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Risk factions unblocked in Title/Summary

Napoleon Total Factions

Napoleon Total Factions

NTF is an all factions playable (included emergent), for all campaigns of Napoleon Total War, easy to install and run. Campaigns are offered in SP and MP mode.NTF comes with a launcher making playing the md just a matter of 2 clicks. From v. 3.5 launcher is made fully in Visual Basic, using no batch or script files, in an attempt to help users experiencing problems with their anti-virus.

  • Publisher: HusserlTW
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2012
Empire Total Factions

Empire Total Factions

Empire: Total Factions 2 is a combination of the several startpos mods that make playable all factions in Early (normal), Late and Warpath campaigns. You can play as any faction with a couple of clicks, without replacing, copying or deleting any files.

  • Publisher: HusserlTW
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2013
Minor Factions Revenge

Minor Factions Revenge

Minor Factions Revenge is a mod for Empire Total War. If you install the mod on a clean installation of Empire you must start it at least once before installing the MOD, so that the game creates the default folders of the first start, if you do not encounter errors crash.

  • Publisher: IT@N
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2016

Risk factions unblocked in Description

the RC Mod

the RC Mod

We bring back a bit of the BFME 1 gameplay style by adding Combo hordes, smaller hordes, leveling buildings... and more! A new, better and more balanced CAH System! Also all of the old Factions are being remade, thus making them more fun to play. There are quite a few factions in this mod.

  • Publisher: Ridder Geel
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2012
Depths of Peril

Depths of Peril

An action RPG with strong strategy elements where you play as a faction leader protecting a barbarian city by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests. At the same time, you compete with rival factions to see who will rule the city.

  • Publisher: Soldak Entertainment
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2012
Stock Risk Wizard

Stock Risk Wizard

Stock Risk Wizard provides unique statistical and economic analysis of over 20,000 current stocks, mutual funds, and indexes. Using patented Eta Analysis, you can easily see the economic risks associated with a given asset. Stock Risk Wizard also allows you to determine how much hidden economic risk is present in a portfolio.

  • Publisher: EconomicInvestor
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Risk Management Tools FREE Edition

Risk Management Tools FREE Edition

FREE fully-featured comprehensive Risk Management analysis software solution tools. This objective-centered risk management software focuses on qualitative risk and control assessments; it is aligned with ISO31000. All registers are integrated.

  • Publisher: Managenable Inc
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2014
Mah Jong Quest II™

Mah Jong Quest II™

Mah Jong Quest II is the second installment of the great sequel which could keep you playing for days until you exhaust the possibilities. This game has also to do with Kwazi, the main character from the original, whose job is to bring balance to the cosmos by solving puzzles. In addition to the tile matching game, there will be selectable tiles that must be unblocked in order to win the game.

  • Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gamehouse.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2011

Additional Risk factions unblocked selection



@RISK performs risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your spreadsheet model—and tells you how likely they are to occur. It computes and tracks mathematically and objectively many different possible future scenarios, then tells you the probabilities and risks associated with each different one.

  • Publisher: Palisade Corporation
  • Home page: www.palisade.com
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2015
Lightning Protection Risk Assessment Calculator

Lightning Protection Risk Assessment Calculator

The simplified IEC Risk Assessment Calculator is intended to function as a companion, and not alternative, to the written standard.

  • Publisher: Shafqat Ali
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2022
Project Risk Analysis

Project Risk Analysis

Project Risk Analysis is an engineering and risk analysis application. The program enables the capital risks on projects to be evaluated, and calculates the financial contingency required to cover those risks in a rational and defendable manner. Too often the project contingency is guesstimated as a "gut feel" amount, without much consideration for the real risks involved.

Hydrologic Risk

Hydrologic Risk

Hydrologic Risk program allows the determination of the Hydrologic and Hydraulic risk in a basin or courses confluent to a main river trunk. The characteristics of the discrete elements (basin, course etc.) in terms of affluence and effluence quantitively and temporally can be determined and thereby the flood flow rate of segments under consideration is derived.

  • Publisher: geostru
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2016
UKPDS Risk Engine

UKPDS Risk Engine

Risk calculators based on equations from the Framingham Heart Study tend to underestimate risks for people with diabetes as this study included relatively few diabetic subjects. The UKPDS Risk Engine is a type 2 diabetes specific risk calculator based on 53,000 patients years of data from the UK Prospective Diabetes Study, which also provides an approximate 'margin of error' for each estimate.

  • Publisher: Diabetes Trials Unit, University of Oxford
  • Last updated: June 2nd, 2015
Risk Simulator

Risk Simulator

Risk Simulator is a powerful Excel add-in used for applying simulation, forecasting, statistical analysis, and optimization in your existing Excel spreadsheet models. The software was developed specifically to be extremely easy to use. For instance, running a risk simulation is as simple as 1-2-3, set an input, set an output, and run.

  • Publisher: Real Options Valuation, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2015
The Security Risk Management Guide

The Security Risk Management Guide

It helps you to plan, build, and maintain a successful security risk management program. In a four phase technology-agnostic process, the guide explains how to build an ongoing process to measure and drive security risks to an acceptable level. This guide references many industry accepted standards for managing security risks.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2008
MB Heart Attack Risk Calculator

MB Heart Attack Risk Calculator

MB Heart Attack Risk Calculator is a simple health software with an easy to use interface. The program is designed to calculate the risk of a person suffering from a heart attack in the next ten years depending on various factors.MB Heart Attack Risk Calculator is easy to use.

Mutant Factions

Mutant Factions

Mutant Factions is a shooter where you kill enemies and earn cash to build your chemical empire. You play as a mutant and can unlock crazy skills like Teleportation and Bullet Time to defeat your enemies in fast-paced, tactical combat. You can play in unique game modes like Chemical Warfare, where you build a base of hidden chemicals to capture control points and control the map.

Risk Buddy - Pogo

Risk Buddy - Pogo

As a Pogo cheat use Risk Buddy to automatically play the game for you when you feel it's time for somebuddy else to play. Or if you prefer a helper, use this RISK bot to show you hints. Regardless of the way you use it, Risk Buddy is one awesome auto that's guaranteed to maximize your Pogo tokens.

  • Publisher: Play Buddy
  • Home page: www.playbuddy.com
  • Last updated: January 26th, 2016