Rs232 port forwarder in Title/Summary

Multi Port Forwarder
Multi Port Forwarder is a handy and easy-to-use tool that allows you to locally redirect network requests to another port or IP. You can add a forwarding rule with just one click on the icon with a plus sign. You can then modify the rule that you've just added to adjust how it redirects traffic.
- Publisher: Verigio Communications Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Robusta Port Forwarder
Robusta Port Forwarder is a utility application that eases the management of port forwarding through the UPNP protocol.
- Publisher: Robusta Solutions Ltd.
- Last updated: October 29th, 2014

COM Port Stress Test
COM Port Stress Test is a tool for testing a COM or RS232 port (device), that generates a serial stream of data with random communication settings. Stress test put a greater emphasis on robustness and error handling under a heavy load, than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal circumstances in your application.
- Publisher: AGG Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Rs232 port forwarder in Description

PortMarshaller is a software-based TCP/IP port forwarder and network administration service. The software accepts connections on a particular TCP port, and establishes connections to a different TCP port to fulfill requests.
- Publisher: Coral Works, Inc.
- Last updated: March 29th, 2010

Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control
With VSP ActiveX your application is capable of creating ports that will emulate real ones, so any application will communicate with a virtual COM port the same way as a serial device is communicating with a real serial port. Your application using VSP AX will be able to send data to a virtual COM port and other applications will receive it as from a real RS232 port.
- Publisher: ELTIMA Software GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

CommPoort helps you how to control a communications port from .NET. Since the .NET Framework does not support direct control of the Comm Port, a separate class is used that provides direct Win32 API calls. (Note: Comm Port is synonymous with COM Port, Serial Port or RS232 port.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 9th, 2013

MegaLoad is a Windows based boot loader for all Atmel ATMega microcontrollers that support the Bootloader function. MegaLoad is a solution for everybody who wants fast loading (~8k in 3 seconds) and easy software upgrade via MCU RS232 port. Simple Monitor window is available to help you to debug your code.
- Publisher: MicroSyl
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Hydac CoCoS1000
CoCoS Light enables you to conveniently operate the FluidControl Units FCU 2000 series and FCU 8000 series and ContaminationSensors CS 2000 with RS232 and RS485 ports. An RS485/RS232 port converter is additionally required for the RS485. (Hydac article)
- Publisher: Hydac International
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012
Additional Rs232 port forwarder selection

This program allows you to read the ALDL data from some supported ECM types. The data is presented in a way that will help you when tuning a car after engine modifications. A simple hardware interface must be built to convert the ALDL data stream and make it compatible with a PC serial port.
- Publisher: Jonas Bylund
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

NCnet Lite
NCnet Lite supports one-shot DNC transfer and one drip feed machining. The machine ensures the integrity of CNC programs, so the proven and trial programs are not mixed. NCnet Lite is a DNC for 1 CNC machine with no strings attached. It connects to the COM (RS232) port of your CNC.
- Publisher: Cadem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 6th, 2011

NetworkActiv AUTAPF
NetworkActiv AUTAPF is a UDP and TCP port forwarder. It has the ability to forward multiple ports simultaneously with rock-solid stability.You can filter clients by IP address, optionally in real-time via text-file monitoring. You can view the data throughput speed, total bytes transferred, and connection count in realtime.
- Publisher: NetworkActiv
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

CPS Plus
This program enables serial devices like bar code scanners, stripe readers, scales, sensors, laboratory instruments, microcontrolers to communicate with any Windows application. It gives you the ability to create charts and graphs in your applications that automatically update with data from your serial devices / instruments.
- Publisher: ProgramBL
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

NCnet Lite is the world's most widely used DNC software. More than 1,68,000 users! Genuinely 100% FREE, and does a lot. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends.NCnet Lite DOES NOT support drip feed DNC. If you require drip feed DNC try our NCnet program.
- Publisher: Cadem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Elpro Technologies P450H Radio Config
The P450H Radio Configuration Utility configures the P450H Radio through its RS232 port. A special serial communication cable is required to configure a P450H Radio. To configure the 455UD Modem an RJ-45/DB9 cable is required. The details of the wiring of these cable are in the hardware section of this help file.
- Publisher: ELPRO Technologies
- Last updated: March 25th, 2011

CoCoS Light
CoCoS Light is a program that allows you to operate Fluid Contol Units and with the help of ContaminationSensors you can measure value logs and transfer them so that later on they can be processed to extract the needed informations for further proccesing.
- Publisher: HYDAC

The VGI-100 is primarily targeted for use in the high and ultra-high vacuum industry. This application is designed for displaying the measured vacuum gauge readings. The VGI-100 device can also be supplied with an RS232 compatible port. The connections support control of the digital gauge enable or degas input where required.
- Publisher: Cigol Controls Ltd
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014

PC to PC Communication
PC to PC Communication via RS232 port. Chat with only 3-wire connection. This program is tested with Turbo C++ editor . How ever, authors are not responsible for any damages that may happen to your computer. Please contact them if any problem exits. Connection diagram is available in the article which you can go through the website.
- Publisher: Shreeharsha Perla & Veena Pai
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 21st, 2017