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Salon product inventory data sheet in Title/Summary

Salon Calendar

Salon Calendar

Salon Calendar features Date Navigator, which enables a user to open the required date, edit reception hours, master and client data. It is also possible to set different work ranges, choose vertical or horizontal timelines and 12 or 24 hours format. The program also has the Auto Backup feature that allows saving the data to the secured archive.

  • Publisher: OrgBusiness Software
  • Home page: www.orgbusiness.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
NBL Inventory

NBL Inventory

Manage and monitor inventory cover raw material warehouse and finished product stock quantity and movement. Main Features: -record material and product in / out history, -monitor real time stock balance with materials ship-to-stock or product ship-from-stock functions,

  • Publisher: Nebula Computer Software
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Salon Styler Pro

Salon Styler Pro

Salon Styler Evo is an salon hairstyle imaging application, used by hair salons and beauty schools world wide. In a digital makeover session you can quickly fit your clients with "a virtual hair" hairstyles from Salon Styler's database of 1,000s of hairstyle choices. Plus, you can apply makeup from the most popular seasonal color pallets and much more.

  • Publisher: Demkin Technologies
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2022

Salon product inventory data sheet in Description

Inventory Management Application

Inventory Management Application

Handles multiple company accounts,Barcode supports inventory control systems,Thermal bill printing support,Access permission customization allowed,Touchscreen supported,Support multiple language,Customization reports,smart Data back up and Much More.

  • Publisher: CMSstores
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
CyberMatrix Point of Sale

CyberMatrix Point of Sale

CyberMatrix Point of Sale is an application designed for managing retail sales transactions and product inventory control. You will know exactly when you need to re-order inventory and how much you need to order, keep track of sales and inventory data from all of your stores at a central location.

  • Publisher: CyberMatrix Corporation, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2014
ZFD Mini Inventory

ZFD Mini Inventory

ZFD Mini Inventory 2.44

  • Publisher: Lothar Haeger
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008


The Weldassistant is able to utilize plugins from well-known manufactures of various welding products with the corresponding data and product information. You can quickly find the needed WPQR (PQR) welding procedure qualification record and keep track of the status. It provides standard compliant data for parent materials, fillers, gases etc. along with the product data sheet.

Frostbow Home Inventory Lite

Frostbow Home Inventory Lite

Frostbow Home Inventory 5 Pro provides the tools you need for cataloging, organizing, and tracking all the details of your household possessions. But getting the data in is only half the battle! This program also allows you to create standard or customized reports with details on each item, including photos, for your own records, or to share with your insurance agent. Designed and built for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, easy to use, and has extensive on-line help. Twenty-three separate fields for inputting descriptive data on each item in your home inventory, including: item name, manufacturer, model/style, serial number, engraved or not engraved, insured or not insured, category, location, status, condition, date acquired, purchased from, warranty, cost each, quantity, total cost, current value, total value, heir, two images, description, and comments. You can store multiple image files for each item in your inventory The bulk import tool allows you to import images in bulk, creating a new record for each image imported. All data fields are renameable and the user can specify default values for each field when new items are added. Built-in image editor for importing, scanning, displaying, and printing images of your possessions. Images are stored in JPEG format which greatly diminishes the overall file size of the database. Password protection to safeguard your personal information. Description and comments fields for adding additional identifying or descriptive data. Easy to use search, sort, and filter tools. Ability to import home inventory data from a number of other data formats including Microsoft Access, Excel, text, Paradox, DBase, Advantage, DBISAM, etc.. Ability to export your home inventory to a number of other data formats including Microsoft Access, Excel, text, Paradox, DBase, Advantage, DBISAM, etc..

  • Publisher: Frostbow Software
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2010

Additional Salon product inventory data sheet selection



Calus is a simple inventory management software with a modern MS Office-like ribbon interface. You can easily view and manage the loading/unloading of products, stock, and quantities to be ordered. By default, this program uses a Microsoft Access database, which can also be shared in your LAN.

  • Publisher: RGPSoft
  • Home page: www.rgpsoft.com
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2021
Invoice Manager

Invoice Manager

Program was designed to help you keep a customer database. It allows you to create invoices, including sales tax. Track inventory. Reports are also a part of the program. Mailing Labels. Envelopes. Email Invoices. Download updates.

  • Publisher: Brent Shelton
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2012


3DView is a view, measure, and markup solution that enables you to understand designs and provide feedback to colleagues and partners. Everyone involved in the product design and manufacturing process (including quality assurance, marketing, engineering, sales, customers, and suppliers) can gain easy access to your project's product design data.

  • Publisher: Roger Rowland
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2011
Easy For You

Easy For You

Easy For You is a stock control inventory and Invoice management program. Main features: - It is possible to modify and parameterize the texts of the various Letter models. - The stock management functions can handle assembled or manufactured products. - Input All your documents without having to create the products beforehand.

  • Publisher: B.A.R.O.N.
  • Home page: www.easyforyou.be
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2016
OBD II logger

OBD II logger

OBD-II is the protocol used by all cars built after 1996. If you want your PC or laptop to read some of the data from the "Computer" in your car then you need some kind of OBD to RS-232 interface. There are many OBD-II interfaces out there, but most of them are very expensive. You can make your own interface if you know a bit about electronics and know how to make your own PCB boards.

  • Publisher: OBD-II
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Siteco Lighting Tool

Siteco Lighting Tool

Siteco Lighting Tool enables you to select a product with just a few clicks and to transfer this to the RELUX and DIALUX lighting planning programs. The product spectrums Indoor and Outdoor are available. The products can be selected via the catalogue structure or via Features.

  • Publisher: SITECO Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2015
Crave Accounting Pro

Crave Accounting Pro

Crave Accounting Pro is a professional invoicing, inventory and accounting tool. Main features: - Easily create sales and service invoices for your clients. - Manage product inventory from different locations and warehouses. - Record customer payment receipts and keep track of due invoices for each customer. - Record expenses through bank and cash journals.

  • Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2017
TDSL Personal Edition

TDSL Personal Edition

TDSL Personal Edition provides you with a comprehensive database for querying vacuum tube data. Easy to download, the program launches an easy to navigate Windows style interface which presents you with tabs for more specific information about pinout, substitute, ratings, short data and the Links tab that includes URL links to data sheets for more than 9,500 vacuum tubes on the Internet.

  • Publisher: Duncan Amplification
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2009
Axence nVision

Axence nVision

Comprehensive network management: network monitoring and visualization; hardware and software inventory (license audit, fixed assets); user monitoring; data protection; helpdesk (trouble ticket database, chat); alerts, reports, corrective actions.

  • Publisher: Axence Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Orifice Design Calculator Demo

Orifice Design Calculator Demo

Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) International standard and Crane's Flow of Fluids through Valves equation 3.22, Fittings and Pipes, calculate the mass flow rate require for a certain orifice size and plot a profile chart of various mass flow rates vs orifice size.

  • Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2012