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Robot checker attendance in Title/Summary

Attendance Robot

Attendance Robot

Attendance Robot is a Microsoft Excel Add-In that turns your attendance sheet into self-service attendance machine. Save time. - No more need to have someone manually take attendance. No more need to manually calculate total attendees, dues, etc. Improve attendance taking accuracy. - With Attendance Robot, there is no way to check off someone else's name by mistake.

  • Publisher: Rennie Glen Software LLC
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2010
School Attendance Keeper

School Attendance Keeper

School Attendance Keeper handles attendance requirements of public and private schools of all sizes, producing attendance reports which meet the legal requirements of the No Child Left Behind act. Now with Student Info, Lunch and Dismissal options.

Easy Attendance

Easy Attendance

Easy Attendance is a web based application to track and manage employee attendance, leaves, overtime and vacations. Another item you can adjust is the display title under the Easy Attendance logo. The OrganizationName key can be changed to replace the default “Easy Attendance”, but do not use a long name.

  • Publisher: IT Delta
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2013

Robot checker attendance in Description

Smart School

Smart School

School attendance management software to monitor and track students' attendance. Automatically calculate availability, late comings, late out, early out. Works along with time attendance devices to ensure maximum accuracy in student monitoring.

  • Publisher: Lenvica Computer Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • Home page: www.lenvica.in
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Time and Attendance Plus

Time and Attendance Plus

Time and Attendance Plus is an affordable software solution that allows you to record and track the attendance of employees. It will then output simple easy to read reports that can be passed onto your payroll department.

myAttendance Lite

myAttendance Lite

my Attendance Software is simple Time Attendance Software desingned for managing time attendance records using Fingerprint , Biometric Attendance system of ZK Software, Nitgen, ESSL, Bioenable and others. my Attendance Software is Useful for for Shops , Offices, Education institutes, Factory.

  • Publisher: Valisha Technologies
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2013
UBS Time Attendance System

UBS Time Attendance System

UBS Time Attendance System Window Version is used to assist management to keep track of employee attendance and provide management with details of employee's working hours, their overtime hours and lateness in school, colleges construction companies and factory with different time and shift.

  • Publisher: UBS Corporation Berhad
  • Home page: www.vivid.com.my
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2012


BASCOM AVR is a very powerful and easy-to-use compiler for the AVR series of micro controllers developed by Atmel. The program comes with a very user-friendly interface and a set of simple commands, and provides more flexibility than other programs in this category.

  • Publisher: MCS Electronics
  • Home page: www.mcselec.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2016

Additional Robot checker attendance selection

Juniper Networks Host Checker

Juniper Networks Host Checker

You can use Host Checker to perform checks on endpoint computers that connect to the IC Series device to make sure the endpoints meet certain security requirements. For example, you can make sure that a certain process or application is running on an endpoint before allowing a user to sign in to the Infranet Enforcer and access protected resources.

  • Publisher: Pulse Secure, LLC
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2011
Driver Robot

Driver Robot

Driver Robot is a powerful shareware utility that has been designed to help us update all our drivers in one go. This application features a cool graphical user interface very easy to manage by everyone. We can schedule the program for automatic scan at a time interval, shut down the computer after the downloads have finished, reset to the previous state, save changes, and so on.

  • Publisher: Blitware Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2013
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a software program that is part of the Autodesk family and was built to offer engineers a complete set of tools to realize simulations of structural loads and execute code compliance with the aid of Building Information Modeling.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2019
Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X scans the similarity within your content for free. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a blogger, or a website owner; Plagiarism Checker X can help you deal with all content similarity concerns.

AtomicRobot Spelling Checker

AtomicRobot Spelling Checker

You've made a great choice! AtomicRobot Spelling Checker allows you to check your spelling in 13 languages! It is not a translator. To check the spelling of a word, simply type in a word, select a language and click Check Spelling! If your spelling is incorrect, the program will try to suggest alternative correct spellings.

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

Desktop Plagiarism Checker

This free program lets you check the writings submitted by your students or employees to verify their originality. It is really easy to use, and it can obtain results from different services such as Google, Yahoo, Google Books and Google Scholar. Very useful for checking the originality of texts submitted by students or employees.

  • Publisher: Plagiarisma.Net
  • Home page: plagiarisma.net
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Easy Credit Card Checker

Easy Credit Card Checker

Far from being a random combination of digits, credit card numbers follow a strict logic that needs to verify against the “Luhn formula” to be considered valid. Easy Credit Card Checker can tell you if a credit card number is valid or not in just one click, verifying its validity by applying the LUHN10 algorithm to it. It works with all the most widely used credit card types and some defunct ones.

  • Publisher: Ashkon Software L.L.C.
  • Home page: www.ashkon.com
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2012
Binary Option Robot

Binary Option Robot

Automated Binary Options Software made to trade automatically the Binary Options Online. Binary Option Robot will analyse the trend of the market in real-time and will call or put at your place on the right currencies and at the right moment.

DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker

DirectX Version Checker is a simple, neat, and small application created with a single purpose: to help you quickly find out data about the DirectX version installed on your system. It will display not only the DirectX version, but also some additional data, including the DirectShow Filters, the DirectInput Devices, the DirectX Debug Levels, and the installed video and audio compressors.

  • Publisher: directxupdate.com
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2014
Disk Checker

Disk Checker

Disk Checker is a hard drive monitoring/repairing tool for Windows. It is even more of a suite of tools that allow you to scan your hard disks for errors. Disc Checker will even tell you what files are located on sectors with errors, so you can delete or maybe save them. Furthermore, the application has the ability to create disc images in an array of formats.

  • Publisher: RS Software Lab
  • Last updated: January 5th, 2009