River past image sequence converter in Title/Summary

River Past Image Sequence Converter and Booster Pack
River past Image Sequence Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output image (BMP, GIF, and JPG) files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. This is a more convenient way to get thumbnail images from video when multiple images are required.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: April 10th, 2010

River Past Image Sequence Booster Pack
River past Image Sequence Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output image (BMP, GIF, and JPG) files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. This is a more convinient way to get thumbnail images from video when multiple images are required. You may need multiple images to indicate scene breaks in your video. You may need to combine them to make a nice CD cover. Some software lets you save a snapshot to a bitmap file, but it is quite time consuming to find the right frames and take the snapshot one by one. With Image Sequence Booster Pack, you can save the whole video into a series of bitmaps, browse and compare them easily to find your favorite pick.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: November 20th, 2009

River Past MPEG-4 Converter and Booster Pack
River past MPEG-4 Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output MPEG-4 video and audio files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. MPEG-4 is commonly used by streaming, especially on cell phones, digital cameras, and other portable devices.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: July 29th, 2022
River past image sequence converter in Description

River Past Screen Recorder
River Past Screen Recorder is River Past's award winning screen video recorder.It is the fastest screen video recorder on the market, with a speed comparable to TechSmith's Camtesia Studio, and way better than any other similar software we have tested.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: April 1st, 2010

River Past Video Cleaner
River Past Video Cleaner is River Past's award winning video converter software.Easy-to-use video converter software. Convert from 3GPP/3GPP2, ASF, AVI, DAT, DivX, DV, FLC/FLI animation, animated GIF, IVF, Matroska MKV, MOV, MP4, MPEG-1, OGG Media OGM, RM/RAM and WMV to animate GIF, AVI, MOV, WMV, DivX, XviD, DV, MKV, OGM, MP4.
- Publisher: KRKSoft
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

River Past Video Perspective
River Past Video Perspective is River Past's award winning video converter software with a twist.Ever went to an electronic store and saw a video playing on a wide HDTV and everyone in the video look extra fat? Aspect ratio is not well understood, even by the people who deal with them everyday.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: April 5th, 2010

River Past 3GP Converter and Booster Pack
River Past 3GP Converter and Booster Pack is an Add-on that allows some River Past applications like Cam 3D, Cam 3D Webmaster Edition, Cam Do, Cam Do Webmaster Edition, Screen Recorder Pro, Video Cleaner, Video Cleaner Pro, Video Perspective, and Video Slice output video to 3GP files compatible with most mobile phones.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: July 29th, 2022

River Past Animated GIF Booster Pack
River past Animated GIF Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output Animated GIF and FLC files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. This is the easiest way for web masters to create animated thumbnails for your video library. Animated GIF is supported by all web browsers, with no additional installation required, so your visitors can get a taste before he gets asked to download the plug-in's required by your file format, and before the large full-length video is downloaded.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: October 21st, 2009
Additional River past image sequence converter selection

River Past MPEG-2 Converter and Booster Pack
River past MPEG-2 Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output MPEG-2 video and audio files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. MPEG-2 is commonly used by video and audio playback devices, including VCD, SuperVCD, and DVD. Its high quality and small file size is ideal for movies.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: April 29th, 2010

River Past Animated GIF Converter and Booster Pack
River past Animated GIF Booster Pack is an add-on pack, which adds the ability to output Animated GIF and FLC files to certain River Past and HeavyMath video software. Simply install the booster pack. "Animated GIF" and "FLC" will appear as "Output Format" options. You have the control over size and frame rate.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: July 29th, 2022

River Past Audio Converter
River Past Audio Converter is a audio converter and extractor. Convert from almost any audio format to WAV, MP3, WMA, or audio-only AVI. We support a variety of input formats, including the standard WAV, MP3, WMA, AIFF, RealAudio, and the not-so-standard OGG, AIFF, and Unix Audio.
- Publisher: River Past
- Last updated: April 6th, 2010

Image Data Converter
This utility updates the supplied Image Data Converter software to version 3.0 and the Image Data Lightbox software to version 2.0 and provides the following benefits: - Benefits over Image Data Converter SR software version - Additonal issues corrected over some earlier versions of Image Data Converter SR software.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: esupport.sony.com
- Last updated: December 25th, 2012

Image Icon Converter
Image Icon Converter is a powerful and handy application that allows you to easily convert BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TGA, TIF and PCX formats into Windows icons. This incredible program helps you edit digital images into icons, and also does the reverse, transferring icons into digital images.
- Publisher: JosesSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

River Past Audio Converter Pro
River Past Audio Converter Pro is a powerful program that lets you convert songs and video files to a wide range of audio formats. Its intuitive interface was designed to meet the needs of all types of users, beginners and professionals, while providing high-quality results with little effort.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: April 4th, 2010

River Past Video Cleaner Pro
River Past Video Cleaner Pro is an easy to use application that allows you to convert video from 3gp, asf, avi, divx, dv, vob, evob, flv, gif, tp, ts, mv, mov, qt, m4v, mp4, mpg, ogm, pva, rm, dat, wmv, xvid, nuv, vro formats to avi, divx, dv, mkv, ogg, wmv files. Its features include batch conversion, and the ability to crop and trim your clips.
- Publisher: KRKSoft
- Last updated: April 1st, 2010

River Past Wave@MP3
River Past Wave@MP3 is a simple and FREE software which converts between MP3 audio and WAV file.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: March 31st, 2010

Image Data Converter SR
It is an application which allows you to convert and edit the photos taken with DSC-F828 and DSC-V3 Cyber-shot® digital still cameras. Through its interface you are able to: view the image properties, view the version stack, adjust the image quality, etc.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: esupport.sony.com
- Last updated: May 17th, 2013

River Past Cam Do
Cam Do is build to give the advanced users more power over their little cams. Specify the file format, codec, and quality. Specify where the audio is from. Specify which cam to record, if you have multiple. River Past Cam Do supports a wide range of output formats.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2010