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Rssbus twitter in Title/Summary

RSSBus Twitter Data Provider

RSSBus Twitter Data Provider

RSSBus Twitter Data Provider gives developers the power to easily connect .NET applications to Twitter data including Search, GeoSearch, UserInfo, DirectMessages, Followers, and more. RSSBus Twitter Data Provider makes these Twitter services look like SQL tables in your applications.

  • Publisher: RSSBus Inc.
RSSBus AS2 Connector

RSSBus AS2 Connector

From Mom & Pop stores, to Fortune 500 companies - businesses of all sizes depend on RSSBus Connect for secure AS2 file transfer. Drummond Certified AS2 since 2004. Supports essential capabilities like AS2 VLM & AS2 Restart. Drummond Certified AS2 since 2004. Supports essential capabilities like AS2 VLM & AS2 Restart.Includes add-on support for all major MFT transports including AS4, ,etc.

  • Publisher: RSSBus Inc.
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2018
RSSBus ADO.NET Provider for Excel

RSSBus ADO.NET Provider for Excel

The RSSBus ADO.NET Provider for Excel gives the developers the power to easily connect .NET applications with real-time data from spreadsheets stored in Microsoft Excel. The Excel Data Provider makes these Excel Spreadsheets look like SQL tables in your applications. With the RSSBus ADO.NET Provider for Excel developers can simply DataBind to data, just like using SQL Server.

  • Publisher: RSSBus, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2014

Rssbus twitter in Description

Tweet Adder

Tweet Adder

Automate Twitter Promotion & Marketing. Get more targeted Twitter Followers & Automate Twitter Posts.rnrnTwitter is today�s hot spot! Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ashton Kutcher, CNN, your local news, and even your local radio stations all have twitter accounts to grow their network of twitter followers.

  • Publisher: TweetAdder.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Free Auto Tweet Promotion Tool

Free Auto Tweet Promotion Tool

Tweet Marketing is an easy way to drive free targeted traffic to your website. Twitter is a leading online marketing social network that can generate free targeted website traffic. Creating a twitter account for your website takes less than a minute offering you an access point to millions of interested followers. Twitter followers starve for new and fresh tweets.

  • Publisher: Web Design SEO Services ( WDSS )
  • Last updated: April 18th, 2011
SharePoint Social Aggregator Web Part

SharePoint Social Aggregator Web Part

Virto Social Aggregator is a SharePoint web part for aggregating and effective displaying posts from various RSS feeds, combining blogs, news as well Twitter and popular social networks(Facebook).

  • Publisher: Virtosoftware
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2014
Raven Poster

Raven Poster

Raven Poster is automatic Twitter marketing software that enables you to get more Twitter followers and perform all the possible Twitter promotion tasks on autopilot. Put simply, it's an advanced Twitter promotion tools package for all your needs.

  • Publisher: eBGenius
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2015
Feed My Twitter

Feed My Twitter

Feed My Twitter is a free light weight Twitter client to post twitter updates/messages from your desktop. - Post Twitter messages from your desktop without the hassle of logging into your Twitter account each time you want to post a message to Twitter.

  • Publisher: Seo Munchies
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Additional Rssbus twitter selection

Social for Twitter

Social for Twitter

Social for Twitter is a tool designed to bring back the fun and simplicity of online social networking. While it is important to keep track of those special to us through our social networks and services, having to constantly log and re-log onto separate sites on different windows can become a painful and tedious task.

  • Publisher: GrandSoft
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2012
Twitter Icon Installer

Twitter Icon Installer

If you use Twitter on a regular basis, you will absolutely love the Twitter Icon Installer. This little installer will add a desktop icon so when it's clicked you will instantly have your twitter page opened in your favorite browser. It's handy when you want fast access to a website.

  • Publisher: Iconomize
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2010
Twitter Archive Eraser

Twitter Archive Eraser

Twitter Archive Eraser can erase thousands of your tweets automatically. It comes with search and filters for finding mentions, Retweets, Favorites and DMs from or to a specific user. This app has the ability to erase up to 2000 tweets per minute using up to 32 concurrent threads simultaneously.

  • Publisher: Martani Fakhrou
  • Home page: martani.github.io
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2015
Omnibox Twitter

Omnibox Twitter

Omnibox Twitter is a Chrome browser extension that lets you easily navigate to a Twitter users' page by typing @ <space> username into the omnibox and pressing enter. For example, if you want to go the the "@twitter" user's page, just type https://twitter.com/twitter into the Chrome address bar.

Notifier for Twitter

Notifier for Twitter

Notifier for Twitter is a fully-fledged Twitter client for your browser. It brings new tweet notifications to your desktop using Twitter's streaming API - meaning tweets, DMs and @replies all appear instantly. It also makes use of Chrome's Desktop Notifications feature to provide notifications on your desktop outside of the browser window - even if Twitter.com isn't open.

  • Publisher: Peter Josling
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015
Larry Filter for Twitter

Larry Filter for Twitter

An extension you can install on your favorite web browser to hide undesirable Twitter. Select a list of words, or #hashtags, or @usernames and they will no longer appear on your timeline. Choose the words, #hashtags or @usernames to be checked. Tweets containing these words or advertising will be hidden.

  • Publisher: Julien Ramel
  • Home page: larryfilter.com
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2015
Hide Twitter Guff

Hide Twitter Guff

Hide Twitter Guff is a Google Chrome extension that can optionally hide all the useless guff Twitter keeps cramming onto their website, such as the Who to follow' suggestions, promotional ads, Twitter Trends, Promoted Tweets, etc. You can turn on/off these options in the options page of this application.

  • Publisher: Paul Livingstone
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2015
Bootstrap Twitter Offline Docs

Bootstrap Twitter Offline Docs

Bootstrap Twitter Offline Docs extension for Google Chrome gives easy offline access to Bootstrap Twitter Docs; you can use it to store docs offline. It is not an official extension from bootstrap team. You can use command in omnibox/adress bar to access part of documentation.

Twitcher Twitter Account Switcher

Twitcher Twitter Account Switcher

Twitcher - Twitter Account Switcher is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to switch twitter accounts without having to signout/signin. Any account you sign into is saved and can be switched to whenever you want. Accounts can also be removed by dragging them out of the dropdown.

  • Publisher: Thom Seddon
  • Home page: twitcherapp.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2015
Twitter Plugin for Windows Live Writer

Twitter Plugin for Windows Live Writer

Send a Tweet announcing your newly published blog post. A shortened link to your post is automatically generated through the TinyURL service. Customize your default message in the options menu. The plug-in is free to use and it's available for public use.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2010