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S.n platinum clear history in Title/Summary

Platinum Clear History

Platinum Clear History

Platinum Clear History enables you to completely remove all tracks of your online activities and other computer use: delete your browsing history, cache (temporary Internet files), cookies, and stored passwords; clear your windows history such as your recent documents list and history of run programs; remove your system files such as your recycle bin content, clipboard content.

Clear History

Clear History

Clear History is free and powerfull windows desktop application to clean search history from your computer. It is full featured program that greatly surpasses most commercial programs out there.

Auto Clear History

Auto Clear History

Auto Clear History can help you to completely remove all traces of your online and offline activity like: browsing history, cache (temporary files), cookies, and stored passwords. It also empties your recycle bin, clears your clipboard content, cleans your history of run programs, recently opened files, and much more.

  • Publisher: AutoHideIP.Com
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2010

S.n platinum clear history in Description

Super Clear History

Super Clear History

Super Clear History is a tool that clears all tracks of your activity on a PC. This extremely easy-to-use software tool allows you to clear all the sensitive information that the two most popular Web browsers - Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox - usually store. You can also clear other history traces related to your Windows system. All of that in a nice and comfortable environment.

Platinum Clear Cookies

Platinum Clear Cookies

Platinum Clear Cookies is software that can help to quickly clear all cookies from Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox, or remove only unwanted cookies of a specific domain or website. Key Features: One button click to remove all cookies from Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox Designate a single domain or website to clear its cookies

Anvi Browser Repair Tool

Anvi Browser Repair Tool

Anvi Browser Repair Tool can help users easily clear browser history and download history, caches, cookies, repair browser home page and search engine modified by malwares, fix registry errors, networking settings and many other problems.

  • Publisher: Anvisoft
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2014
Real Clear History

Real Clear History

You can use Real Clear History to completely remove all traces of numbers of programs: wipe your browsing history, cache (temporary files), cookies, and stored passwords; empty your recycle bin, clear your clipboard content, clean your history of run programs, recently opened files, and much more. It supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows Media Player, Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc.

  • Publisher: Real-Hide-IP.COM
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2022
Free Clear History

Free Clear History

Free Clear History offers you a FREE solution to easily and securely clear all traces of your online and offline activities: delete your browsing history, cache (temporary Internet files), cookies, and stored passwords; clear your windows history such as your recent documents list and history of run programs and much more.

  • Publisher: free-hideip
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2010

Additional S.n platinum clear history selection

Clear History Easy

Clear History Easy

Clear History Easy is a light, simple, and very-easy-to-use software program whose main functionality is to assist you in eliminating from your computer all your activity tracks, making it impossible for anybody to know which Internet sites you visited, what files you downloaded or opened, what programs you executed, etc.

  • Publisher: Hide IP Easy
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2010
Delete History Free

Delete History Free

Delete History Free is a program that can delete some or all your browsing history tracks from your computer automatically when you close your browser or any time you like. It supports all the major browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, MSN Explorer, AOL Explorer and Opera.

Clear Cache Shortcut

Clear Cache Shortcut

This is a simple Google Chrome extension that allows you to clear your cache with the single click of a button. You can either click the icon, or if you prefer, type in the browser address bar, "cache" => [hit the tab key] => "c" => [hit the enter key] to clear your cache.

  • Publisher: Paul Yuan
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2015
Index.dat Analyzer

Index.dat Analyzer

When you are surfing the web, all the information about the pages you have visited is registered in the cookies and the navigation history. But there is also a third kind of registration that is made on your PC. These saved files are called Index.dat, and they record information about your activity on the Internet. but Index.dat Analizer can help you with erasing this data easily and fast.

  • Publisher: Systenance Software
  • Home page: www.systenance.com
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2009
Skype History Cleaner

Skype History Cleaner

Skype History Cleaner automatically detects installed Skype accounts and enables you to easily delete chat history on a specified contact. You can use instant search to find all chat messages containing the text updates on every key stroke. Although the program successfully deletes the local history, Skype will download it again from Microsoft servers.

IP Hider

IP Hider

IP Hider is a privacy utility that masks an IP address to make Internet surfing private by erasing traces from nternet Service Providers and websites. The application also blocks malicious codes that inadvertently retrieve information from the computers while surfing.

  • Publisher: AllAnonymity
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2011
Free Window Sweeper

Free Window Sweeper

Free Window Sweeper is a free privacy clean-up tool that allows you to remove Internet and computer traces, browser history, cookies, index.dat files, typed URLs and more. It also offers support for many 3rd party applications.

  • Publisher: FindSth Software
  • Home page: www.findsth.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
1-abc.net Registry Washer

1-abc.net Registry Washer

This program can search for unnecessary/corrupted registry entries and remove them. It can find registry keys of programs and fonts that do not exist anymore. It can also export the results in a TXT file. Since all the cleaning operations are logged, you can find check what the program cleaned in the past in its history.

  • Publisher: Stefan Siegert
  • Home page: 1-abc.net
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2015


CCEnhancer is quite a small utility that expands the list of programs supported by CCleaner, a very popular system optimizer. First, it downloads rules and definitions from various internet locations, mainly the Piriform forum, supported by the developers of CCleaner. Then, it incorporates them into the winapp2.ini, which is where CCleaner stores the data it needs to work properly.

  • Publisher: SingularLabs
  • Home page: singularlabs.com
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2017
Delete Skype History Standard Edition

Delete Skype History Standard Edition

You can use Delete Skype History for clearing Skype history including chat messages, file transfer and call logs from computers. Delete Skype History program solves the problem of the invasion of your privacy and clears your Skype footprint on work or public computers.

  • Publisher: Soft Comfort, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 24th, 2015