. If we take a photo, and upload this picture to this program, we will be able to change all the colors we want too and see the results, amazing right? this will be something we could consider to have with us.
- Publisher: plexityHide.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2010
ColorPicker Gadget
ColorPicker Gadget is a small free gadget. It enables you to point at any area on your screen, and it will pick the chosen color's hexadecimal value. You can then copy the color hex code to your favorite designing application. This tool can only be installed on Vista or later operating systems that have the "Sidebar" feature.
- Publisher: Andreas Zimmermann
- Home page: wan24.de
- Last updated: June 18th, 2008
OpenRGB is a Windows based application designed to help handling color information in a professional and reliable way. With this application you can perform various tasks such as color calculations, match or search RGB values to commercial products, color harmonies and much more.
- Publisher: Logicol S.r.l.
- Home page: www.logicol.com
- Last updated: February 16th, 2015