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Russian curse words pronunciation in Title/Summary

Longman Pronunciation Dictionary

Longman Pronunciation Dictionary

The application provides pronunciation support for many words.- 135,000 pronunciations of words in both British & American English - 200 graphs showing pronunciation preferences of British & American speakers - stress patterns for compounds & idioms - 50 Spelling-to-sound boxes and 35 Language Panels - many proper names - pronunciation in the language of origin as well as English

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2017 English<->Russian for Windows

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2017 English<->Russian for Windows

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2008 English <-> Russian for Windows is one piece of a complete language learning and translation solution for your PC. Each piece can handle two languages but if you prefer you can bur the whole solution at once. You can buy this product right from the developer’s site on Internet for $ 49.95, and you can try it before with some limitations.

French-Russian Dictionary

French-Russian Dictionary

This dictionary contains the most used words. Features include: Extremely fast dictionary browsing; resident mode (Palm OS only): select a word in any application and read the definition with a single stylus stroke; expansion cards support; adjustable fonts; search within the offered definitions; and more. Easy to use, convenient RoadLingua dictionary shell.

  • Publisher: AbsoluteWord
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2009

Russian curse words pronunciation in Description

LingvoSoft Talking Picture Dictionary 2017 English <-> Arabic for Windows

LingvoSoft Talking Picture Dictionary 2017 English <-> Arabic for Windows

The LingvoSoft Picture Dictionary 2008 has been specially designed for those who study foreign languages. Pictures help to find words fast and easy and to memorize them effortlessly. You can buy this product right from the developer’s site on Internet for $ 29.95, and you can try it before all the time you need but with the limitation mentioned before.



The VocabularyExpander is software based on flash cards which allow you remember new words very quickly and effortlessly.

ABBYY Lingvo x3

ABBYY Lingvo x3

ABBYY Lingvo x3 will help you to get the right meaning and pronunciation of unknown word and memorize it. It includes a great collection of 152 dictionaries. Lingvo x3 provides accurate translations from Russian to 11 languages and back of each word or phrase and example sentences.

  • Publisher: ABBYY Software
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2010
Audio FlashCards (Russian)

Audio FlashCards (Russian)

Audio FlashCards is an audio-based Russian vocabulary flashcard system for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC. The software helps students learn a large number of Russian words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun & simple way.

PEKI dictionary

PEKI dictionary

This is a dictionary that that basically uses the binary databases available for bilingual dictionaries, and makes them available for the user in a simple graphical user interface. PEKI Dictionary comes free and databases of online dictionaries can also be available for free. This is a novel concept as the user interface and the database are independent of each other.

  • Publisher: Pavel Ponec
  • Home page: ponec.net
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008

Additional Russian curse words pronunciation selection

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary

The new Lingvosoft Talking Dictionary 2008 is recently launched by Lingvosoft and available in more then 50 languages. It is utilizing a database of a whopping 400,000 words and phrases. Means it contains all generally used words. And lots of features Like multi-language support for user interface, English words pronunciation, speech filter, bidirectional etc. and lots more.

  • Publisher: LingvoSoft
  • Home page: lingvosoft.com
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2008
Pronunciation Coach

Pronunciation Coach

The Pronunciation Dictionary lets you quickly create pronunciation models from over 21,000 words and sounds. The words and sounds are conveniently arranged in alphabetical, vowel and consonant order, so you can easily locate the words or sounds you want to practise. You can also create custom word lists.

  • Publisher: Rose Medical Solutions Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2021


Vocabilis is an advanced flashcard vocabulary builder for Windows 8®, Windows 7®, Windows Vista®, Windows XP® with unique features. Its principle task is to help you as a language learner to build a strong vocabulary in the language(s) you are studying. Main Features: - Spaced Repetition System. - Vocabilis can handle any languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

  • Publisher: Alexei Vinidiktov
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2013


The Croatian Mini-Dictionary is a simple Windows program that will help you learn some of the most important words and phrases of the Croatian language. Read, listen to the recordings, practice speaking to improve your pronunciation. The purpose of this software is to help you master 100 most common and useful Croatian words.

Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - WordGenius

Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - WordGenius

Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - WordGenius is a system for publishing dictionaries and reference books electronically, based on eComPress technology. It incorporates the new enhanced EIS eComPress electronic dictionary technology including spoken phonetical voice pronunciation.

  • Publisher: Eurofield Information Solutions
  • Last updated: September 6th, 2016
Audio FlashCards (French)

Audio FlashCards (French)

Audio FlashCards is an audio-based French vocabulary flashcard system for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC. The software helps students learn a large number of Russian words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun & simple way.



EZPronounce is a small and easy-to-use software application designed to pronounce selected or highlighted word in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, WordPad or Notepad.

  • Publisher: EZPronounce.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2006
Hangeul Assistant

Hangeul Assistant

Hangeul Assistant is an application you can use to learn Hangeul (Korean script). The available functions are: Type in Korean, Type on a cellphone, Copy text, Switch to/from Essay Mode, Conjugate Verbs, See pronunciation and Search for a term. You also have access to a 6-step Learn Hangeul Wiki tutorial, to Korean Grammar Forms and Korean Vocabulary pages.

Audio FlashCards (Italian)

Audio FlashCards (Italian)

Audio FlashCards is an audio-based Italian vocabulary flashcard system for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC. The software helps students learn a large number of Italian words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun & simple way.

Audio FlashCards (German)

Audio FlashCards (German)

Audio FlashCards is an audio-based German vocabulary flashcard system for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC. The software helps students learn a large number of Russian words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun & simple way.

  • Publisher: Declan Software
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2010