Rigs of rods aston martin in Title/Summary

Aston Martin I Screensaver
Aston Martin I Screensaver brings an awesome vehicle to your desktop. This unique screensaver will satisfy every car fanatic out there. It will show you gorgeous photographs of that awesome machine created by man: The Aston Martin. This is a sports car, and a luxury car, and a beautiful car, and more!
- Publisher: Freebking
- Last updated: November 13th, 2009

Rigs of Rods
Rigs of Rods is an open-source vehicle simulator based on soft-body physics. It allows you to simulate vehicles, machines and objects in real-time as flexible soft-body objects, giving the simulation an extremely accurate behavior which entirely depends on the physical construction of the vehicles or objects you create.
- Publisher: Thomas Fischer, Pierre-Michel-Ricordel
- Home page: www.rigsofrods.com
- Last updated: November 6th, 2011

Aston Secure Desktop
Aston Secure Desktop is a security build of Aston 1.x branch. It possesses all the features of regular Aston shell, but constrains the ability to alter the admin-defined settings. You get a restricted but beautiful and powerful desktop enhancement.
- Publisher: Gladiators Software
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Rigs of rods aston martin in Description

Mobydic-Formidable - Basic host software for 90c2610 chip. OE90C2610 is specially designed for FORD motor company cars. This chip allows to build a complete diagnostic system using a PC or directly in small device with LCD display. Some other brand like Mazda , Jaguar , Aston Martin , Volvo can be tested.
- Publisher: Ozen Elektronik. ltd.
- Last updated: November 15th, 2009

Loading View
This is a GUI based editor for Loading .KWI files. It currently only supports the Windows CE based version. There is primary support for NR261 (Mitsubishi) and partial support for CUP28(Volvo, Aston Martin and Toyota). Currently it allows export of pretty much everything, and replacement of some things.
- Publisher: Taking Things Apart
- Last updated: March 20th, 2010

Martin MUM
MUM is a Windows application that allows-two way communication between the PC and certain Martin fixtures. The application requires a Martin USB DABS 1 interface in order to communicate with the fixtures. MUM can only communicate with one fixture at a time.
- Publisher: Martin Professional A/S
- Last updated: April 20th, 2012

Guide Calculator
Guide Calculator is a rod calculator for all your fishing needs. The program offers a wide variety of settings to configure and to manage your rod. It can help you when you want to go to fishing and you need proper rods and also you need to configure the parameters of rods.
- Publisher: Far North Rodsmiths
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011

817-Mem is a memory manager designed for FT-817 rigs. You can also use the program with FT857 and FT-897 rigs that provide different memory map. To connect 817-Mem to your rig you need a CAT interface CT-62 compatible. You can create, change, reorganize and remove memories.
- Publisher: Daniel Nespoulous, F5BUD
- Last updated: July 31st, 2014
Additional Rigs of rods aston martin selection

Aston is a Windows theme customization package that replaces the standard Windows desktop and makes it more usable, beautiful and customizable. You can freely choose from many themes and pick the one that suits you the most. If you want to give your designing skills a try you can even make your own theme.
- Publisher: Gladiators Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Martin LightJockey
LightJockey 2 is a flexible, easy-to-use Windows-based controller utilizing a USB to DMX Interface. One of the industry’s most popular PC-based controllers for well over a decade, LightJockey 2 offers lighting designers greater flexibility, spontaneity and ease of use in a user-focused control package.
- Publisher: Martin Professional A/S
- Last updated: January 11th, 2017

Martin M-Series
The M-Series Playback ll Module offers twice as many playback as its predecessor and extends the playback capabilities of any M-Series console by adding 10 motorized faders and 10 PlayPaired buttons. Cuelist information is displayed on 10 LCD displays, 5 Fast Keys for quick access to banks and other functionality, a Master Go section and a Grand Master fader with flash.
- Publisher: Martin Professional A/S
- Home page: www.martin.com
- Last updated: August 24th, 2022

Aston Forex MetaTrader
Aston FX Solutions and MetaTrader 4 provide individual traders the liquidity, consistency and execution stability desired in a fast-paced trading environment of Forex. AstonForex offers two types of Forex Options. Forex Options are available for more than 40 currency crosses including Gold and Silver against the US dollar.
- Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
- Last updated: October 7th, 2013

Martin ShowDesigner Pro
Martin ShowDesigner Pro is a 3D realistic rendering software.Main features: - Real time video input (screens and Video Projector). - Paperwork (2D Plot and fixture schedules). - Photo realistic static rendering. - Fast Net-Render. - Light meter tool calculates light level on surface. - Illumination map.
- Publisher: Lighthouse Holland
- Home page: www.lighthouse.nl
- Last updated: September 24th, 2015

Martin M130 for FSX or FS2004
FSX and FS2004 Martin 130 Clipper is a close to reality fly simulator. The Martin 130 flying boat were used for Pan American for the first airliner service across the Pacific Ocean. Only three M130s were built, and NC14716 'China Clipper' was the first, serving with PanAm from 1935 to 1942, when it was taken over by the U.S. Navy. The model works with FS2004, FSX and FSX SP2.
- Publisher: Jens B. Kristensen
- Home page: www.calclassic.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Martin Software Uploader
The Martin Software Uploader is a Windows 9x/2k application for uploading firmware updates from a PC to Martin fixtures via an upload device connected to the serial data link.- Support for the LightJockey 4064 ISA DMX Interface under Windows 2000- Support for the LightJockey PCM
- Publisher: Martin Professional A/S
- Home page: www.martin.dk
- Last updated: June 9th, 2008

Martin ShowDesigner
Martin ShowDesigner (MSD) is a unique and userfriendly lighting and set design software package, brilliant for developing realistic 3-D lighting simulations. Invaluable as a high quality production or sales presentation tool, MSD allows you to create realistic set and lighting design renderings using reflection, transparency, lighting, shadow and smoke.
- Publisher: Lighthouse Holland
- Home page: www.lighthouse.nl
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

Martin ShowDesigner Lite
Martin ShowDesigner is a real-time 3D visualizer that allows users to create complex presentations that include lighting, video, animated scenery, camera motion as well as animated smoke effect. It features multiple viewports real-time 3D rendering, DMX connectivity, lighting cues, material editor, DMX monitor, DXF import, native SketchUp import, and more.
- Publisher: Lighthouse Holland
- Home page: www.lighthouse.nl
- Last updated: July 27th, 2017

Keep Track by Martin Allen
Keep Track is a music organizer and playing program (mainly MP3 and WMA files) for individuals and DJs. Add your music tracks to a database and create batches (playlists). While playing through a playlist using the Search window you can add (e.g. if someone requests a specific track), remove and change the order of tracks. Tracks fade out and overlap to give a professional sound.
- Publisher: Martin Allen
- Home page: keeptrack.martin2k.co.uk
- Last updated: February 10th, 2012