Sametime smileys emoticons in Title/Summary

i2Symbol Emoticons Smileys Symbols
i2Symbol Emoticons Smileys Symbols is a browser extension that provides various emoticons, smileys, symbols, and stylish text for social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. It comes with an Emoticon Editor that lets you create custom emoticons or edit existing ones and share them to i2Symbol community.
- Publisher: i2Symbol
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 15th, 2016

Handy Animated Emoticons
Handy Animated Emoticons allows you to insert more than 500 smileys and emoticons while writing emails or chatting with different sets of people. Handy Animated Emoticons is an application with loads of GIF images stored in different folders that correspond to the different categories available.
- Publisher: Scorpio Software
- Last updated: March 8th, 2011

Emoticons Mail
In this era, we are always sending email, because is the fastest way to reach someone, but sometimes we are not good expressing our feelings or needs to others, there are ways to express our feelings and emotions in a funny and light form, why don’t we use some emoticons? Emoticons Mail is designed specially to insert funny smiles in your Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express email.
- Publisher: MaxPlugs
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2008
Sametime smileys emoticons in Description

Smileycons is a freeware utility that helps us add many assorted icons to a lot of applications (Mozilla Thunderbird, Gmail, MSN Messenger, Hotmal, MSN Groups, AIM Mail, AOL Mail, Yahoo! Groups, etc. The icons are organized by categories: Miscellaneous, Happy, Sad, Love, Gold Sampler, Communication, Signatures, Famous Quotes, Love Quotes, Compliments, and Proverbs.
- Publisher: Cloudeight Internet, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Funky Emoticons
Funky Emoticon 1.0 is an add-on which helps us send wonderful animated emoticons and smileys through Windows Live Messenger. This tool comes with various kinds of smiley and small images, divided into sections such as Alphabet, Celebrities, Food, Dance, Love, Music, Weather and 22 different categories.
- Publisher: Favorit Network, S.L.
- Last updated: February 19th, 2009

Space Emoticons Pro
Space Emoticons Pro lets you insert animated emoticons and smileys into your emails and message board posts, supports all popular email clients including Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express as well as most popular message boards. Enjoy!
- Publisher: Scorpio Software
- Last updated: October 14th, 2008

EmoteMaker (Emoticon Maker/Smiley Maker) is an exciting application which enables you to create amazing emoticons with little effort! Using a drag and drop interface and huge library of "body parts" you can make a truly limitless amount of emoticons. You can even make signs for your emoticons to hold or animate your emoticon using 10 frames of animation!
- Publisher: Techno Green
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Sametime Client
Instant meetings--Users can instantly create a meeting by inviting others to a two-way chat in Sametime Connect. This is done by clicking 'Meetings' at the top of the chat window and dragging names of people on your contact list into the white text field.
- Publisher: Lotus
- Last updated: July 28th, 2008
Additional Sametime smileys emoticons selection

Super Good Movies Toolbar
Your browser, your apps! Apps: Facebook -Stay connected to your Facebook friends all the time YouTube The new YouTube app allows you to watch the most Online TV We would like to introduce you to the Online TV Facebook Smileys Spice up your facebook with cool smileys, emoticons ..And much More!!
- Publisher: Super Good Movies
- Last updated: June 30th, 2010

Crawler Smileys
Crawler Smileys is an easy to use and free program to add funny emoticons right into your massages and send eCards when chatting with your friends or sending them e-mails. Crawler Smileys works with ICQ, MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, etc. and with many webmail applications.
- Publisher: Crawler, LLC
- Last updated: October 10th, 2008

Choosing Pidgin as messenger has an advantages on those who uses different IMs. With the aid of Pidgin you can open and access all your accounts from different IMs. Pidgin offers you the possibility to communicate and chat on many protocols like: Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Chat, AIM, Bonjour, Jabber, XMMP, MySpace IM, Lotus Same Time, QQ and Novell GroupWise Messenger.
- Publisher: Pidgin
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2024

EZ Emoticons
EZ Emoticons is a brand new add-on for MSN Messenger 6 and 7. It allows you to use all your custom MSN emoticons without the need to remember any shortcuts! The software is simple to use and will make your chatting a lot more fun!
- Publisher: MSN Emoticons
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

IBM Lotus Sametime Connect
IBM Lotus Sametime Connect makes communicating and collaborating through a computer much more easy.
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: November 7th, 2011

BORGChat is a LAN instant messaging application for Windows. It allows users from the same local area network to connect with each other and chat or share files. When you open the application, you will see all the computers under the same subnet and those who have this application installed will show as contacts.
- Publisher: IOn
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Animated Messenger Emoticons
You have now the opportunity to install lots of cool animated emoticons for MSN Messenger. These animated smileys are extremely easy to install using this software and you'll have your brand emoticons installed into MSN/Live Messenger and ready to use. It works on Windows Operating System.
- Publisher: Sherv.NET
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 18th, 2008

iKute Emoticons 4Facebook StatusComment
iKute Emoticons for Facebook Chat is a browser extension that will replace the emotion chars with emotion images. This extension will help you display emoticons on the content of your status updates and comments on Facebook with Yahoo Messenger emoticons friendly and lively.
- Publisher: iKute Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2015

Quebles Emoticons
This Chrome addon lets you insert cool looking emoticons in Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. You can select them manually from one of the categories, or they can be inserted automatically when you type :), :P, etc. In Facebook it will give you an extra emoticons bar in the status update field on your wall and on the timeline of a friend.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015

This easy-to-use program offers users a huge collection of smileys for use with instant messenger and e-mail programs. The smileys are sorted by categories, so users can find easily any icon they want. The demo version shows a "nag screen" every few minutes.
- Publisher: Sofrayt
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008